chapter 2

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A/Nsothis is kinda a long chapter. But me and my Co- author czarinaspizza hope you like it okay I shut upnow! :p


My eyes widend as the voice faded away. Who was it? I got out from underneath dexter and looked around I even went outside.

"Who said that?!" I called out... no answer. I went back inside and dexter looked at me like I was crazy.

" Did you hear anything buddy?" He tilted his head to the side in confusion. I decided to let it go, so I sat back down with dexter.

A few minutes later I heard my dad walk in the door. Dexter and i immediately got up and greated him. "Hi daddy how was work? Do you need anything?" I always ask these things. He's usually irritable after work, and I don't want to get yelled at.

"No no thank you though sweetheart." I nodded and gave him a hug. As for dexter he Was standing on his back legs for a hello from him.

Dad told him to sit then messed around with him for a while and played. I swear I think he's the star of the family.
I started to cook dinner, mom was at work till midnight. She's a nurse at the hospital.

Soon dinner was finished and me and my dad sat down to eat, and like usual dexter got a plate as well. I Cooked chicken tacos. My dad's favorite.

After dinner I went to wash up for bed. It was late already and I had to wake up early. After I jumped in bed dexter jumped up as well he does this every other night.

I kissed his head goodnight and laws my head on top of his with my arm wrapped around him.


School started, and before I went to my first class I went to my locker to get my books for history.

As I walked I hit a wall and fell. I feel like I'm becoming really clumsy. But the thing was it wasn't a wall it was the new kid Alexander.

"I - I'm sorry" I said. All he did was shake his head "don't worry about it" I picked up my books and stood up. I turns out Alexander was pretty cute. The Hazel eyes are what captured me and didn't let me go.

"I should go class is about to start." I quickly tried to turn away from him. And instead my arm was gripped tightly by his hand.

"What's your name?" He asked. His voice was deep and it matched with his really hot face- wait what? No I haven't liked a guy in a while and I just met the guy.

"Kalila," I said my voice barely above a whisper. "Well kalila I'm Alex it's nice to meet you." He said sweetly. "You too." I said and headed for class.

During class Alex came in and it turns out he sat next to me. "Well I didn't think I would get to sit next to you. I'm sure it's a pleasure for you as well"

Oh great cocky side has just shown up. And it was not pleasent. But other than that he's a cool guy. "Oh really? I meet you once in the hallway and you suddenly man of my life?" He just laughed and shook his head.

"Kalila! Alex! Stop talking. Especially you kalila your supposed to be setting an example for him. Not corrupting him!" Mrs. Hanley said

"Yes ma'am" I said. But we kept whispering throughout class. It turns out he can actually be nice.

School was coming to an end and me and Ali decided to meet up at my house for homework. When the bell rang I waited for her by my car.

"You know this is a nice car, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to it." I knew the voice anywhere I turned around to be greated by Nick. And holding a key next to my car door.

My car is a Toyota Prius. If he even lays a finger on it he'll be dead. "Smith I swear, if you touch my car I will kill you." He just smirked, "let's see you try."

He brought the key to the side of my car and before he could do anything someone from behind smashed his head into the light pole. It was Alex.

"Your car okay?" Before I could answer Alison came up behind me. I turned around to her and said, "took you long enough!" "Sorry! Mrs. Whipple kept me back!"

I just shrugged her off and went to thank Alex. After I did that Ali and i got in my car and headed for my house.


We got home fast and i ransacked the fridge... as well as Alison and even dexter. I got strawberries, Ali got frozen pretzels and heated them up, and dexter he found his steak I was hiding away from him.

We sat at the table and I got questions from Ali like it was an investigation.

"I Saw you and Alex getting along...." I stopped her before she could continue "Ali... stop just stop." She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Come on please!" "Fine"

She looked like a three year old given 60$ to spend in a candy store.
"Do you like him?! He was so nice to you! Everyone else he, like blocked out!!!" I couldn't believe my ears. I just met him and he did that? "Oh not to mention he protected your car"

Okay that part was uncalled for. I mean I hate nick but smash his head in the light pole. But what if I do have very small feelings for him.

"What would you say if I had a tiny crush on him... remember that I said tiny." She sqeeled and jumped into a happy dance. But for some reason dexter was growling and glaring daggers at me like I had just stole his steak.

He then lied down and continued eating his steak. I wonder what's wrong with him? I'll figure it out later.

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