chapter 25

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Kalila's P.O.V

"Is she awake yet?" I herd a voice whisper.

"No, leave her be, she's probably in alot of pain" I herd a deep voice whisper. It was closer to me then the other one was.

"Mmmn" I let out a groan. My neck felt sore. Did I sleep wrong? I'll just get a massage later, it might help.

"You woke her up!" The near voice said.

"But she's awake." The far voice said. Why can't I he left in peace? What time is it? I opened my eyes a little bit. More like eye. I wanted to still sleep a bit. Well, it's dark outside, and the moon was on the right side of the sky. But on the left side the dark blue sky was getting lighter.

If this person woke me up at dawn, I'ma kick their butt to Hong Kong.

"No I'm not. Go away" I said and attempted to return to my sleep. Key word: attempted. I felt a big weight jump on top of me and I lurched up a bit and fell right back down.

"Really Alison?" I herd the voice say. Oh, the near sided voice was Shawn. I turned on my other side and nuzzled closer to Shawn. I really just wanted sleep. Is that so much to ask?

"Yes, really... oh my god! Is that it? Is that it? It's so pretty." What the hell is she talking about? I felt her hand touch my neck and i winced in pain. "We're twins kalila" I will ask again. What. The. Hell. Is. She. Talking. About.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked over, not moving from my very warm and comfortable position, I saw a black curly thing on Ali's neck.

"Cool, now make like a dog and get down." I said and closed my eyes again.

"Hey! I may literally be a dog, but you can't make fun of me!" I just ignored her and tried to go to sleep again. "Wake up!"

"Shawn, make her go away." I asked as my voice cracked. I am still attempting to falk back asleep... I should've never spoke.

"The queen has spoken. Out." I smiled at that, and I herd a little fake whisper come from Alison.

"But I didn't take this long to get over it! She's been asleep for a day and a half!"

"One day, to be exact. Quite exaggerating. God forbid if anyone wakes you while your sleeping" Mr. Big bad wolf said.

"Touché" she said. And u herd her footsteps walk out of the room. What did she mean by twins? And I've been asleep for a whole day? I never sleep that long. Oh well, I feel like I need 3 more days of pure sleep and dreams.

But Alas, that dream will not he fulfilled "Am I asleep yet?" I asked.

"No." Shawn said adding a chuckle at the end. I felt his hand drawing mindless shapes on my hip.

"Damn..." I said with a smile. "What time is it?" I asked wondering how early into dawn I actually am.

"6 o'clock" he said as he pulled his watch to his eyesight.

"5 more hours please."

"No we got work to do." And that's all that needed to be said for me to snap my eyes open and lift my head. But as soon as I lifted my head my hand slapped my neck cause it hurt like a female dog.

"What exactly is that?" I asked. Irration was evident in my voice.

"You said we'd paint the walls"

"Ever herd of joking? Sarcasm? Any of that?" In all reality I really, really didn't want to wake up. My neck was sore, and I felt I could sleep for days on end. Not to mention I think my main cloths will contain of sweats and gigantic T-shirts these next couple days.

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