Bad News

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I was laying in bed with my baby, since August was gone once again. Ever since Layla woke up in the hospital, he's been gone. That wasn't going to stop me from spending time with my baby.
"Mom. My head hurts, again"Layla whined.
It was only 2 in the afternoon and Layla couldn't take her medicine until 4:30.
"Alright. I'll be right back" I got out her bed and went downstairs.
I grabbed the ice cream and two spoons. I went in my room and grabbed the heating pad and a bottle of pills.
I walked in Layla's room and put her head on my lap. I broke the pill in half and gave her my water.
"Here. Take this" she took it from me and swallowed it.
"Here" I gave her the ice cream and told her too eat as much as she could. I put the heating pad under her head, so she could eat the ice cream.
"Better?"I questioned. She nodded her head as her she shoveled spoons of ice cream into her mouth. I played in her hair we continued to watch Peppa Pig.
Minutes later,I heard soft snores come beneath me.
I grabbed the remote turning the channel.
My phone vibrated on the nightstand, indicating that I had a text.
👑Janice💯:Can I come over - 1:37pm
Me:Yea. Call me when you get here.
👑Janice💯: Okey dokey
I plugged my phone, slowly sliding from under her body. I grabbed the tub of ice cream to put it in the freezer. I hadn't notice August sitting there.
"Hey baybeh"he said making me jump.
"Aaaahhh Aug I told you bout that. When you get here?"I asked
"Bout 5 minutes ago, but we needa talk"He said.
"Okay, what is it about?" I asked.
"Well I found who-" the doorbell rung, cutting August off.
"Sumone 'pose to come over here?"August asked.
"Yea. I didn't know you were here. I got lonely"I said running to the door.
"Don't bust ya face!"August yelled.
As soon as I opened the door Janice jumped on me. She was pose to come yesterday,but she told me she had something important to do.
"Oh ma god. Um missed you so much" she said kissing all over my face. I was just laughing and holding onto her tight.
(She was mentioned in the first few chapters of the book. Maybe around 3-6.)
"We haven't seen each other in like forever girl. What have you been up to I asked"I asked sitting her on the couch,then sot next to her.
"Oh my gosh. So much happened since we seen each other. I started going XU(Xavier University). I've met the man of my dreams. Oh and I'm 7 weeks pregnant. Also I gotta-"I cut here off.
"Wait...did you just say you were 7 weeks pregnant. Like there's a baby in there" I said touching her stomach.
"Yes" she screeched. I could tell she was generally happy.
"Oh god. Im gonna be a god mom slash auntie. Im gonna be a gaud mauntie" I said making us fall back laughing.
"Babe that was so ugly. Sup Janice?"August said walking out the kitchen drinking out the jug of juice I just brought.
"Babe really?"I said looking at him. Janice giggled.
"Ma bad. Didn't feel like washing out a cup" he said going back towards the kitchen.
"So whats been up with you besidesss.....yanno?" she said referring to the Layla incident.
"Well nothing really. I've really been blocking out everybody, even Jenny and Jason. I feel bad now" I said now realizing that I haven't talked to my siblings in like 2 months. Jenny probably mad at me. I need to call her.
"I think she'll understand though" Janice said.
"I hope so"
"Aww look at my baby. She's gotten so big"she said cooing at Layla.
"I know. She's not feeling good,so she went to sleep"I said.
"Poor baby"She said rubbing the base of her neck.
"Oh god"She said talking about Layla's temperature.
"I know. I gave her some medicine"I said.
She stirred in her sleep.
"Imma let my baby sleep. She need"Janice said looking tempting to do so. We left out of the room, leaving it cracked.
"Well i gotta go, my husband bouta get off work,and i needa nap" She said rubbing circles on her belly.
"Ok. Lets go" I walked her downstairs and down the drive way.
"I love you sister. See you lata"Janice said hugging me and than plopping down in the drivers seat of her car.
"Love you" I yelled as she left the driveway.
I let out a loud sign then walked back up the long drive way.
I made it back in the house and went into the kitchen.
When I walked in the house,August was sitting at the table with his head down. He looked bothered and red.
"Babe whats the matter"I asked sitting down across from him. When i touched him he was scouching hot.
"I know who did that shit to Layla"
Welp didnt see that comin.....
Yo i juss bought the Valentines 23s and have absoluetly nothing to wear with them

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