Im Sorry To Imform You part 2

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"Babe calm down,please,your gonna give yourself a headache"August said rubbing my back. We were in the hospital waiting room, waiting to hear from Layla's results.
"I'm trying, but I can't, did you call my mom"I was pacing the floor. I was a little bit calmer, then when I came. I was crying so hard, I had a headache, but whatever I tried, I couldn't stop crying.
"Yeah, she coming wit Jason and them" he said walking over to me and hugging me.
"August I don't know what imma do, if she ain't alright, that's my baby August, I wasn't there to protect her"I said crying into his chest. We were standing in the corner, cause I didn't want to make a scene like I did earlier. I cussed the receptionist and a doctor out, cause they wouldn't tell me what happened to Lay.
Then they hit me with that " if you don't calm down ma'am, you will be forced to leave" shit. I was mad, cause all they told me was that someone was trespassing and he held a gun to Layla's head, asking for me. They wouldn't tell me what happened to her.

"Tonya, just calm down. You have to be strong for you and lil mama, cause when you gone in that room, and she see you, she gone be sad cause she see you like this" he said wiping my face with his thumbs.
I hugged him tight. If it wasn't for August being here with me, I probably would have did something I would regret, I was very thankful for him.

My mom rushed through the sliding doors with Jenny, Jason, Lance, and Toya.
"Where my grand baby at, what happened to her, what they say" she said walking over to me and August.
"They ain't tell us nothin yet, but that there was a damn trespasser on they schoo', and he had her"August said. Just him saying it again made me cry harder. Jason hugged me.
"It going to be ok sis, she gone be alright, I'm sure of it" he said rocking me back and forth. We stood like that for a long time. Everybody else was just sitting down.

1hour later
"Layla Robinson-Hunter family"I got up from August lap and we walked over to the doctor.
"Ok, so Layla is ok for the most part. There's good and bad news.the good news is that she was in a stable condition when she was she was attainted this morning". He said looking up from his clipboard.
"Ok so what's the bad news" Jenny said
"Well after about 25 minutes, she kept going in and out of conchinsness. She couldn't handle the pressure from the blows to the head, and the kick to her side. I'm sorry to tell you this but...she has two broken ribs and she slipped into a coma an hour ago"he said looking sorry for us.
"Oh my fucking God, whatcha mean she in a coma, what room is she in?"I said about to cry all over again.
"Um she's in room 117A, but only three at a time, cause even though she's in a coma, she still could feel the negative energy everyone has"the doctor said.
We agreed that Lance,Toya,and August would go first, then my mom,Jason,and Jenny, and then I would go by myself.
"Ok, it's your turn to go in T"Jason said walking into the waiting room with mom and Jenny behind her. I took a deep breath as I walked to the rooms on the first floor.
When I spotted the room, I slowly pushed the door open and walked inside. I was scared to look up.

Me:Your daughter is in the hospital.....bad news
I looked up and walked to her bed. I felt a burning sensation at the back of my throat as I held in my tears.
"Hey baby girl. This is your mommy speaking to you. I'm sorry I let this happen to you. I-I don't know who did this to you but I'm going to find out. Oh god, your dads gonna kill me. I love you, and I promise nothing is going to happen to you, nothing, over my dead body" I said rubbing her hand,in my hand.
Bone: what happend?!.....bad news?
Just then my phone rung
Bone:whatcha mean my doctor Ina hospital, what happend?
I rolled my eyes. He was giving me attitude, like I did something to my daughter.
Me:Something went on at the school, and she end up hurt.
Bone:Is she alright
Me:Sorta.....she in a comma
I could feel my eyes getting watery again.
He sighed real loud
Bone:I be out there by tomarrow
I hung up and looked up at Lay, she looked so peaceful,and so calm. I couldn't wait till she woke up,She getting home schooled until I fell she's old enough to go to public school again. Today I was suppose to do a shoot, but I wouldn't be able to focus knowing what was going on.
I kinda felt outta place, knowing what condition my daughter was in. This is exactly why I hated hospitals, and I hated the smell it had.
Anyway, I hated to be in hospitals.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in"
The doctor peeked his head in and then walked in.
"Visiting time is almost over, 15 minutes left. You can come back tomorrow from 6am to 5pm" he said."Alright"and then he left.
I sat back on the bed and grabbed Layla's hand and rubbed it.
"Baby girl I'm bout to go, but I'll see you tomarrow,and the day after that, too. I'm going to be here as much as I can for you. You never gone be alone in this, cause I got you baby girl"my voice started to crack"I'm trying hold up for you, but it's really hard to see you like this, but I'm doing my best.Daddy will be here to see you tomorrow, so he could talk to you, I'll see you later"i wiped the one tear that slipped from my eye and walked out the room. I leaned on the wall and tried to father myself, before walking out to the waiting room. I forced a smile on my face, when I seen everybody else.
"You good?"Jason asked hugging me.
I nodded
"Yea, I'm good, just tired, ready to go home"I said walking over to August and tapping his shoulder.
"Babe I'm ready to go,come on "he got up, as I said bye to everybody. We walked out the hospital, and got in the car. The whole way home, I was looking out of the window.
"Babe you alright"Aug said coming in my room. I was laying in my bed, ever since we got home from the hospital.
I nodded my head
"Yea I'm ok....can you lay down with me please"i said. He took off his shirt and int he bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me, and held me close to him. I turned around to where I was facing him. He kissed my forehead.
"Mama see gone be ok,Aight"he said kissing my forehead again.
"Dan you stay the night with me Aug"i asked. "Yea ill just call my mom and tell her I ain't comin' home tonight"he said
"Thanks you"
"Anything for you" he said pecking my lips.
Oh and thank you for being there for me"I said. He smiled "no prob, I'd do that anytime" he said
After August went sleep, I was still up thinking about my baby

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