Big Bro Talk/Day wit BH

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Tonya POV
Me and Layla was in the room. She was flipping everywhere and asking me hella questions,while I was just having a thought gathering. I cheated on Bone. But was it really cheating,if I left him. That's no excuse to that cause I never made it official, I'm types of fucked right now. I was busy thinking of my wrong doings, I didn't realize Layla was still tapping me.
"Mommy talk t me, you ignore me"Layla said. I kinda felt bad cause I sorrda cut her of this morning. After me and August did that whole scene, we actually talked about it. I picked Layla up and sat her on my lap." Yes baby girl", I said.
" I miss you"
" I missed up too, now come on and let's get you in the bath"
I ran her some bath water as she took off her clothes, she was anxious to get in she loved water." Hurry mommy, let me get in she said"she said. I laughed. When I was done running the water, she got in instantly. I wen back in the room and some one knocked on the door. It was Jason. " yes??" I said looking for Layla some clothes. He came in and sat on my bed" yanno you.... Aug told me what happend"he said.i sighed" I dnt even remember, I woke up and he....he was there".i stated."I know, and I just wanted to apologize for not abligating to situation" , he looked down. He really thought it was fault.
" you know it's actually my fault, Imma grown women and I drunkenly determined my decision". I said." Good, cause a Niggah was beatin his self up over that". He said laughing. I laughed too, but Layla interrupting us.
"Mommy hurry I want to get out"she yelled."alright imma go back down there wit my niggahs "he said leaving out. I grabbed Layla's clothes and sat them on the bed. I grabbed the towel and seen her looking at me. I wrapped the towel around Lay and carried her to the bed. I dried her off and lotioned her up. It was kinda warm outside so I threw her on
- blue, white,purple,and white dress
- knitted bootie boots
- dark blue headband
I put her hair in a bun
"Go downstairs and tell Tete Jenny to make you some cereal" I assured her. She ran out the room and locked it. I ran some shower water and hoped in. I washed up for about 35 minutes. I felt so good to scrub my body. I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Looking through my closet I was looking for something simple, but cute. I finally decided on
- a purple long sleeve crop top, that says wild in white
- Jean shorts
- gray beanie
- purple Jordan flights
I flattened my hair and left it like that. I was planning on having fun today with big homie Russ and jay. Jay was a year younger than me meaning he's 17, but always throws hints my way that... He's available.
I walked down the stairs and in the living room was jenny, Jordan, August, and jay. They were waiting for me to finish getting ready. Layla was in the kitchen still eating." You ready" jay said." Uhh one second I gotta get Layla" I said. I walked in the kitchen and Layla was trying to get down from the high chair. I laughed and caught her." Thank you mommy"she said." Let's go,we leaving". I grabbed her hand and led her into the living room. When jay saw me he automatically got up." See Yall lata"I said to everyone in the living room. We got in jays car. He is 17, and yes he has a permit and yes I have a license and yes I do trust my brother(play). I buckled lay into the back seat and got in the passenger.he started the car and we were off.
"I missed you" he started off. I looked at him and smiled" I know and I missed you too" I said."why'd you leave"he said." I ain't even mean it lik that, I mean when I left I got preggo and didn't think YALL was gone deal wit me since I was wit bone and he was a drug dealer".he shook his hand in understandment.he grabbed my hand"well,I'm happy your back" he smiled at me. Me and Jays bond is strong and nothing will be never be awkward between us. We pulled up to a carnival and I looked back to see Layla sleep. I got out and woke her up." Lay baby, wake up". As soon as she realized where we were it brighten her whole lil sleepy mood. Russ was at the booth getting the tickets. "Hey guys" he hugged me and picked up Layla."you ready to have run"she shook her head violently fast. We laughed and went in the carnival. And to say the carnival was fun, it brought that spirit I ain't have since I was 14, before I had a first love or had sex.
Anyway jay was being a scardey cat about the loop ty loop ride."I ain't scared, I just don't want lay to get on and stay here"he said." Uncle Jay you know dang well you a stary cat, thtas all juss say it. He kissed his teeth and we all started laughing
2⃣ hours lata*spongebob narrator voice*
We was all at the Waffle House eating. I was having a good time and so was Layla. My phone was ringing and didn't even looked at the phone before I answered.
Me: hello
???: when are you coming home
I looked at the phone and frowned
Me: can we talk about this lata, I'm having a good time and I ain't need you ta mess it up, so I call you back when I get home.
I looked up and everyone was looking at me weird."bone"I said."that niggah" BH said. After that we went back to eating and having a good time, Layla ain't even asked about her daddy which is surprising, but I left it at that. I ain't even worried bout nobody but me and mines right now.

WEIRD WAY TO END I KNOW IFFY WAY TO END, BUT*laughs and rubbs hands evilly*Some stuff bout to happen. HOWD YOU LIKE? Did you not?
Ok bye

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