A day in Georgia

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Outfits for the day
"So guys what do you want to do today, anything you want at all"I said. We just dropped off Layla to stay with her dad today, cause she won't see him for another three weeks.
"Ooh, let's go shopping, then bowling, and then go out to eat, maybe the club"Jenny suggested
"But we didn't bring no club clothes"Jason said
"That's why we going to the shopping dummy... Duh" she said in a duh tone. I laughed because the face that she made, hilarious.
"Those sound like good plans. Open a can of whoop ass in bowling"August said rubbing his hands together
"Naw niggah you mean you gone open a can of whoop ass, then you gone trip and it's gone all fall on the floor" Jason said.
Me and Jenny was laughing hella hard at his stupid joke, like what the hell?! Ma brother hella dumb and always saying stupid things.
After the laughter died down we ride rode the rest of the way to the mall in silence.
"Here we are, ma favorite mall" I said. We were at the Surprise Mall. We walked around the mall for a little bit and then we split up, girls being with girls, boys being with boys.
"Oooooooh look at this shirt, it's hella bomb." She said. It was U.G.L.Y. It dookie green with red strips.
"That is not cute, it's ugly" I said.
"How about you pick my outfit and you pick mine" she suggested
"Ok, 1...2...3 GO" we both scurried the opposite ways to find each other outfits. I went to the dress section.
I found this black body dress. It was a bit reveling, but she is single. I grabbed the dress off the hook and went to the heels. I got her some purple red bottoms, it looked cute together. I looked over the outfit twice before I headed towards the registers. I seen Jenny waiting in line already.
"There you are, you took forever"she said
"Nuhun I just took 20 minutes, that's not long" I said
"Well in my book it was long" she said rolling her eyes
"Lemme see what you got me" I said eager to see. " Oh heah" she said before showing me what she got me. It's was sexy, but not too revealing. She got me a clutch and jewelry.Then I showed her hers.
"That is so cute cute, imma be looking SE-XY"she said stretching the last word out.
We finally got to the register and payed, coming up to $206.07. I wasn't gone spend money on a dress that I was probably only gonna wear once.
After we went to Vitoria Secret,Louis Vitton, Jimmy Choos, and Guisseppe Zanotti.
"Are Yall done yet, I'm ready to go bowling baby"August said. This was there 3rd time calling us, to see if we were done.
"Yeah we're just paying for our things were in the Nike Store." I got me some new slides, socks, and some sports bras. When we walked out August and Jason was standing there, me and Jenny gave the some of our bags and we walked to the car and put the stuff in the trunk.
"Ok off to the bowling alley we go" I said getting in the car and they followed, me and Jenny in the front. We drove right down the street. The mall was like 2 whole streets. We pulled up on a parking space and got out. We walked inside and I couldn't believe who I saw, it was one of Bones friends,Ar'Ryan.
"Hey T, what you doing here, haven't seen you in a while, how you been"Ar'Ryan asked. Me and Bone used to go here every Friday BEFORE he started asking suspect.
"Hey Ary how you been" I asked
"I'm good, can't complain, how bout you"he asked wiping down the counter
"I'm excellent actually, I'm here with my brother, sister, and boyfriend" I said smiling, me and August were holding hands.
"Alrite it's 4 of you and it's 4.00 for each person, and 3.00 each round , and shoes are permitted" he said ringing it up the price
"That's 22.75" Jason paid and we got our stuff
We were walking to our lane.
"You know everybody in this damn city" she said giggling
"Nahh I just used to come here a lot" I said thinking back to all the good memories here.
"Alrite come on yall let me teach ya how to bowl" Jason said putting on his shoes
"Boy if you don't get cho-"we all started laughing

I was happy to have a fun day with my family

There will be a part two
Ima start setting goals, cause yall just not showing enough love
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