And I dont Regret It

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I walked around to the side of the house, where I knew the door was unlocked. I also knew he wasn't home either, cause his car wasn't there. I quietly walked inside the house, being very cautious. I made my way up the stairs, when I heard noise upstairs. I paused for a second and tip toed to the room door. The door was half way open. It was dark in the room, but the TV was on in the room.
I slowly pushed the door open, trying to make it seem like the wind was pushing the door.
The body in the bed sat up and look towards the door. It was a female. She didn't get up, she just turned over and laid down.
When the door was open enough, I slowly crept through the door and ducked under the headboard to the other side of the bed.
"What the fuck?" I heard the female voice say. I lowly cursed under my breath. She slowly came around the bed. As soon as she saw me, I didn't even give her a chance to say anything. I leaped up and punched her in her face. She stumbled back a little bit.
"Who are you?" she yelled.
I didn't say nothing, I just grabbed the gun out of my bra.
She looked at it and looked back at me scared. 
"Sit the fuck down"I said pointing the gun at her.
She sat down on the bed and covered herself.
"Where is Bone?" I asked.
"Who? I don't know anyone by that name. I'm forreal" She said timidly.
"Lie again bitch! Where is that nigga at!" I said putting the gun to her head.
"I'm serious. I don't know a person by that name. I promise I don't!" She said starting to cry.
"Do you know a Darius?" I asked her still holding the gun to her head.
She looked down.
"I'm done playing with you bitch! Where the fuck is Darius!" I yelled.
"I don't know a D-" I cut her sentence short by slapping her with the bud of my gun.
"Lying ass hoe"I said. I dragged her to the bathroom and handcuffed her to the tub.
I opened drawers and looked through his things.   This nigga still had some of my stuff in his drawers.
I heard a voice come down stairs. I shut the drawers quietly and turned on the bathroom door and closed it. I wanted him to think she was in the bathroom. I heard his voice as her talked on the phone coming up the stairs. Knowing what he did to my baby, made me angry and I started to shake violently. I contained myself and hid behind the dresser by the door.
Once he walked in and I seen the back of his head, anger rushed through my body. My hands Started to twitch. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him.
He made his way to the bathroom, as he heard the shower running. He opened the the door, and then whispered
"What the hell?" He said turning around from the bathroom. He walked out the bathroom, to the side if the bed, back to the bathroom. I made sure to slowly and quietly sneak up to the bathroom door.
"What happened to ya bitch boo?" I said as I laid against the bathroom door. I seen the surprised look on his face as I spoke.
"What are you doing here?"He asked as he tried to stand up.
"Sit that ass down nigga" I yelled, whipping out my gun  as he sat flat on his ass.
I walked around the side out him towards the sink.
"Wtf is this for T?" He asked getting frustrated.
"You fucked wit my daughter, you fuck with me. You thought you would get away with this? Huh? Think again nigga. Get yo ass up" I said pointing the gun at his head.
"Is this whats this 'bout?"He asked smiling slowly getting up.
Seeing him smile about hurting Layla made me want to kill his ass instantly, but I had to contain my anger.
"Yurp. Now get that ass on that bed and strip" I demanded angrily.
"Its okay, I know you want to see me naked, all you had to do was ask, no need for a gun" he said laughing slightly.
I joined him in laughing. His little chuckle turned into a full out laugh.
I cocked the gun and shot him in his pinky finger.
His face turned from pure joy to gut wrenching pain.
"You still think im playing nigga? You think this Is a game!" I said laughing.
As he laid there in pain I finished taking off his clothes.
"There. All naked. NOW its play time boo"I said placing my gun in my inner pocket.
"You fucked with my daughter, you fucked with me"
A residential home in Atlanta, Georgia set to flames and burned down. Officers say they haven't found the cause the fire or identified the bodies of the victims of the situation. As soon as we have more info on the case, more info will be released.
------------------------------STORY. "Hello"
"Im on my way back now"
"You okay?"
"Yes im okay Jason. Wheres my daughter"
"In my bed sleep. Whats going on sis"
"I cant really explain it to you right now, but just know I DONT REGRET IT ".

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