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Y'all I'm back in the groove of things. I know I've been gone so long. And sad to say I was sent to military camp over the summer. I do apologize for the wait. I luv y'all
Another one...

I was woken up from my slumber by August.
"Mhmm"I said but didn't open my eyes.
"Babe are you going to work today"he asked
"No. Can you call in for me. Please?"
After that I went right back to sleep.
"alright. She should be in by next week. Thank you.Bye"I hung up my phone and through it on the dresser.
Po' Baybeh
She looked like she ain't slept in days, still in all so beautiful.
I pulled the cover over her body and kissed her cheek.
"I'a be back baybeh"I grabbed my car keys and locked up the house befo' I left. I hoped inna car and called Jenny.
"Was sup August"She sounded sleep
"Sorry baybeh girl. Did I wake you"I said
"Yea,you good tho. Wassup?"
"I need yo help wit sumthin"
I finally woke up around 1 o'clock. I checked my phone and saw a text from August.
My Hubby:I'll be back around 2 o'clock. Please get dressed  12:54pm
Me:What's the occassion?  1:08pm
My Hubby:Juss wear sum nice.  1:09pm
I really didn't feel like doing nothing and I just wanted to sleep the day away. There was nothing to do or no where to go. Just pointless.
I hopped in the shower. To be honest, I hadn't been really taking care of my basic necessities. I haven't showered or brushed my teeth in days.
But I'm so worried about Layla so much,sometimes I can't even think straight. I don't have time to think about me, I rather my baby have than for myself to have.
But I guess today I could what I needed to do to deal with the rest of the day.
When I got out of the shower,I grabbed my towel and covered my body. I brushed my teeth for about 10 minutes straight. After the I flossed,used mouth wash,and used my whitening pen.
Today I felt,was suppose to be a good day. I was getting  those
Like today,I just felt like...I don't know. Its hard to explain. Like there was suppose to be... I don't know to be honest. Its weird.
Today I was gonna be simple
,just some jeans with a white v_neck and my white timbs. I didn't want any make up on either. I just threw my hair in a quick ponytail.
Nice enough. It was about to be 2oclock and I was just waiting on August.
There was a knock at the door.
"Come in"I said
"Well its nice to see that your up. Been sleep everyday"my Mon said com
ing to sit next to me
"Hey momma"
"How's it going"
I shrugged my shoulders
"Let it all out baby"
"It feels like im a failure. Not only as a person but as a mother. As a mother you promise to never let nothing ever happen to your child, and I failed miserably. I already had her at a young age,so really makes it look bad on my end. I feel helpless without Layla and I can't even function right knowing she not here with me. It just hurts me so bad knowing that my baby's hurt ya hear?"My mother rubbed my back as I cried.
"Baby your not a bad mother, your of the most mature mother I've seen in a long time. You have a strong shoulder and supportive people around you. That baby needs you to be strong fa her. I know its hard,but you gotta put your faith in God. He does everything for a reason,and he sure don't make no mistakes. All you can do is pray fa the better baby"
"I hear ya momma"
"I juss came to check on you. Stay strong na"she said kissing my forehead and leaving the room. After that, I really thought about what she said and she was right.
I got on my knees and put my head down.
"Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for giving me the strength and the will to go on. Thank you for making me into the women I am today. Thank you for healing my heart from all the bitter and sad durations in my life. You've brought me though a lot and I know you'll lead me through more. Just give me the willpower to stay strong and have my baby and under your hand. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"I got up and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
"I'm proud'a you baybeh"August said. I turned around and hugged him.
"Thank you so much"I cried in August arms.
"Fa nothing at all"he laughed
I laughed
"I luh you babe"August said to me.
I smiled so hard
"I love you too"
"You ready ta go?"August asked
"First lemme fix my face"I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I had dark circles under my eyes, but other than that I was okay.
"Alright. We'ca leave. In ready"I grabbed my phone,and we left.
"Have you seen Jason or Jenny. I haven't seen them in days"I asked.
"No. They wasn't here when I came downstairs"August said.
I locked the door as we left. We got in August car and rode off.
August was holding my hand,thumb rubbing over my skin.
"You know I luh you right"August asked me randomly.
"Yea. And I love you too. I know I've been distant, but I promise imma try harder to be a better girlfriend"I told him
"Don't even worry bout it. You was just worrying about yuh baybeh and I understand. But you can't shut everybody out no more"He said
After driving for a little while we ended up at this house,that looked like it was off a magazine or something. It looked so beautiful on the outside,so amazing.
"Who's house is this"I asked
"Just get of the car"he munbled.
We walked up the long drive way. August pulled out a key to the house. It looked like the key DJ Khaled always using on snap chat.
He let me in first
"August this so beautiful. Who's house is this"I asked.
"Ours"He said.
"What?I cant-"
"For two weeks. I rented thus house for two weeks,so we'ca have some chill time"he said.
My smile was a mile wide. This why I love this man.
I wrapped my arms around this neck and kissed his lips softly.
"Thanks so much babe. This is why I love you"I said.
His eyebrows shot up
"Cause I rented this house."He asked.
"No because you make everything ten times better.You got that magic touch"I said laughing.
"Well I attend to have that affect on people"he said popping his imaginary collar.
"Conceited ass"I mumbled.
"You know one day this house is gonna be ours. When you move in with me and shit"he said.
"That'll be the day"I said.
"Lemme cook for you"August said.
"You know how to cook?"I said.
"Giiiirl please. I be in  the kitchen. I be whipping.Seasoning that chicken"August said trying to dance.
"No babe. Stick to singing. I like your singing better"I said laughing
"Alright come on"we went in the kitchen.
"You sit right here and watch ya man cook"he sat me on the bar stool.
"Love you"I said
"I love you too. T'morrow er'body coming. We gotta surprise fa you"August said.
As I watch him cook,I realize how much I loved this man. Me and Aug forever.

So thanks for baring with y'all. I really appreciate it.
Y'all loyal...
But please can y'all start voting for real....

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