Chapter 29

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"What about this? Your father won't be able to have all of us be tamed at once." Chris explains his plan.

"But what If he can? Then we'd have no one else to come help save the day" Luke said giving his perspective if things.

Jason and I got back to the pack house within a half hour. As soon as we got here we ran to Chris and told him everything. That's how we ended up in some room at the back end of the house trying to configure a plan.

"How about I have 3 people come in with me, and the rest of the pack surrounding the building? If 3 get taken out we still have backup, and we can have 4 people following close behind us, like in the building but not there in case we need backup right then and there." I suggested while planning everything out in my head.

Chris was thinking it over in his head with the back of a pen rubbing against his lip.

Finally breaking the prolonged silence, Mason chimed in. "And that everybody, is a Luna, already a leader and she doesn't even know what it's like to be a wolf"

But I should. I thought to myself as I remember the fact I have a wolf I need to save. like alot of wolves.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's move out. Luke, Damon, Dante, Allen, Xavier, Hannah, Nicole, and Alexus, you'll be the backup team guarding the building, your some of the strongest so if we go down we don't have to worry." Chris ordered.

"Myslef, Kalila and Jason will walk in with Reece and Carter for muscle power. Anyone I didn't announce out to, soon to be mothers or mothers will stay with their kin, Father's and other males will be scattered in the area. We need 5 on top of the roof, 2 by the door, Inside and out. And 6 guarding the premiter of the building.

"We have no room for mistake, we got one shot at this, let's make it a good one." Chris finalized. Everyone scrambled to their cars, Myself, Jason, and Chris all rode in the same car together. The pack would follow behind us and we would lead since we're the only ones who know where the place is.

We were out of the packs territory in less than 5 minutes, then my phone lit up. It was from an unknown number and it was a video.

It showed Shawn in a cage and Alison right next to him in another cage. "Awwww look at the little puppies" a voice spoke, "I think they're deserving of a treat." Shawn's eyes were filled with anger as Alison's were with fear.

A man in a Lab coat came to their box shaped prison and hand a syringe with a red something in it. Shawn tried to bust out of the cage before anything but it was too late, he got peirced at the neck and was out cold.

"Hold off on Alison will you?" the voice spoke again. The camera turned to the holder of the voice. No surprise it was the bitch I can't get rid of.

"You might want to hurry, love, things are getting better." With a wink the video ended.

"Speed up the God damned car right now," I yelled at Chris who was driving.


The building standing in front of us was gray, tall, but not a skyscraper. it was just a large building, maybe about the size of the staples center.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Jason asked me.

"Everyone's getting into position but I wish they'd hurry the hell up" I said with venom lacing my voice.

Jason wrapped an arm around my shoulders "Well get them out, I promise, even if it die trying, I promise I'll get them out."

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