Chapter 28

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*smiles evily* muahhahaha
Kalila's P.O.V

"Hello my beautiful children" my father said to Jason and I. And for some reason that feeling where I think something not so good is gonna happen just grew more.

"Hi dad," Jason said "How've you been?"

"Oh you know the usual" He replied. 'The usual' contained of my dad working in a Lab either making new discoveries or acting like a mad scientist and trying to destroy the world. But he was always engraved in his work, we used to be close, until his Job started to matter more than his kids.

"How's collage going son?" Dad asked Jason.

Jason went on to tell him about his amazing grades, and the fact his football coach was telling Jason he could possibly be drafted for the NFL. But his coach said not to get his hopes too high because it's a slim chance.

"That's great son, any women in the works lately?" My dad asked changing the subject.

As Jason went on to tell dad about emily, I decided to play candy crush on my phone. Apparently Jason was the star of the show tonight so why even bother? What was the point of inviting you daughter when you were planning on talking to your son the whole time?

I looked up from my phone and looked around for my friends. They were sitting at a table in the far back of the room, they looked like they were happy, and having a decent enough time.

Alison and I made eye contact and she mouth 'are you okay?' to me. I nodded and returned my attention back to the front of the room. There was a few guys dressed in black by the doors, it's probably only security but I'm still keeping my guard up.

"So Kalila, how's school going?" My father finally started talking to me.

"It's fine," I had to make up an explanation to why I haven't been at home or at school. "I was accepted into a collage program, full scholarship, I started collage early and they even gave me a dorm room." I explained. I was close enough to be able to send collage applications so this was by far the most believable excuse.

"That explains why your not at home, but your mother and I would have liked to be informed." He said with a harsh tone.

"Well your never home for me to elaborate on the accomplishments of my life, I guess your oh-so amazing work is main priority, right father?" I honestly didn't want to be here. I didn't need a fancy dinner to spend time with dad, I just wanted him to cut to what he had to tell us and this night would be over.

"Not completely," he replied. "I have, in the past 17 years made an amazing discovery-"

"Hold that thought I'll be right back," I excused myself to the bathroom. I walked down the dozens of tables filled with people trying to get to the bathroom.

On the way there I spotted a two seater table occupied with only one person, someone all too familiar. Alex.

I didn't know why he was here, and I didn't even want to acknowledge his presence. I still hate him. Just the sight of him made me go faster to the bathrooms.

But I find it odd that he's here along with the rest of us... Meaning the pack. Coincidence? I think not. Maybe that's why I had a bad feeling. 'if I were you, I'd get out of here as fast as possible' a voice that didn't belong to me sang in my head.

It was one that I had heard before but I can't put my finger on it.

I made it to the bathroom, I didn't have to go I just had to wash my hands and feel the cool water. I couldn't splash my face or else my makeup would run. I just needed something to cool me down. Something about this place and this night is making my blood run hot.

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