2Days Later

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Its been a whole week since Layla's been in a coma. She was showing improvement, until that"nurse" put Zaralto into her system. It's a drug that messes up your brain cells and immune system.After that I made them have security by her room, and the doctor check on her oftenly as he could.
"So is she showing any improvement"I asked the doctor as he checked her heart rate with that thingy.
"She's doing fine. She's doing better than she was doing when the Zaralto was put in her system,but she pretty much the same"he said. My mom, August, and Latoya was here. Jenny and Jason was at work and would be here later on. Bone went back home earlier this morning, and would be back as soon as she showed a lot of improvement.
"So can you tell when she's gonna wake up" my mom asked. She's been here as long as me and August has been. All three of us spend the night here. Me and August slept on the chairs, and my momma slept on the couch.
"Well from the looks of it....I know for sure she not going to wake up before two weeks are over. She was showing Progress, but the drugs slowed the whole process......a lot"he said writing something on the clipboard.
I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face. I have never had to deal with something like this and it's really bothering me. Everything seemed perfect, until I move here.
"Poor baby, my lil Breezy...I hate seeing her like dis. Dat nigga was da cause of dis. Should fuck his ass up" August said looking up at Layla and then back at his phone. He was talking about Bone.
I wanted to cry, but I do that a lot this week, and I wasn't crying anymore. I was trying to stay strong, and if not for me, then for my baby. I looked over Latoya and she was looking over at Layla, bouncing her leg. Even though she hasn't known my baby long, she bought her a lot of things and spoiled her to death.
"Baby are you ok"August said looking up from his phone,at me. I nodded
"Yea just hungry"i said. I haven't ate since yesterday morning. I wasn't focused on eating anyway.
"What you want"he said standing up
"Some Rally Bacon Cheddar Fries, cheese burger, cheese biscuits,and a sprite please" I said not looking up from phone.
"Fat ass" he mumbled
"I know I do" I said. I know I got a fat ass, like ain't no need to tell me(she being sarcastic).
"You know what, never mind" he said walking out the door.
I looked back at Layla,and she looked bothered. Her face was slightly scrunched up.
"Mom do you see that" I said.
"See what baby?"she stop picking her nails and looked at me. I pointed to Layla and they both looked at her, and looked confused.
"Yall don't see that, her face?" I knew I wasn't tripping. I been looking at her ever since she been here, and her face looks as if something bothering her.
"What's wrong with her face"my momma asked. I looked back her, no I knew I wasn't tripping. I knew what I see, and how her face was before.
"I'm back with yo food fat ass!!"August said busting in the room, interrupting my say so. He handed me my food.
"Just to let yhu know know that the total was $14.85" he said looking at me, then sitting down right next to me.
"Oh, good to know" I said taking a bit of my cheese burger.
"You want a bite Toya"i asked giving her my burger. She bit it, and August grabbed it bit, and then my mom did the same and passed it back.
"I didn't say the whole damn community"i mumbled. I looked back at Layla, but her face changed back to calm. I don't know, I just might be imaging things.
When I was done with my food, I put my trash, in the bag and laid on August shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and kissed my forehead.
"Everything's gonna be alright,Baby God got us"he said rocking me back and forth in my seat. That was the last thing that was said to me before I fell asleep.
"Wake up girl, the doctor need to tell yhu some'in"Toya said shaking my arm.I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I wasn't on August shoulder anymore, I was on the couch next to Layla's bed.
"Ms.Hunter,we need you to talk to the detectives, about the lady that was in your room a few days ago, is that alright"The doctor asked
"Yea, it coo"It was about three in the afternoon, and my momma or Toya wasn't here. It was Jenny and a Me.
"Jenny were August at"I asked.
"He went to go get his brother"she said texting away on her phone. He was bringing Travis here. I haven't seen him in like forever. Me and Trav were best friends through middle school and till sophomore of High School, cause that's when I ran away.
"Really. Oh my god, what if he's still mad at me"i was scared, because the last time me and Travis talked, me and him got into a huge argument about me running away with Bone. I told him, evaery'thang.
"Girl chill out, that boy ain't mad at you, that was so long ago"she said.
The detectives walked in our room, without even knocking.
"Ms can we ask you a few questions"the officer asked me. He was heavy set, white , and sounded like he was from Mississippi.
"Ok that'll be all for today"the officer said leaving out the room. He asked me about two hundred questions:
How do you know this young lady?
How did you find out see wasn't a nurse?
Why did you attack the young lady?
Do you wanna press charges?
How old is your daughter?
And many more
Of course i didn't say anything,but I did tell him her age,and that I did want to press charges.
I picked up my phone, and called August

Me:Aug, when are you coming back
Bubby: I be dere in'na minute, why?
Me:'cause I miss you Bubby
Bubby:Stop the gay shit ya here me
Me:Yea i here you
Bubby:and I miss you too, I'm 'bout to be dere, alright

I ended the phone call and tossed my phone on the other seat next to me.
"That's cute"Jenny said pressing her lips together, turning them to the side
"What"i asked. At first I thought she was talking about my new phone case.
"You and August. Yall a cute couple. Like you didn't even do dat with ya niggadaddy(that's what my momma call her baby daddy),and yall was together for what....dam nere 4 years, and you and Aug only been dating like what...4 and a half months."She didn't look up from her phone
"Yea I guess your right" I wasn't going to even deny the fact that I probably have more feeling than I had with my niggadaddy.
"I thought so"she said getting cocky

I'm thankful that August has been with me thought all of this, and he's been the most supportive. He is like my angel.

Thank yall for being real cooperative. im tryna do as much updating as I can, but I got my Ipad tooken for a really long time
BUT I LUVVVCVCC YHU GUYS, And really appreciate your support

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