chapter 7

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The first thing that came to mind to do with shawn was go buy him some of his own cloths.

I have around 500$ saved up in my chase account. I've been saving up incase there was something I needed, but I'm willing to spend it right now. Even if it's not for me.

We pulled into a parking space at JCPenny. I told him to pick out some cloths while I look for some shoes for him at the sports place across the mall.

I walked in and i immediately saw shoes for him. They were 80$ bucks but who cares.

Shoot! I forgot his shoe size. He fit into my brothers old ones well. I'll get him a size up just in case.

When i finished buying the shoes i headed back to JCPenny. I got Shawn a black and white pair of Jordans and a pair of black converse. I got them all in size 13 men's. He's tall and that was my brothers size. All in all i spent around almost 175$ of shoes.

I walked inside and tried to find shawn. He was in the Men's looking at basketball shorts, and some jeans. I sneek behind him and I push him a little to scare him.

Big. Mistake.

He turned around, his eyes black, and his muscles tensed. "It's just me! I'm sorry!" I babbled out "I'm so sorry I though... I don't know what I thought, I should be more careful." His eyes went back to blue. The blue that always grabbed me and didn't let me go.

"Hey, it's okay I forgot you were... anyways what did you find to wear?" He handed me 3 pairs of basketball shorts, and a pair of black jeans, plus a shawn white shirt, typical. (Shawn white is a professional skateboarder) plus a Nirvanna grey T- shirt.

I tell him to try on the Nirvanna shirt with the jeans. I just wait outside the men's dressing room. It takes him a while I wonder if he's okay.

After a couple more minutes, he finally comes out. I don't even recognize him. All I see is a boy in black. He looks up at me and I'm sure that my face has turned red. What's come over me? It's just Shawn.

"H - how do I look?" He asked. More like stuttered.

Do I even need to answer? He looks... good? Who am I kidding? He looks hot!

"You look, amazing." Is all I was able to choke out. I saw a small smirk grow on his face. "I think I'll wear this out, you pick the shoes I wear." I thought about it. The outfit would look good with the converse. I handed them to him and grabbed the price tag off of it plus the cloths he's wearing.

After he got the shoes on and I'm about to go in line for checkout he grabs my arms. "What do you think your doing?" "Checking out?" I said.

" If I got new cloths so will you." He said forcingly. "I don't know if I have enough money" he takes his wallet out, which I have no idea where it came from, and pulls out what looks like 300$

"Where did you get that?! Did you rob a bank or something?!" I asked. "No I didn't this is savings, plus did you really think I'd let you pay for all that? The money you paid for my shoes... it's already in your purse, I snuck it in there when you weren't looking."

This guy is unbelievable. My thoughts get cut off when I find myself being dragged to the Junior section, it's a surprise I still fit in them.

I pick cloths that have a low amount in them but I look in the clearence section and find a cold shoulder black shirt for 5 bucks. It's pretty cute for the price. I look for some skinny jeans when Shawn cones behind me.

"Will these be good?" He asks, he shows me a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, with reinstones on the back pockets, when I saw the price I told him to put them back. He refused.

"if you got to spend over 100$ on just shoes for me I can get you these." I think about it for a while but I just can't let him buy them. "You paid me back for them." I said. He let out a grunt and looked at me sincerely and that's when I knew I wasn't going to win this one.

He shoves me into the dressing room and I start to change. After I was done i took a long look in the mirror. Do I look okay? I don't want to look like a idiot in front of Shawn. look at me, worried about how I look for a boy. I let out a little chuckle. I think I look nice and that's all that matters.

When I walk out I find shawn waiting right out the door for me. "Hey." I said "hey, I found you some- oh my gosh" he whispered the last part once he saw me. "What? Do I look okay should I go change?" I asked worried.

"No its, just, kalila you look so...woah." I could feel my cheeks heating up, they were hurting.

"T-thank you Shawn so what did you find?" I asked. "Black combat boots, I saw you looking at them a little bit ago."

He got the boots I've wanted for 4 months now. I quickly put them on and i immediately fall in love with them. I turned to Shawn and asked if we could check out now. He said yes.

We brought all the tags up to the counter, and I brought the extra cloths I'm gonna buy him. All in all it came out to be 250$ so me and him decided to split the cost. 125$ for each of us.


Shawns P.O.V

After buying everything we decided to go grab something to eat. After that we still had money left over so I offered to go see a movie. So we headed to the cinemas. I was really in the mood for a horror movie. I haven't seen one in forever.

"Shawn... I don't know if I can see one I'm gonna be scared." She said with her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll be right next to you the entire time, don't worry about it." She nods and we go up to the ticket window, I look for any scarry movies. Let's see... we got the purge, ouijia, and the Lazarus affect.

I chose to buy tickets to ouijia. And the best part is, it's 3D. We went inside, and I bought a large popcorn and she bought the drinks. And we headed in.


Ouijia is pretty freaky. Kalila is so scared that she's been hanging onto my arm the entire time. I reach for her hand and I sqeezed it to remind her I'm here. She loosens her grip on my arm. I take that chance and put my arm around her.

She may not be calling this a date but I sure am. She looks so beautiful, she literally took my breath away when I saw her come out of the dressing room, I forgot how to breath.

When another scary part came she his her eyes in my shoulder. I lowered my head and put my lips close to her ear. "We could leave if you want." She shakes her head. "You wanted to see this, so we're seeing it."

She's willing to scare herself to death just for me to enjoy it. If I would have known it would make her feel this guilty about keeping me inside for a long time I would have revealed myself sooner.

I get up and kalila looks at me confused. "We're going." She just shakes her head. "Come on I'd rather see a comedy." She stands up and we start to walk out of the theater, when we're almost in the hallway another scary part comes on and she literally jumps on me and clenches onto my arms. I comfort her for a second then pull her out to the hallway.

When we go in the hallway I tell her to stay quiet, and right next store is playing Big Hero 6. I sneek her and I in the theater and we take some seats in the middle. Yes i know its movie jumping but come on its big hero six! It just barely started.

Her and i both look at eachother and say "I love this movie" and we both laugh. "Shawn?" She asks. "Yeah?" I say. "Even though we're not in a scary movie anymore, can I... never mind."

I know what she was going to say, I always will she's my mate, even though she's not marked, shes still mine.

I put my arm around her and she lays her head on my shoulder. "Kalila?" I start "yeah?" "Thank you, for today" she looks up at me and says,

"no thank you for the best date of my life." "I thought it wasnt a date?" I said "it is now." She said to me sweetly then she put her head back down, and I'm wondering if I herd her correctly, but I know I did.

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