Chapter 1

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Being tortured isn't that bad once you get used to it. I had grown almost resistant to the feeling of feathers being plucked from my wings. It hurt like hell at first but after 27 months it grows tiring. Being starved was what hurt. They were stopping my food until I told them where we hid. My stomach felt like it was eating itself and it probably was. The widows of my tiny cell were blocked up so I couldn't tell how long ago was the last time I'd eaten. My arms were held above my head in chains from the roof and being the tiny man that I am I could only barely reach the floor. My arms had gone numb ages ago and my wings were in agony at the lack of movement. I desperately needed to get out of here but I had tried everything. I was stuck here. In the AHA. The AHA stood for Annihilating Hazardous Anomalies, but everyone knew the 'Hazardous Anomalies' were Hybrids.

The door of my cell rattled as it opened but I continued to stare at my feet. There were bloody and cut. I expected to hear the familiar voice telling me to lift me head and if I didn't I would get the whip again. Instead there was another voice. One that I didn't recognise, and it scared me. Who knew how far this new man was willing to go.
"You need to eat, according to my new boss you haven't eaten in days."

This was a shock. Why were they feeding me? What was their plan? I hesitantly looked up at the man. He was tall, really tall, and had black hair with a big black moustache. His pale skin contrasted with his deep, chocolate eyes that sparkled even in the little light. His apron was clean and I assumed he was new to the job as everyone else has blood splatters in theirs.
"Why are you feeding me? What do you want? I'm not going to tell you anything." I said, trying to sound tough but my voice was barely a whisper.

"Drink this." He held a bottle of clear liquid up to my mouth. I struggled away, not wanting to drink whatever horrible thing was in the bottle. It fell into my mouth in the struggle and it was just water. Knowing this I willingly drank the rest of it as the man smiled at me. It wasn't like everyone else's smile, this one was... caring and he seemed genuinely happy to see me drinking it. This threw me off a little about him. Why was he here working at AHA if he wants to feed the Hybrids?

"Do you feel better?" He stood in the far corner of the room, leaned against the wall, but he didn't look scared of me. Most of the guards do, as if they don't know if I'll burst out at them and attack them. Most hybrids try to do so but I learned the hard way not to at my old campus when I was younger. I still have the scar on my lower chest from when the guards tried to slit my stomach open.

I nodded in return to his question and he seemed satisfied. He looked at me once more and I stared back at him. He left my room and shut the door with a clank. My chains were cutting into my wrist but I managed, painfully, to cross my fingers and hope that I would get him again tomorrow for daily check in.

My prayers were answered as the next day when I heard the door rattle open the same moustached man came into my cell, holding a tray with various medicines. The smile dropped when I saw this and I put on the most sad-looking face I could muster. He saw this and chuckled a little.

"Do you think after yesterday I would really come in here and make you swallow all of these?" He motioned to the various pills and liquids on the tray and I tried to shrug. He looked at me before picking up a blue tub filled with pills and opening it. I winced at the thought of taking them and looked at the man. He proceeded to take a pill in one hand and pull out a small chisel from his pocket. I watched as he broke off the corner of one of the barricades to the window and put the pill on the windowsill outside. He used the chisels point to push the pill out of the window and then did this for every single pill that was in the table. Then he went over to the drain and poured a little of every liquid medicine down it. I stared at him as if he was mad the whole time, wondering what on earth he was doing.

"There we go. All done." He looked up at me and wiped his hands on his apron before slipping the chisel back into his pocket. He picked up the tray and walked out of the cell, closing the door behind him. I was still shocked. Why did this complete stranger all of a sudden want me to stop taking the pills and start drinking? No one had done that to me ever. Why now? The last time someone took pity on me was when I was 8. It was a dog hybrid. His name was Ren and he was my best friend. We got separated when we were 10 though and I've not seen him since. I guess it's always nice to see another friendly face. But I'm not going to get to attached. Who knows if this is some sort of plan to get me killed.

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