Chapter 6

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It was a bit overwhelming, going from having no one around me to having so many people and having fun. Tango couldn't fly for long since his wings were much smaller than mine but we still had races around the garden. Doc and Mumbo would play basketball since both of them were towering over the rest of us. Stress and Iskall would sit and talk for hours, it was like there was something more to their relationship but I didn't know what. Jevin would... well I don't really know what Jevin did, he sat inside all day. Cleo was on the far side of the garden and would mess around with these statue things. Xisuma never took off his helmet, he would sit through blistering hot days and refuse to remove it.

"Please X you'll boil!"

"Sorry Stress, I cant do that! It's... important."

He was hiding something and we all wanted to know what. I had stopped flying as Tango had landed to rest his wings. Hovering over the house was dangerous incase my wings gave out so I landed in the roof. Sitting with the sun setting behind me was peaceful. The sky looked so pretty with the darkness crawling up, the stars coming out from hiding.

"Grian!" It was Mumbo. I looked down to see him waving like crazy at me. I crawled over to the edge of the roof.
"There's someone else you need to meet, he was gone to get groceries today but he'll be back soon." There was someone else? I pushed myself back to where I was previously sitting. It was already a lot of people but I suppose one more wouldn't hurt. I sat for a few minutes until I heard someone yell.

"I'm back dudes!" I recognised the voice and when I looked down I recognised the face. But I couldn't tell from where. Everyone else rushed over to see him like they did for Mumbo. I assume, since we are all hybrids, they were checking for wounds of people trying to get rid of us. I never understood why people hate hybrids so much. I guess they are just scared of us.

"There's someone new I want you to meet!" Mumbo was going to introduce the guy to me. I floated down and could see Stress still in awe at my wings. I chuckled and landed.
"An Avian? I only met one of those we used to go to camp together when I was a..." I cut him off. Surely not. Well he was a dog hybrid. He had Ren's signature sunglasses. But it was impossible.
"Ren..." I could only manage to whisper it.
"Grian?" He looked started but also excited. Mumbo didn't know where this was coming from, he was so confused. So was I, to be frankly honest! Ren pulled me into a hug and I couldn't breathe.

"You two know each other?" Mumbo was staring at us both, eyes flickering from one to the other.
"Do we? This little gremlin was the height of my problems in camp! He was also my best friend but that's bedsides the point." I giggled as Ren said that and looked at Mumbo. Did I see jealousy in his eyes? No it was a trick of the light.

"You didn't have a lot of problems then did you!" Iskall shouted as he was walking over to us.
"Oh no you didn't!" I wasn't going to let him get away with that.
"Oh yes I did!" Iskall smirked at me as I took into flight and soared for him. He screamed and ran off in the other direction. He weaved his way through obstacles and pushed chairs into my path but I simply flew over them. As fast as I flew I couldn't catch Iskall, the Swedish man was fast, I'll give him that. But I was faster. First I had to slow done though, as I did Iskall noticed and stopped to stick his tongue out at me. As he did so I pushed myself through the air and slammed into him, knocking him off his feet and onto the soft grass. He yelled in pain and I was terrified in case I hurt him. I just got here and I'm already a danger to them.

"Iskall! Oh my god are you ok?" I rushed over to him to check his injuries, if he had any. Mumbo and Ren did too, presumably from hearing his yell. I got a good look at the man for the first time. He wasn't a hybrid but had a cyborg eye. Like Doc but his didn't cover his entire body. He wore a green t-shirt and brown vest with dark blue trousers. He looked like a long lost explorer honestly. What am I doing? His looks are the least of my concerns.

"Well I was not expecting such a little man to be as strong as you..." Iskall managed to wheeze out. He chuckled to himself and I rolled my eyes. Even when he's hurt he's making fun of me.
It turned out he was only winded and was ok after a few minutes but it didn't stop me from feeling incredibly guilty. I caused that. That was my fault. I couldn't look at anyone without feeling a sharp pain soar through my gut. While they were focused on Iskall I slowly opened my wings and gave a single flap to take me into the air. I glided over to on top of the house and sat on the roof again. But instead of sitting in the open I went around to the back of the roof so that I wasn't as easily spotted.

I started crying as quietly as possible. I had good practice at it too, after having to hide my feelings from the AHA guards for years. I only stopped when I heard a noise coming from the gutters at the side of the house. I stopped making any sounds and snapped my head over to where the noise was coming from. Slowly, I started spreading out my wings. It was my defensive form for when I felt like I was in danger of being threatened. But when a familiar face peaked over the roof edge I let my guard down and calmed.
"Ah, I thought I heard someone here." It was just Xisuma.

"How did you hear me I was being as quiet as possible. Even the highly trained guards at AHA couldn't..." I was confused but honestly relieved. After talking to him earlier, it seemed like I could talk to him about anything.
"Well... it's my hybrid thing." He hesitated and sighed. I was confused. What animal had intense hearing? None that I had heard of, but then again I had been locked up my whole life until now.
"What animal are you a hybrid of...?" I was curious now. X seemed to be thinking about taking his helmet off.

"Me and you are unique. I was an experiment and your the last of your kind." With that he took off his helmet. His hair was a greenly- blue, like the colour of warped nylium and he had small stubby horns of the side of his face the same colour. There was a big X shaped scar on his face, going from the top left to bottom right and vice versa. His eyes were black. Full black. He looked like no mob I had ever thought to see.

"Woah! You look so cool, and super hearing? I'm jealous." It was true, I had been hunted for so long because of my wings and he was a created animal, no one even knew he existed to look for! And he could hear things from so far away too.

"What's are you a hybrid of?"

"Well I'm a..."

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