Chapter 12

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As the big door closed again I sat staring at the ceiling, resting all of my weight on the back of the sofa. I had jumped back over when Scar started wheeling off. X had gotten up and was checking the place out, figuring out where he could walk and mentally mapping out the room.

I could move my wings again without them being to painful but it still hurt a little. But I did what I always did and started floating a little off the ground, making sure not to put to much pressure on my wings.

X heard the noise of my wings rustling and came over to me. He felt around in the air for a bit before finding my foot and trying to drag me back down to the ground.
"You've been hurt. Get back down here and rest for a bit." He sounded genuinely scared that I'd hurt myself even more so I reluctantly came down and sat back in the sofa.

He smiled at me and went back to exploring. After just sitting for a while in almost complete silence, other than X knocking things off of tables and shelves occasionally, I found myself slipping into sleep.

When I woke up I was lying in bed in a completely different room. I still had the same clothes on as before, my crimson jumper and black trousers. I assumed someone else had came to move me since Scar wasn't exactly able to move me on his own. That meant more people knew an avian still existed.

I checked my wings in fear and was relieved to see that they were ok and not damaged any more than before. But there was something different. X was gone. And I could hear faint music playing.

I scrambled out of bed and out of the room I was in. When I opened the door it led to a very bright white corridor, the change from the dark room hurt my eyes but I ran down in an attempt to find anyone who knew where X would be. I was running away from the music, after all Scar knew music hurt X's 'ears'.

I turned a corner and bumped into someone. The speed I was running at meant I got thrown backwards and landed on the floor. I looked up to see a tall, bald, man who wore the same white suit and tie that Scar did. He had a big bushy white beard though.

"Ah. So your the avian. Your much smaller than Scar said you were, but then again we have very different perspectives of the world due to him constantly sitting. I am Cub, he may have spoke of me." Cub seemed like a bad man. I didn't get the same comfort from being around him as I did from Scar.

"Are you a Vex too?" He smirked at me and kept walking past me. I realised I was still sitting on the floor so I stood up and followed him. He was a fast walker and I was almost jogging to keep up with him.

"Yes I am. Do you know what Vexes can do?"
I didn't like how he was treating me like a child.

"Yes, you can go into peoples heads and make them see things. You can also walk through walls." He chuckled and kept walking straight forwards. We were coming into earshot of the music. The same song that was playing in to room I was with Scar in.

"That's not all we can do. Vexes have a special power that means we can access your deepest fears and troubles." Cub stopped walking and pressed a button on the wall next to a door. It had a down arrow so I assumed we were going into a lift.

The doors opened with a ping as Cub kept speaking,
"There are some bad people here that need taken care of." We stepped into the lift, the doors closed and we started going down, " so it is us vexes that teach them a lesson."

The doors opened again and were on a lower floor. The music was very loud and Cub started humming along. But I could hardly hear him, not from fear, I literally could not hear him over the noise. We were in another corridor but this time it was made of brick and had lots of bar doors going down as far as the eye can see.

Outside every single cell there was a normal looking person but their eyes were the same crystal blue that Scar's were. Each one was inside the minds of a hybrid or human that was inside the cells. They each were clutching their heads, or crying in distress, or were screaming at people that weren't there. But the loudest screaming was shrill and familiar. It was coming from the bottom of the corridor.

I knew who's cry it was immediately. I started flying down the corridor as quickly as I could and stopped outside the cell I wanted.

X was pressed against the bars, trying to get out of his cage. There was a stereo inside what I assumed was bulletproof glass with holes in it blasting music. X was crying in pain and his horns had scratch marks and chips in them, like he was trying to break them off. I lowered myself onto my knees and felt my eyes sting.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I gasped. Covering my mouth with my hands I started crying again. But this time it was more violent. I was shaking and desperately wanted to help X, but I couldn't move.

Cub had kneeled down to my level and was whisper singing the words into my ear to add insult to injury. I wasn't listening properly though. X was speaking to me.

"Please help me... please... get me out of here... I know someone's there... help me..."

"X, I'm here." I managed to choke out. I heard Cub growl and felt him yank on my shoulder to make me stand up. He was careful not to touch my wings but still violently dragged me down the corridor back to the lift against my will. X started shaking the bars of his cell with all the strength he had left.

"Where are you going? Grian was that you? Grian help me! Help me please! Grian you don't know what they're doing to me! PLEASE HELP ME! GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

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