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Jenny In the MM
"Come on layla"
"Baby get up"
"Let's go we're going to see daddy today"
"Ok I'm up"she yawned. The only way I could her to wake up is if I said that, but I wasn't lying. Today Layla, August, Jenny, Jason, and I were going back to Georgia to get my things from my old home. I knew if I went by myself he wouldn't let me get my stuff and we would have a big problem. Also I was transferring my model agency to the one in Monroe, Louisiana.
Layla, as always wanted me to pick her up, so I did. I put her in her already ready bath water and went in the closet to find her some clothes. I got her
-Red Hollister's sweats
-Black Thermo Top
-Red, White and Gold Nikes
I sat her stuff on the bed and went back in the bathroom. I washed Layla up and her hair. I took her out, dried her off, and dressed her.
" You can go back to sleep if you want to baby" I said to her." Ok mommy" she climbed in the bed and instantly went to sleep. I went in the hallway and seen both Jenny and Jason's lights on so I went back in the room. It's about 4 am and our flight leaves at 7:30.
I went back into the closet. It's winter time in Georgia, so I'm gonna wear something warm
-black Tshirt
-Yellow, white, and peach vintage sweater
-White cheetah print pants
-Peach Dr.Martens
I took my clothes in the room and I hoped in the shower, washed my hair, brushed my teeth, basic hygiene. I put on my clothes and it was like 5:30, enough time to cook and be at the airport by 7oclock.
"August get up now, you need to be ready when we go" I said through the phone, it was 6 and we were about to leave the house to come pick him up." I'm sorry baby, I forgot to set my alarm" he said groggily."ok hurry up, I don't wanna leave you"i said, and I hung up. We just got finished eating the breakfast I made.
" Mommy when are we gonna see daddy" Layla asked for the billionth time since she's been up and it's kinda getting irritating. But that's my mistake of keeping her from her father too long." Lay, we are going to see daddy in a little while, stop asking me or were not going"I said slowly so she could understand."Okay" she said pouting.
"Come on yall we need to go" Jason said coming into the house. I grabbed Layla, and our bags and headed outside with Jenny following behind me. We put our bags in the trunk and I got in the back with Layla. I strapped her in we were on our way to Bae house
"Hey baby" August said sitting in the back seat kissing my cheek." Hey baby" I said smiling." Sup my boy" Jason said," sup my nigga" August said to Jason. After that I kinda tuned them out, they was taking in Guy code. We were already loaded with snacks so we just rode to the air port.
"I'll carry Layla just get our bags ok" I told August and Jason. We were at the airport and was bout to go through all the security check, baggage claim, and all that good stuff.
" Good morning ma'am" this older black police officer told me." GoodMorning Sir" I said back." You don't have anything bad in that purse do you" he asked" no sir, just some food" I said reassuring him." Ok walk through here" he said pointing to that big scanner thing you walk through but I didn't know the name of. The process repeated with August,Jason,Jenny, Nd even Layla.
"Come on yall, let's go" August said. We literally had 3 minutes to get there or get left behind. We were running with Layla on Jason's back
"Faster Uncle J, flY like the wind" she said putting her arms out like an airplane,"little girl this is not the time for that" he said.
"Just in time" the lady said before she was about to close the door." Enjoy your flight" she told us.
We were getting seated on the plane. It was Layla, August, And I with Jason Jenny and some other man behind us.
3 hours and 45 minutes later we arrived in Georgia. Remember how I drove my car to the airport last time, weellll its still in their parking lot.
"This all you baby sister" he said walking to the passenger side of my car."Mmmmhm I bought it all by myself" I said." This is nice...... When you gone let me have it" he said as we all got in the car.
"When ice cream trucks start to fly" I scoffed. " That's cold. I thought you was suppose to love me and I thought you would do anything fa ya broham" he said fake sniffling.
" I would do anything for you, but I won't let anyone have or take anybody have or take anything that's mine, unless I let them" I said." We gone see" he said
I pulled up to Model&Model Inc.
Only me, Layla, and Jenny got out cause the boys said this is girls business. I went to the front desk and seen that lady I saw the first time, Mrs.Dunklin.
"Hello, how may I help you young ladies today" she said oozing up from her computer." Um I came to see Mr.Stanley about my contract" I said. " Oh ok, I'll tell him your coming up....... Stanley.....a clientele is here for you.. Yes ok.. Bye... You can go right on up" she said after she hung up. We walked to the elevators and pressed the fifth floor button.
"Mommy where are we going" Layla asked. "To see mommys boss, so when we get there I want you to sit down and be quiet"i said. She acted like she zipped her mouth an Locked the key away.
The elevator opened and we stepped off. I walked down to the left to his room. I knocked on the door and I heard a big husky voice say come in.
"Mrs. Tonya nice to see you.. What seems to be the problem" he asked. "Well mr. Stanley I wanted to know if you could transfer my contract to the one in Monroe, cause I'm staying with family out there" I said." Hmmmm, one second" he said. He got up went to file drawer and got a paper and sat back down. He grabbed his phone and had a conversation.
Layla was on my phone. I don't even know why I bought her a phone and she don't even use it. Jenny was just sitting there al up mr. Stanley mouth, is tending to whatever he was saying.
"Alright ms. Hunter, I got good and bad news" he said sitting in his chair." Good news?" I asked." Tomorrow I will fax your contract to them" he said"Bad?" You have to start immediately" he said. " How soon?" I asked."
"In 2 days, they need another model for the Guisseppe Zanotti store that's opening uptown" he said
We were on our way to the house. It was quiet on the car. When we came back down Jason was sleep and August was talking to his neices. We pulled up to the house and I woke up Jason.
" Guys me and Layla are gonna go in, but imma call you guys in" I told them. Me and Layla walked in, I still had the key. It was dead silent, good I hope he ain't here. We went upstairs and into the bedroom, it was a mess. It was food al over the floor and clothes everywhere.
And there he lied on the bed knocked out
"DADDY",Layla yelled jumping on the bed yo get to him. She shook him."daddy wake up now, we need to play "she said." Huh, oh hey babygirl how'd you get here" he said confused. She pointe to me and he looked up. He looked horrible, he looked like he hasn't sleeps in days, and he needed to shave.
"I came here to pack me and Layla's things, so we could leave" I said. "Why are you leaving, I thought you were coming back" he said with a sad face. I was kinda feeling sad of how I treated him.
" I love you bone, but we're not gonna work out. I'm going back to live with my mother" I said." How am I gonna be able to see my daughter than" he asked. I hesitated, but I wasn't gonna keep him from his daughter. " In 2 weeks, she can come stay for 3 weeks before she leaves. After that we could discuss further visits" I said.
I went downstairs and called them in to help me pack. It was very awkward for everyone. But him a nd Layla were talking and playing on the bed while we did that.

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I love those things

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