Im coming home

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In this story Issa is bone
Today was the day that I went back to New Orleans my old home town with all my friends and family. I got up at 4:30 and got in the shower. I washed my hair and body for 30 minutes.when I got out I put on some thing simple.
- high waisted denim jeans
- white spaghetti strap tucked in
- hair straight down with floral head band
- floral doc martens
- pink lip gloss,shoulder bag,ratchet necklace, hoop earrings
Well... Not simple, but simple enough. I order room service for some breakfast. I woke Layla up, nd as always she wants me to pick her up, so I pick her up and run her some bath water for a bath. I sat her in the bath tub and picked out some clothes.
- black shorts
-white spaghetti strap
-hair in bun, white bow
-black strap-on vans
When I was done I went in the bathroom, washed her up two times and wrapped a towel around her. I sat her on the bed and dried her off. I put her hello kitty panties and her clothes. I did her hair and room service came knocking on the door. I opened to see a man about 20/21 years old. He smiled and sat the stuff I ordered on the table. I thanked him and gave him a tip of 5 dollars.he left and shut the door. I ordered Layla waffle,eggs,and sausage. I had pancakes,hashbrown,sausage,and eggs. After we were done we I seen it was 5:15, so I packed up the stuff we bought and took it to the car. It was a little chilling outside so I put me and Layla's matching leather jacket.i gave her little purse that had lip gloss,sunglasses,and her hello kitty toy. We checked out the room and was on our way. I stopped by a corner store and got us enough snacks for a 7 hour ride. Then bone decides to call I answered it and hand it right to Layla.
Layla: Hey granny.....oh hey.....yeah......but why you hit mommy.....ok I forgive you....promise..ok....I love you....see you soon...ok.. Mommy daddy wants to talk to you.
I grabbed the phone from Layla and hung up write in his face nd continued to drive, like I don't give a fuck if you say I'm being childish, I ain't taking to him.then he shot me a text.
BONE: so that's what we doing.when you wanna stop being childish hit me up. How many times you want me to say sorry?!
I chuckled at him, how am I being childish? Any way we got to the airport and put our bags on baggage claim and got our bag numbers. We went through the process of checking us and waiting in line to check our plane ticket and stuff. We got seated in the 176c section boarding to New Orleans. I looked at my phone and called my mom and told her when we 45 minutes away, I'll call her. It was 7:15 , when we boarded the plane, Layla was so excited cause it was her first time getting on the plane. I gave Layla and me some snacks while the lady talked on the intercom.
Lady: welcome to Georgia Airlines, we will departing soon, so please turn off any technology until we reach the appropriate height,Thank you. I turned off my phone, Layla's phone,and my iPad.15 minutes later we were in the air flying. Layla was looking out the window with amazement in her eyes,so I took a picture, and put it on ig.
@Uniquely_Tonya: on my way to my hometown on a plane with @lay✌️kute, happy ass. I put my phone away and countinued to Layla play Subway Surfers.
We got off the plane and went to get our bags. When we got our bags we waited out front for my mom to come.
20 minutes later
My mom pulled up and jumped in my arms.she picked Layla up and tackled her with kisses.
Mom: hey beby you been good princess
Layla:yeah I even helped mommy fight daddy, he hit her hard and I beat him up...but I forgave him
She looked at me and I looked down and nodded
She picked up lay and put her in the backseat while I put the bags in the trunk. My mom drove and she told me my sister and my brother and our friends were at the house. I was kinda scared because my brother Jordan never knew I had a daughter cause he was in the army, right around the time I got pregnant he was off for training. My sister Jenny knew but I told everyone not to tell him. I wanted it to be a surprise, and he juss got back from there yesterday. As we rode Layla nagged about seeing Jennie, her bestfriend from preschool who lived next door. I told her we could see her later on.
10 minutes later
We pulled up in the drive way and I got out everyone attacked me with hug and kisses. It was my brother, sister, my bestfriend Latoya, and the clique lance, Janice and august. I smiled and said hello. Jordan was trying to pull me in the house,but I told him I need to get something.he told me he would get them later, but I told him it was important. I went back to the car and got Layla from the backseat.
Jason: who is that
Me: my daughter Jason
He looked at me sideways and raised his eyebrows. I thought oh hell naw it's over, but then he smiled at me and picked her up
Jason: hi baby girl what's yo name
Layla: I'm Layla Hunter and that's my mommy
She said pointing to me, I smiled and grabbed her , right when I grabbed her, Jenny grabbed her. I looked at her and stuck my tongue out. We all walk in the house and I sat on the couch. I pull out my phone and scroll through my news feed. I was going to take a pic, but I notice AUGUST photo bombing my shit.
Me: excuse me August... If you wanted a picture yu should have juss asked my nigg
August looked at me surprised
August: did the infinous goody to shoes juss say my people could change in 3 years
I juss laughed and snapped the picture and posted it on the one and only Instagram
--- August---
Wow! Tonya has grewn up in the last three yrs. I mean she went from class nerd to top derby dog. I had to give it to her she surprised me. She was beyond sexy, ass fo days, and 3 tattoos, nice.when she brought her daughter in I was surprise, I was suspecting her to be a virgin. A niggah was in his feelings until Jordan called me. He was in the kitchen with ms.k setting the plates. He wanted me to gather everyone up and get to the table, so I did. Ms.k cooked fried chicken, corn bread,biscuits,and mac cheese.
Jordan: so Tonya how has life been treating yu
Tonya: well.. Great actually, um after I had Layla I got a job at the office. Um after about a year there, I got promoted to hair and make up and today I'm a model
Jason nodded his head: what happens to that bone guy
Her and ms.k looked at each other and she sighed
Tonya:well, umm we got in a slight argument and I kinda came back here to let things simmer down, ya know
Mommy:well,umm we got in a slight argument and I kinda came Back here to let things simmer down,ya known
I looked at mommy
Layla: uh uh mommy don't lie tell the truth, you don't have to lie we fams up in here
Everyone laughed and mom looked at me with the 'be quiet' face, so I juss shut my mouth? But why wouldn't she? Why was she scared? Oh well!
I couldn't believe my sister was back, it's only been a week, but I missed her like crazy, before she met bone we used to so be close. We did everything together, so now that he's gone...... I GET MY SISTER BACCCCCCCKKK.
Me: hey tony come here
Tonya: yeah sissy
Me: you wanna go out tonite with me and the clique to the club
Tonya: do you know when the last time I went out.......HELL YEAH
I Smiled and told her to be ready at 8:30 sharp
We finished eating and me and everyone else went up to my room, Layla went next door to play with her friend.
Tonya came back Downtown right where she belonged. Me, Latoya, and Jenny was sitting on her bed. Lance and Jason was sitting on the dressers, Janie sat on the floor while August sat on the ceiling chair.we was all Sitting around doing nothing in particular, so I decided to break the silence and speak.
Me:sooooooooooo, guys watch a doin
They all laughed and told me if that was my way of tryna start a convo then I'm lame
Jason: aye y'all want to ride wit me to the mall, I need some new clothes for tonite
We all agreed and went in Jason and August car
I told mama to watch lay while we went to the mall and this was who went with who
Jason, janevae,lance,and Janie
We all got in the cars and headed to the mall.
Me:how you been August
He looked at me and smiled
Aug: I been doing good,especially since you came back
I blushed
But I been doing everything I can to keep me, my moms,and my neices a place to live, ever since Mel died.
I was surprised, Mel died, woooow, I ain't even know, I cupped my face
Me: sorry for lost August... I ain't even know he died, my bad bro.. Yanno
He looked at me and smiled
August: it's alrite ma.... And there you go again talkin like that.. I mean when you start all this
He said pointing at me
I laughed and said
Me: every since I had Layla, had to be strong for me and my baby yanno
August: yanno I thought you was still gone be inoccent when you turned 18
Toya: yea me too, you always talked about how nasty that shit was
I laughed
Me: well I'm a completely changed woman
August: yea a COMPLETELY changed woman
Me and toya laughed
Me:whatchu mean
August: I mean your beautiful, not that you weren't before but you changed ALOT
I was blushing hella hard,until my phone rung
Hello...what do you want...bone I don't care for your apologies... I don't know if I'm coming back... Yes you will...I'll think about it
I hung up
Latoya and August was lookin at me
Toya: gurl was dat bone
I nodded
That niggah
I only told Latoya what happend that night, and she was hella mad. I made her promise not to tell nobody
We pulled into a parking spot at the mall and got out. Me and toya was walking hand in hand like we used to do.
We met up with everyone else at the entrance. The first store we went to was footlocker. Me and the girls all got matching greffys purple,black,and white.i also got the new taxis,and the retro 3s. After that all the girls went to f21 and boy's went to Hot Topic.
When we went to forever 21, I saw some cute Louis Vattion heels. I put them on nd asked for there opinion
Toya: they the bomb
Janie:I like them
Janevae: I think u should buy them
I took them off and put them back in the box. I also bought some black wedges. We went to the up stairs for clothes, body essence, and undergarments. Last but not least we went to Victoria Secret. I got some stuff for me and Layla. I got jewelry,and body washes. After we went shopping we all met up at the food court and got pizza and hot wings.
Jason: sooooo,what y'all get
Allthegirls:a lot
We all made small talk and then went back to mamas house.

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