chapter 3

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*2 week time skip*

Dexter has been acting weird for a while. He's barely even hung out with me. I'm starting to get really worried about him. He's acted like I Beat Him with a leather belt which I could never do that. I hope he's okay.


I went to my first class and took my seat next to Alex.

15 minutes into class all I was doing was staring at my notebook with my head proped up my my hand.

"Kalila? Are you okay?" Alex finally asked me. The thing was, I wasn't. Dexter's my best friend like Alison. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said with the happiest voice I could muster.

"Okay class you will be pairing up with your neighbor. You will create a representation of the 100 years war. Then do an oral report you have 2 days. Begin." Mrs. Hanley said.

My partner is Alex. Over these past two weeks me and him have gotten pretty close. Outside of all his other friends, he hangs out with me a lot.

And about me liking him before it's true now I do, actually like him. But even if he ever liked me back, I don't think I could be with him. I don't know why it's just there's something in the way.

"So partner, want to meet at my place after school?" He asked me. "Sure why not." After that me and him created a plan for our report.

"On Friday if you don't wanna talk during the presentation, I can do the talking if you want." He asked me with the diamond smile if his.

"No, I couldn't ask you too do that buy thank you."

After class I was headed to algebra when I got stopped by 3 girls. The one in front pushed me to the floor. All 3 of them were wearing cloths that shouldn't even be permitted in this school. The girl In front had her face caked with makeup, and wearing heals that I'm surprised, didn't break their feet.

"leave Alex and Nick alone. They don't need to be bothered by you, if anything they should be around me." Great, it was probably nick who sent them. Who knows what he told them.

I got kicked in the face by one of the girls' heals. I'm sure it made my face bleed. I got picked up and slammed into the locker. "Leave me alone!" I screamed.

"Oh no honey, were doing you a favor with that ugly face of yours." The girl in the back said. She was as thin as a twig and wearing cloths that could be a second skin with shorts that half her bottom was showing.

I got slammed again and dropped to the floor. The halls were getting full when Alison saw me, she called the nurse over and i was taken into the nurses office.

She cleaned the dried blood off my fore head above my eye brow. And she sent me home. On my way out I saw nick, "oh looks like your having a bad da-" I cut him off wiping the smirk off his face. " don't even talk to me!"

After that I jumped in the diver seat if my car and left.


I got home and during lunch Ali sent me the homework. Luckily there wasn't that much. When I sat on the couch, dexter actually came out to me. We relaxed a little when I heard my door bell ring.

I went to the door, as well as dexter, amd opened it to find Alex standing there.

"Hey, um what are you doing here?" I asked him "we had a project to do..." "oh yeah, sorry I forgot." Then he murmured something, and it was barely above a whisper, that I could barely hear. "I was also worried about you."

Did I hear him correctly? Did he just say he was worried about me? I'll ignore it for now. "Well don't just stand there, come in." He walked through the hall and asked. "Who's trophies are these?" He said liking at the shelf.

"There my brothers... He's in college now, he was crazy for sports." I explained. "I see, just like me... I love baseball and football." Weird mu brother did too! "He did too." He just smiled and we headed to the living room.

I pulled out my laptop and started typing what he wrote down for the report. But then he stopped. And I looked over at him, and he was starting right at me. It's like he was looking through me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me I knew what he was talking about, what happened today. "yeah" "are you sure?" All I did was nod. We locked eyes again and he started leaning in, before I know it I was too.

I stopped when our faces were centimeters apart. I can't do it, I just can't. "we should finish the report." I said. He snapped out of it and continued reading the report for me to type.


*Dexter's P.O.V.*

After she came home i had to come out to her. She was hurt. And whoever did that to her would definetly pay. I'm not just a dog I'm a wolf. Kalila is my weekness if anything happened to her i can't just stand on the sidelines and watch it happen.

When that doorbell rang I saw the guy who was taking kalila away from me. I tied to give my best glare and growl at him but they didn't notice.

I saw them sit on the couch and start their homework but as quick as I saw that. He started leaning into her. That's when I couldn't look i had to move or go somewhere I didn't have to watch.

But that's not what hurt me. It's that she was leaning in too. How much longer can I pretend to just be a dog? I can already feel myself about to shift. But I can't now. She'll get to freaked out.

I just hope I can hold back. But I'm kicking myself over and over and i can't do it. the jelousy is too much I'll try though. For her.

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