First Day

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"Mommy come on, I'm ready"Layla said running in the living room. I stood up and slide my hands down my shirt. Today was Layla's first day of school and my fitting for the show I was suppose to be walking on Thursday night. It's been two days since we came back from Georgia, and Layla has been wining for her dad. Then I thought, what better way to distract her than school? I don't know.
"Alright, let go, see ya in a lil bit" I grabbed her hand and waved bye to my mom,Jason,and Jenny.
"Bye nana,bye TT Jenny,bye Uncle J"she said as we walked out the door
"Bye nanas baby"
"Bye honey"
"See you later lil one"
When I unlocked the door and we got in. I turned on the car and looked in the mirror.
"Are you buckled in"I said. She was struggling to buckle her seatbelt."No mommy,not yet"she said.
"Lay,you need to turn the buckle around baby"i said looking at the buckle."Ooh that's why it wouldn't go in. I heard a click
"I'm ready, I'm ready" she said mimicking spongebob
I pulled out the driveway of my mothers house and went down the street. We lived in one of those communities that you had to go down many streets and turn a lot just to get to a Main Street.
"Mommy what school am I going to"she said. They had to wear uniform so she had on a white school shirt, and a beige school dress with her hair in a bun and her strap on vans.
"Your going to go to this school called Pickering Elementary School"i said
When we arrived at the school I parked in the parking lot. It was a brick building, it had multiple buildings.
"Come on Layla" we got out the car and walked hand in hand into the building. It was an older lady about 55 at the front desk.
"How may I help you young lady?"she said smiling at me
"Yea, um I'm here to get Layla Hunter-Robertson classes"i said. At this school, each student had three classes. Core class, an elective, and PE."Ok one second ma'am"she went to the back.
About five minutes she came back with a paper in her hand
"Before I give you her schedule, I need your ID to match it" I gave her my ID and she gave me the schedule and I'd after she checked it. I got a visitors pass cause I wanted to walk her to class.
"Mama what time to you come pick me up"she said as we walked to her class."uh about 3:45"her eyes widen.
"Baby it's not gonna seem that long, cause you'll be doing stuff" I understood cause me and Lay were barely apart for 3 hours, if that.
"But momma imma miss you"she said pouting."imma miss you too, buggabutt,but you have to be smart too, show these boys you ain't nothing to play wit"I didn't want Layla to talk to boys this young,cause I knew their abilities.
"I promise when you get out we gonna get ice cream,k?"
The rest of the walk to her class was quiet,cause I was thinking. I needed to get an apartment soon, for me, my brother, and my sister.
We arrived at Lays first class
Room 504
I knocked on the door and I little skinny cute Asian girl opened the door. We walked in the class and Layla started to hide behind my leg.
"Hi I'm Layla's mom"i said handing her Layla's schedule.,
"Ok I'm Ms.Giovanni, and I'm Layla's teacher"we shook hands.
"Bye Layla baby, see you later"i said kissing her forehead and walking out the door.I walked back to the main office, signed out and hoped in my car.
Next I had to go to my modeling agency, and do a practice trial, that's where you do a photo shoot with like four other models,and classify which category thy go in. It either catwalk,picture,clothing line,or commercial.
I got out my car and locked the doors.I went through the front door, and what I seen in side was beauty.It was like a ball room.It had a chandelier and it was all white a front desk that was marble. I walked to the front off.
"I'm here for an appointment, LaTonya Hunter"she looked at me and then back at my computer.She typed something in and looked at me again.
"Third elevator to the right to the third floor"she said pointing the direction I was suppose to go.
"Thank you" I walked to the elevator and got on. It was nice elevator music playing,it was like a techno kind of beat.When the elevator opened up a middle aged lady was standing right there.
"LaTonya Hunter?"I spooked my head and she told me to follow her. We walked all the way down the long ass hall. She was kinda tall so it was hard to keep up with her.when we reached the end of the hall way and she opened the door, and it was another girl standing behind the door.
"Take her to hair and makeup"the middle aged lady said. The girl that looked about twenty grabbed my hand and pulled me through like three more doors until we got to this dressing room. She sat me down in a chair.
"My name in TaLisa, and I'm your makeup artist for today"she said walking around the room grabbing brushes alcohol pads and makeup. She started applying my makeup and I just sat there quietly. About twenty minutes later ANOTHER lady busted in the room.
What's up with bitches busting up in places?
"Follow me to wardrobe"she said. She didn't even give me a chance to get up, she just left. I went out the door and seen her and caught up with her.
When she opened the door it was a room full of her clothes.
"Take off those clothes?"she said looking through these racks.I did as told, and took off my skirt, blouse,sandals,and socks.
"You are doing a summer catalog, so you have to dress casual.The other girls you are doing it with are doing spring,winter,fall,and one is doing club wear.Is that alright with you?"she said turning to me. She had hangers with clothes on each of her fingers.I nodded.
"Ok,so take off your clothes"she said.I wasn't really scared to do that,cause I knew my body was beautiful. I took off my dress. She showed my how to put it on, and I put it on.
It was a cute dress,something I would probably wear to the beach.It was short,but in all it was cute.
"Ok now here put these on"she said handing me some white flats.When I put them on my feet I stood from the chair and looked at myself,sexy.
"Ok come on, One last thing before you go on set"we went down two doors, thank god,and that's where all the other girls were getting there jewelry and nails done.
It was an Asian women that looked about 21,a white women that looked more older, about 27,a black girl that looked 18, and this African women that was about 23 or something.
She sat me in one of the chairs and went the artist went to work. I felt like a star with two people doing my nails,another lady finding the perfect jewelry,and another fixing my makeup.
When they were done,they too us in the space where they did the photo shoot, they were two places so two people would be going at the same time.First the Asian and the African lady went on. They look like they were pros, it kinda made me scared, but I wasn't gonna show it.
35 minutes later they called me and the white girl up.
"Ok so since your doing summer, I need you to do kinda of fun,sexy,but fashionable poses,Ya get"he said. I nodded.
I went over to the backdrop and poses the first pose that came to mind.
"I like that"
"Hold that one"
"I like it"
"Don't loose that one"
"Good job girl"i heard someone yell. I looked over and seen the African lady smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Hey don't loose focus!"The photographer yelled at me. I turned my attention back to my photo shoot,and delivered at.
The photo shoot was over,and they showed me my photos I looked amazing! I wasn't now back in my regular clothes, and was walking to my car.I heard someone call my name,so I turned around and there she was, the girl that commented on my poses.
"Oh hey"
"You did great out there for a first timer"she commented."thanks you, you did well yourself"i said.
"Ok well my name is Jinoah, but you can call me JIJI"she said holding her hand out. I shook it.
"See Ya around"she said walking off. I smiled.
When I got in the car, it was hot,so I turned on the air conditioner. I looked at my phone and it was 3:15, so I had to go straight to Layla's school. On the way there it was some traffic,but nothing too much.
"Come on Lay"i said grabbing her hand. I just picked her up from the yard."how was your day"i asked.
"It was so fun momma! We made hats, and we played, and we had cookies and milk!"she said happily.
"Well I'm glad you had fun today,ready to get that icecream"I said
So how yall like it
What yall think about the outfit?
WhAt about that Jinoah(jI•no•u)?
It's to die for
Check it out

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