chapter 17

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A/N no A / N enjoy the Chappie.

Kalila's P.O.V

After a long day at the library, I was about to head out of the library and as soon as I turned a corner, my eyes widend and i grabbed Ali's hand and dragged her to the back of the library and told her to stay down.

I can't beleive I have to deal with this son of a gun again. I told alison to stay here while I go handle him.

"I'm not gonna let you handle that psycho!" She whisper/yelled.

"Yes you will, or I will never buy you another band t-shirt again!" I stated.

"I'll live." She said while standing up.

"I won't talk to you or socialize with you for a month" That's her weak spot, she'd cry if I ignored her.

Her eyes got glossy, and she hit the floor and cowered into a corner, plus she pretended to zip her lips shut.

"Kay, now, shut up and stay here," she nodded her head so fast I'm surprised her head didn't pop off.

I turned on my heel and hid behind one of the bookshelves. Alex was comming down one of the halls of books.

When he turned to look at one I snuck behind him and grabbed his shirt to slam him into the wall. He scrunched his fore head, and closed his eyes tight, while letting out a groan.

I was quite proud of myself for being able to slam him that hard.

"What the hell are you doing here don't you dare tell your here for a book, because you hate reading." I yelled at him.

"I had a change of heart about books" he said with a smirk, it just man me want to slap him.

"Don't give me that crap! Your after Alison huh?" I pointed out. He nodded, and I pulled back on his shirt and slammed him again. "Why?"

"I wanted to make sure you were safe." He said with his expression. Softening. I just gave him a death glare.

"I am more safe around them, than you! I know what the hell you are, you're a freaking shapeshifter! " I said.

"Okay yes im a shapeshifter, not gonna lie aboht that one," he admitted. But your more safe with Osama bin Laden then them!" He yelled in my face. "of your so safe with them then explain why Alison, your best friend if I may add, didn't tell you the truth?"

My eyes softened and i let go of his Shirt. He patted it Down to get rif of the wrinkles and looked at my eyes. Why didn't Ali tell me? She trusts me more than her own parents, so why would she lie?

"She was probably scared of me freaking out" he gave me an are you kidding me look.

"I'm serious!"

"You girls droul over wearwolves. She'd be stoked to tell you" that was actually true. Dammit, I'm stuck.

"here's another example, your so called 'mate' broke skin on your arm yesterday-" both his and my eyes widened.

"How the hell do you know that?" I said glaring at him.

He fake coughed and said, "I saw the scratch on your arm" He looked pretty nervous... I'm on to something.

"I will ask you one more time, how. Do. You. Know. That?"

"I have my sources,"

"What the hell are these sources?"

"Is 'hell' your new favorite word today?" He asked holding in a laugh.

"Don't change the subject." I said sternly.

"Their just sources" he tried again, but I took the back of my hand and smacked him across the face.

"You get your 'sources' and leave that pavk alone. If come within 500 miles of the pack and i won't hesitate to take a gun to your head." I finished.

I turned on my heal, to head back to Ali, and I pulled and Anna and quickly turned around and punched him square in the face.

He was groaning in agony and I'm sure I made his nose bleed.

I didn't even make it ten steps away from him when he grabbed my wrist.

"You have a thing for stopping me, huh?" I aksed.

"Come with me and I'll show you why your not safe" he pleaded.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled, getting overly frustrated with him.

"Then I won't leave any of them alone until you come with me,"

Great now I have no choice. I slowly turned around and walked to him, "you pull one freaking stunt, and I promise you, you'll wish you didn't, I already took away your ability to have kids. Don't make me take away you ability to live a full life."

He pulled his hands up in surrender and said "no stunts I promise," he waved me over and said "Come on."

"Let me go get my books." That was half true, I was going to tell Ali to cover for me.

"No! Like i said before, I'm not letting you handle that phsco alone!" Ali screamed, we were lucky that the librarian didn't shush us. It was almost 6 now and everyone was gone.

"Look what happend I handled him alone and I came back fine." I said. "It's just to protect you." I said putting my hands on her shoulders.

"We don't need protecting, we're wearwolves. We can handle this." She said putting her and on my shoulder.

"But you can't handle a sliver bullet," I stated while pulling her into a hug. "Just cover for me, say i went shopping."

She pulled back and said "no promises" while crossing her arms.

"I'll get you the American beauty/ American psycho album" her eyes went big and then she shook her head snapping back to reality.

"Like i said... no promises." We smiled at eachother and i threw the car keys at her.

Snd with her horrible hand-eye cordination, they smacked her fore head and dropped to the floor. I just laughed and grabbed the books.

I went to the library doors where I found Alex.

Hell... here we come.

A/N I know it's so short but I haven't updated in forever, plus I had this chappter done bit wattpad deleted it, so I'm sorry if it's not as good as you though, but i love it because a certain someone had a lot of courage today.

Oh and happy mothers day! And I've had major writers block and we had state testing so sorry I haven't updated. Okay I think I'm done bye bye.

P.S. thank you for all the votes and veiws and support. Kay luv you bye


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