chapter 4

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Dexter's gone again. I can't get him to come out. The rest of the time Alex was here it was just like normal. When he left, I saw dexter come out of the corner. He looked at me in the eye and his eyes were changing from blue to black, every second.

I've never seen that happen before plus, when we broke eye contact he banged his had up against the wall. I ran to him to try and make him stop but it was no use. He just walked away from me.

When dad came home I took that opportunity to go shower. Maybe I could think of why Dexter's acting like this.

Nothing. Not a clue on whats going on with him. But luckily he came to bed with me this time. But he slept on the floor.


It was around 2 a.m. I couldn't sleep and I'm guessing neither could dexter. But he was rapidly hitting his head again. This time I was getting really scared. He was going on a rampage. I was against my wall with my knees up to my chest and blanket covering me to my eyes.

Dexter's hair is... disappearing and he's talking a human form? At this point I competent covered myself in the blanket.

Through the fabric I saw a tall, thin figure stand up. And by accident I let out a shriek.

I uncovered my eyes to see a brown haired boy with deep icy blue eyes, that see straight through me. He looked about 17 years old. But I covered my eyes again when I realized he's naked.

"Put in some shorts!" I yelled. "I-i don't have any!" The handsome boy called back. I took the blanket off me, with my eyes still covered and told him to stay in my room and I ran out as fast as i could. I closed the door and went to my brothers old room and grabbed some basketball shorts.

Was that dexter? It can't be. of course it can you watched it in front of your eyes! But wearwolfs aren't real. If it is Dexter, why would he keep that secret from me?

I left my brothers room only to find my dad down the hallway. I tried to avoid him but nope.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing still up?" He asked with a tired voice. "Just using the bathroom." I could tell he wasn't convinced, but at this time of night he wouldn't care.

"Okay, how about I walk you to bed, I haven't been able to do that in a while." That's when bells went off in my room. What's he gonna think when he finds a boy in my room?!

He's not gonna take no for an answer, plus I felt bad for him, I'm growing up and were growing apart. So I nodded and we started to walk to my room. I hope dexter gets the message and hides.

We got to my door. And I creaked it open slowly. Dexter wasn't in sight. He's probably behind my bed. I crawled into my bed and dad tucked me in. "Where's dexter?" He asked "under the bed" I said, I hope he bought it. He just smiled and gave me a kiss and shut the door behind him.

I threw the shorts behind my bed and I herd him putting them on. I sat up and he came around slowly and avoiding eye contact.

The shorts fit him well... and he had a six pack. This is dexter?

"Is it really you dexter?" I asked with a whisper. I'm still scared right now. He nodded slowly and looked at me. "My real name is Shawn though." He said

"Your confused aren't you?" I nodded at him. And he gestured for him to take a seat, I said yes and he sat on the side of my bed facing me.

"A-are you a wearwolf?" I asked, my voice staying quiet. "Yes... I am." I stayed quiet as he started explaining.

*Shawns P.O.V.*

She's absolutely freaked out. I tried to hold back from shifting, but I couldn't. The jelousy I had was too much for me to bear, I had to come out. I hope she doesn't change towards me.

"Okay, before you found me, I was in a fight with other wearwolfs. I lead my pack in with me in front. After that it was a bloody mess. I was injured badly and blacked out after doing some damage to my enemies. I woke up on the outskirts of town. I didn't shift because... well I would've been naked in front of the city. And when you found me I stayed a wolf till now."

She looked a little puzzled. "You led the pack in? Why you?" Oh great now I have to tell her... I would have told her anyway but I was gonna wait.

"I'm the Alpha of the pack." Her big brown eyes widend, and glistened. "Your the leader?" I nodded. I feel ashamed of myself, why didn't I tell her sooner?

"I have one more question... why did you stay you have a pack to go back to and a..." she stopped and looked away from me. She looked as if she was gonna cry.

"A what, kalilia?" I asked "a luna..." I could barely hear her, but I caught what she said. No I don't have a Luna yet. And I found out why. I haven't found my mate till the day Kalila found me.

"No... I don't" she looked at me shocked. "can you do me a favor?" I asked her. "Anything dex- I mean, shawn" she said. She's not used to my name yet, I can wait. "Please don't look at me any different then when I was a dog. Kalila over the time I've lived with you, you've become so important to me... please..."

Jeez I sound like a teenage girl from a movie. But it's true, she's the most important to me. No one in my pack is as close to me as she is.

"You may be a wearwolf but you were still my dog and now your standing in front of me. Shawn dog or person you haven't changed to me. I loved you like a dog and I will continue to love you."

I'm not different, it's a relief but is till haven't told her about what she is too me.

"We should probably go to bed... we'll continue this tomorrow." She said and started to lay down. I went and sat in the floor.

"What are you doing?" She asked me with that sweet voice of hers. "Going to sleep." I said blankly. "Get up here you may be human now but like I said, no different."

Well I though there would be a bump in the road there, but I guess not. I went up on the bed and got under the covers with my back still on the head board.

I wrapped my arm around her and she layed her head on my chest and put and arm around my abdomen, just like when I was a wolf.

"One more question. How do you know when your mate is near?" She asked "you just know who it is when you see them" I said.

"Have you seen her yet?" That's where I'm stumped. Should I tell her or keep it low for a while. She deserves to know the truth.

"Yes... she's next to me right now." And with that I went to sleep.

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