Mommy's Here

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"Is this okay"I asked lay stepping back
"Nunuh"she said before I sighed.i was getting frustrated.
"How bout now"I ask moving her pillows down some.
"No mom no"She said before a tear slipped down her cheek.I wined under my breath a little bit.It really hurts to see my baby like this,knowing I couldn't do anything about it.You could look at her face and could tell she was in pain.
"Baby,I'm sorry that I can't help you the way I want.I just need you to bare with me and be strong,for mommy,okay?"I said letting a tear roll down the side of my face.
"Okay"she said.i whipped the tears from her face with my jacket sleeve.
"Aww look at my gran baby"My mom said taking off her jacket,and running to Layla's side.
"Nana!"Layla said through clenched teeth.They were putting in a new IV in her arm and she didn't really like needles.
My mom held Lay's hand until the nurse was done.
"Are you okay"my mom asked her playing with her hair.
"I'm ready to go home"She said whining.
"Your going home soon okay"she told Layla.
She just nodded her head and pouted.
"What's wrong Lay?"I asked.
"Where Aug. He said he would be right back"she said whining.
I rolled my eyes. I swear they had my baby on too much medicine. She was being so emotional,that she wasn't being herself. Does that make any since?
Usually she would never tell me if she was sick,or had a fever,or if she was sad. She would wait til it was maximum pain or she couldn't hold it in no more. Thats exactly how i am.
"You want me to call him for you?"I asked.
I quickly dialed his number,then pressed the call button. It rung numerous times before he answered.
"Yes babe?"He answered.
"She wants to talk to you"I told him.
"My babe Lay?"he asked.
"Yup. She wants you to come to the hospital"I said before handing the phone to Layla. The first couple of seconds she didn't say anything. Then she started crying into the phone.
I just giggled while my mom rubbed her stomach. It was official
They drugged my baby up
I could hear August talking to her,but i couldn't exactly hear what he was saying. Her cries made his words sound foreign. After about 5 minutes of them talking Layla calmed down. She put her arm out to hand me the phone.
"Hello"I answered.
"They neetha talk my baybeh off all that damn medication"he said.
"I know. Its killing me. She look like she up there wit the clouds"I was looking down in my lap.
"Well imma be up dere soon. Im still doing some things. When i finish,im up there"he said.
"Alrite i'll-"I siad before I heard my mom yell.
"Layla stop it"I said moving her arm. She was trying to pull her IV out.
"But it huuuurts"she yelled.
"Wats wrong wit her?"Aug kept asking.
"She tried to pull her IV out. Ill call you back"I hung up the phone.
"What am I gonna do with you little girl?"I said under my breath shaking my head.
"August!You came"Layla yelled tried to sit up,but laid back down.
"Wass below,little one. How you feelin"he asked.
"Much better now that your here"she said cheesing so hard.
August chuckled.
Low-key, I think Lay had a crush on August. Its funny cause on her phone she got him saved under "Bae😜".
I talked about it with her and she said she don't,but i think otherwise.
Its not cute

"Weeeeeeeeeeh"Layla yelled as the nurse pushed her in the wheelchair. We all laughed.
It was me,my mom,and Aug. Janae just called me and told me she was gone meet us at the house Aug rented us.
We helped Layla into the car and thanked the nurse. We went to the to the pharmacy to get Lay's meds and then headed home.
"Babe you hungry?"I asked.
"Yea"August and Layla answered at the sane time.
I laughed
"Mom I thought I was babe"She asked me.
"You are"I said looking through the front mirror.
"Then what Aug say sum for. Is you lying ta me?"She asked squinting her eyes,leaning foward in her seat.
"No Lay,your babe and August is bae,okay?No more confusion between you two."I said.
August let out a loud,obnoxious laugh.
"Alright baybeh. If you say so."He said. After that i turned on the radio. We sat in silence,letting the music play. We stopped at Chickfila and grabbed some chicken sandwiches and chicken nuggets for Layla.
"Want me to feed you or wait til we get home?"August asked me.
"I'a wait. Aint tryna get my clothes dirty"I said. Homey Mustard is hard to get out white clothes.
A few minutes later we made it back to the house Aug rented.
"Oh ma Daisy Dukes"Layla gasped. Ahe tried to hurry and hope out the car,but it made her dizzy.
"Oh stop"she mumbled to herself. She was so used to being herself,she wasn't used to slowing down.
"Lemme carry you"August put her on his back and she laid on him. I grabbed some bags out the trunk and carried them into the house.
"Why didn't just make two trips,instead of carrying everything at once"August asked me taking some stuff from me.
"Cause I didnt feel like it now gimme kiss"i said grabbing his face.
He planted soft kisses on my nose,then on my cheek, finally placing his lips on mines.
"Thank you"I smiled.
"Welcome baybeh".
I sat the bags down and for the medicine the doctor prescribed to Layla.
They gave her 2 liquid prescriptions and one in pill form. I got her a CapriSun bedore i wsnt to the room she was laying in.
"Ready to take your medicine"I asked her.
"No"she pouted.
"But you have to take them.. So you can feel better"I said.
"I know"
I crushed her pill into one of her liquid medicines.
"Here"I gave her both of the medicines and then the CapriSun. She held her hand out for the CapriSun. She drunk majority of her juice before she sat it down.
"I hate this"She said before her face came in contact with the pillow.
"Baby i know. We all do"I rubbed her back as she quietly sobbed in the pillow.
"Jesus we need you more than ever"I mumbled leaving Lay's room.
3More Chapters Left until the book is over. I would've been done sooner but,these nails made it extremely hard to type.
Luh' Yall

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