Me and Him/Who knows

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"Stop Layla damn!" I yelled frustrated. I was TRYNA sleep, but she kept shaking me." But mommy Teddybear wants you, he said to wake you up" she said pouting. I turned over and grabbed my phone from her." August what the hell do you want 7:30 in the morning" I asked" Well Good morning to you to"he said. I counted to 10 in my head, cause I was really cranky and I am definitely not a morning person, and he was really testing my patience, haha very cute.
"Babe I was just playin, I didn't know you were still sleep. But I just wanted to know if I could take you out later, dang"he said." Yea just come later cause I'm still sleepy and I need my beauty rest"I said." Alright mama see you lata" after that I hung up.
"I'm sorry T, I can't do this shit no more, after what happened to Mel, I can't do this" I said hoping that'll get me by from leaving this trap shit. T was just staring at me." Bruh no offense, but stop being gay" I said with all seriousness." I always knew I liked you, I wish I would have did the same, if I would've gotten out the game earlier my wife and 2 kids would still be alive. Yea ill let you go, nigga do something with your self, be somebody" Big T, a somewhat father figure said.
"Thanks fa understandin man, 'ppreciate it" I said dappin him." Yea lil nigga you heard what I said" he said before I walked out.
It was only 8:00, and I knew Tonya wouldn't be up until around 10, beauty sleep ma ass. I was gone stop by there and irritate her, she sexy when she mad. I'm gone take her and Layla out today, and then me and tonya was gone have some alone time together. I pulled up into they driveway and got out. I knocked on the door and Ms. K( they momma) answered the door.
"Oh hay August, come in" she stepped to the side to let me in." Hello, ms.k, imma go up to Tonya room and wake her up" I said. I was going up the stairs and Jason was walking out the room." Sup fam" I said dapping him." Nunin,nunin just chillin, came here for lil sis" he asked." Uh yeah, I was gone take her and Laylay, some where", I said" alright you be safe wit my sister" he said walking away." Always" I walked and opened her door. Layla was on Tonya phone playing something on YouTube. She looked at me and was about to scream, but i shushed her." Teddybear"she yelled/whispered." Hey Layla, I need you tor be quiet alright, blink twice if you understand" she looked at me and blinked twice.
I put her down and looked at Tonya, she was sleep and on her stomach with her legs spread out , basically, fetus position. I went in front of her bed and looked at her face, she was beautiful, great facial features. I kissed her multiple times on her lips. She turned her face around to the other side." Come on baby get up, please, I need you to keep me company." I said. " You couldn't let me get another hour of sleep could you?she questioned, her head still turnt."Nope, you need to get up" I said.i don't know what she was saying, but every now and than I would make out a couple of words."dis boy jrodjrkrkrmsld then he didorkrkfofjff I should jeidoeoekdkdie, always Keopmekeme damn" she said finally slamming her bathroom door. Females and sleep, sleeping don't make you beautiful, if you ugly then you just ugly. Sleep ain't got shit to do with it. She came back out"come on Layla, let's take a shower"she said.
Me and Layla were in the shower together getting clean. I washed her up first and then myself. I washed her hair, because I was gone let her wear it down today. When we got out I gave Layla the towel and I put on my robe. I carried Layla into our walk-in closet, since August was still in the room, watching tv on my bed. I put Layla down and turned on the light. I looked through Layla's clothes and put her on:
-black"color me pink"shirt in white letters
-white leggings
-grey letterman jacket"TKE OVR" on the back
-black toms
After that I told her to go sit on the bed with August while I get dressed. I put on:
-white shear button up top tucked in
-daisy duke shorts
-school girl socks
-bracelets and watch
I walked out the closet and went in the bathroom and straightened my hair. I called Layla in and straightened hers too, we brushed our teeth and washed our face. I took a picture and posted it on IG.
Uniquely_Tonya: about to go out with the boo, @augustalsina and my baby.
A/n:picture she posted on the side
I walked out the bathroom and August walked up to me.
"You looking beautiful today" he said wrapping his hands around my waist." I know" I said wrapping my arms around his neck."cocky much?"he said cocking his neck back." Naw, not at all, just really confident"i said. He smiled." Well you have a lot to be confident about" he said kissing me. We were kissing and all of a sudden" EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW THATS SSSSOSSOSSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSSO NASTY MOOOMMMY"Layla yelled. " Oops" August said. "come on" i said grabbing my phone, wallet , and laylas hand. We walked downstairs and my mom and jenny was in the kikitchen bye momma" i said kissing her on the cheek" bye baby be safe" she said."hey jenny" i said hugging her,"where you going"she said,"out" i said walking out the door. We got in his car and strapped up, me striping Layla of course. I didn't bother ask where we were going, cause all he was gone say was "its a suprise", so why aSk. After about 30 minutes we pulled up to this dirt lot with a tent, a circus. I just hope Layla don't get scared of the clowns, shes .mnever seen one. We got out the car and we walked with Kayla in between us holding hands. We swig her all the way over there by her arms. When we got there we payed for the entrance fee and went in.
"What is this place"layla asked looking around amazed." Its a circus, they're called cclowns august said." Ive never seen a person ssssssssssoooooooooo white"Layla said. Me and august laughed like really hard. After our little laughing session we took our seats and watched them practice. I took videos and pictures of them.
after about 20 minutes of practicing they did a show. It was cute. First they had all the performers do a walk-stand. They they did the tightrope walking. They had the midget in the small car come out. They had 17 clowns come out a mega toy sized car! Then they did a clown pyramid. Also they had a man juggle chainsaws and ride a motorcycle in a dome shaped t hing. It was fun, Layla had fun too,always saying "Lookit mommy, he swallowed fire" and she did say it often. After we left went to nail salon and he got me and Layla nails and feet done. He even got a manicure and the ladies were looking at him weirdly it funny.
"Did you have a good time at the circus Yung"august asked Layla."yeah I has sssso much fun at the circus, and I like my pink nails with the flower" she said." Well I'm happy you had fun, but me and teddybear are gonna stay a while at home then your gonna be with uncle J for a little while" I said."okay just make sure you bring me something back, and don't forget".she said"alright babymama" I said.
We pulled up to the house and got out. It was about 3:10 when we pulled. When we walked in the house nobody was in the house, except for Jason, he was in the kitchen eating.
"Sup yall" Jason said"hey"we all said."uncle J, Teddybear took us to the circus, and then took me and mommy to get our nails done see" she said showing him her nails." I'm taking that you had fun, baby gurl" he said sitting her on his lap."mmmmmmmhhhm, a lot of fun"she said.
"When are you two leaving"Jason asked."um imma come pick her back up at 7:00, so she could get ready and all that girly shit" he said." oh ok"he said.
August left and I sat down at the table." You know I kind didn't approve of you with him at first" Jason said." And why is that?" I asked curious." When the time is right he will tell, he needs to tell you for himself" he said"oh..... Alright"i said going up going to my room. Why didn't he approve me with August? What did he know what I don't know? I hope this isn't the first argument we have, cause I show is gone ask him.
It was now 6:30, and I just got done dressing Layla. Me and her took another shower, and I just got her dress in her hello kitty onesie. She was gone sleep with her uncle. I decided on something special but simple since i didn't know where he was taking me. I put on a red skater dress, black red bottom heels and some accesories. I grabbed my black purse and was ready to go. I took a picture and applied some red lipstick.
My Hubby- I'm ready for u, I'm out front-6:53
Me- alrite, here i come-6:54
I grabbed my phone and walked to Jason's room and opened the door." Im about to leave, see you later" i said." Alright" he said never taking his eyes off the TV. I closed the door and walked down the stairs, when i walked out the door, i locked it. When i turned around August was doing something on his phone, and to say was looking mighty fine. He had on white jeans, red button up shirt and a dress jacket. He had on some white kswiss. He was looking fine as hell. I walked up to him."hey baby, you looking good" he said hugging me and then kissing me." You look good yourself said." Ready ta gone asked."yeah" i walked to the passenger side and hoped in. I swear i felt like a high school girl on a date with her and crush,and i loved it.
We rode in silence, but it wasn't an akward, unwanted silence. It was good and comforable silence
We arriver infant of this restraunt. It read, Boucherie, in cursive blue letters, it was beautiful. It looked like a house, but you couldmtell it was a restraunt. We got out and walked hand in hand to the entrance."for how many"the lady asked"2 pplease august said
we was shown to our table and i looked around. It looked even bigger on the inside." I know, it looks awesome, same thing i thought when my step pops first bought me here" he said. " this is great" i said." And i planned it out, before i even asked you august said."oh is is at right?"i asked"yup"he sad" how you know i was gone say yes"I asked." Because you love me, and i love you, thats why"he said."wells that i ttrue said, we both laughed.
There was a silence
"you know Jason kinda didn't approve me with you at first" i said."why is that" he asked." I don't know, he told me that you would tell me when the time was right, is there anything you wanna tell me" i asked awaiting his answer. it was a bit silent for a while." I was a drug dealer BEFORE I dated you, but recently stopped. But. I don't do it no more" he said. I cant even be mad at him, because what i do when i ran away from home, was wwaaayyy worse. Before i could reply, the waiter came."can i start you off with ddrinks asked
" I would like a strawberry-lemonade" i said,"and i would like a sweet tea please" august ordered." And what would you like to order" she asked." I would like the salmon with shrimp salad and fries" i said." I would like the southern ribs combo"august said." Alright ill be back" she said. We mad conversation until our food came
"I had a very good time august, thanks for taking me out tonight"
" i had a great time witch too ma goodnight" he said kissing me and watching me walk in

I gotta figure out how to tell bone, and i go to school tomorrow

so there you guys go
a long chapter
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