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Continuation from last chaptie

I couldn't believe my ears
"What?"I said in so much disbelief, that I thought I heard him wrong.
"How do you know?" I said slightly angry.
" Tonya I want you to hear me out before you assume shit aight? I need you to listen to the whole story fo you wil' out, ya heard?"
"August what the fuck is going on. Just tell me!" I said getting frustrated with the situation. Like you know who did this to my baby and you hesitating to tell me. The fuck.
"I had a part in dis here situation" he said looking away from me.
"Stop playing. Why are you playing with me? Why is this so funny to you?" I said walking over to him pushing his head.
"It wasn't to intentionally hurt-"I cut him off.
"Fuck you. Why would you do this to me August. I was hurt that I didn't know who did this my baby, but now that I know it hurts even more. I trusted you and you completely had me fooled . You don't care about me or Layla or any of my family. H-how could you?" I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. In front of me stood a stranger, someone I didn't know. He looked foreign to me.
"This what Im talkin about. You assuming shit. You didn't even-"
"Shut the fuck up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I have nothing else to say to you anymore. You shouldn't either. Good bye August, I loved you." I said walking towards the stairs.
He looked like I hurt his feelings.
"Can you stop please. Please" I said starring at him. He didn't say anything, so I continued upstairs. I was so angry with myself and him. I grabbed a bag and stuff my stuff in it.
I grabbed Layla and my keys. Layla laid her head on my shoulder. She didn't wake up, which would make this so much easier.
I jetted down the stairs being careful at the same time.
"Where you going?" he asked me, coming out the kitchen.
"Away from you" tears rolled down my eyes again. I just couldn't believe this shit. Why would he do this to me. I'm heartbroken.
"You not even-"
"Who did this too my baby?" I asked him.
"I'm already handlin-"
"Who the fuck did this to my baby" I said in the calmest voice I could muster up.
He just stared at me, looking lost. I scoffed and headed to the door.
Before I closed the door, I heard him say,
"Need to go check ya' baby daddy"August said.
"Y'all some bitch ass niggas "I yelled slamming the door. I should have knew. The worst part is that, I'm not surprised it was my baby daddy. I'm just hurt. After all we've been through, that hurt me to the core. He didn't even care about hurting his daughter to get to me. Hes gonna pay

I pulled up at my mother's house tears streaming down my eyes. I used my keys and opened the door. Jenny and my brother were in the livingroom.
They tried to greet me, but then saw the look on my face.
"What happend to you?" My brother Jay asked me.
I ignored him and walked up to my mothers room. I opened the door without permission.
"A knock would have been nice"She said half naked.
"Mom I need you to watch Layla for me."I said.
After she put her shirt on she ran over to me.
"August and you had a fight?" She said embracing me into a hug
"No mom. I need to go" I said.
"Go where?" she said holding my face in her hands.
"To Georgia. I need to take care of some buisness" I said.
"Whats going on?" she asked me.
"Ill explain later,Mom can you watch her or not I need to go!"I said frustrated. I was mad and it wasn't no better I was taking it out on her she didn't deserve it.
"Where is she?" she asked. I quickly jumped down the stairs and went to the car. I grabbed Layla and her clothes and made my way into moms room. My brother and sister were there. They looked at me as I entered the room. I laid her on my moms bed and put her bag in the closet.
"I should be back tomorrow" I said leaving out the house. I hoped in the car and called Janice.
"Sisster" She answered happily.
"Book me a flight to Georgia right now. I need to leave today"I said.
"Whats wrong" she asked
"I know who did this to my baby"I said starting to cry again.
"Tonya please don't do nothing stupid"She said
"I'm only doing the right thing"I said before hanging up the phone and focusing on the road.
I was sitting at the airport and it was 9:13 at night. I boarded the plane. Everything in life to me now was a blur. I didn't feel anything, I didn't want anything,I didn't need anything. I was totally blind sided. I didn't have anything on my mind, but revenge. I felt so good about what I was about to do, that I felt crazy and evil. But I didn't care. Since the police couldn't get justice for my baby, I will. She wont have to worry about nothing after this. I was gonna make sure she could live life worry free, even if I suffered the consequences.
Day and night,I cried and cried worried about my baby and who did this to her and they were right in my face,literally. I tried to mend a friendship with Bone, but I guess it's over now.
✈ ✈ ✈✈
Hours later I arrived in Georgia. I quickly grabbed the one bag I brought with me and caught a cab to the nearest hotel. I had Janice check me in under her name. Once I got to my room, I immediately hoped in the shower. When I got out, I put on some blue jeans,with a black "California" sweater. I wrapped my hair into a really tight ponytail, and put a black hat. I put on some latex gloves and then put on a pair of leather gloves. I put on a black pair of Combat boots two sizes too big and a pair of glasses. I was definitely ready. I had nothing else, but the clothes I wore here, the empty bag, and 2 thousand dollars. I grabbed everything and left the room. I made it to the elevator, right before it closed. Three other people were already on the elevator. It was an older Mexican lady, a man,and a child. There was a silence. They were all starring at me like they knew what I was about do. Like they knew what was about to go down. I was the last out the elevator. I hope Jesus forgive me, cause I'm doing some damage tonight.

Boyfriend #2( August alsina story )Where stories live. Discover now