35 ~ A Riot So Petty

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I watched from the window of my room.

A group of people had gathered at the front gate, yelling and cursing and even hurling garbage. They weren't being aggressive or violent, but it was only a matter of time.

Piper stared down at the courtyard. "How could this happen? Why would they do this?"

"They know," I said quietly. "They have recognized my name. There've been articles going around ever since the attack, but no one thought it was of importance. Now, I'm going to be queen. And they won't stand for that."

Annabeth turned away. "This is ridiculous. They've taken the first faulty source they could find and pinned all the blame for the revolt on you. That's foolishness!"

"Is it? Someone has to take the fall."

Piper pointed at me. "Don't you start, Calypso. We've been over this. We can't defend you if you're not defending you."

I strung my fingers through my hair. "How do I fix this?"

For once, even Annabeth had no response, no brilliant suggestions. We were all at a loss. Illéa was desperate to hate someone, and I happened to be the most qualified candidate handy.

Hazel entered, her small hands twisting through her skirts over and over. "Are you all okay?" 

I almost laughed. "Stellar."

She hugged me from behind, resting her head on my back. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not like it's your fault."

"No, but if the ones responsible won't apologize, then I might as well, because you deserve an apology."

I steadied myself against the windowsill. "Thanks. I appreciate that."

Behind us, Annabeth paced back and forth. "There's got to be a way out of this. Something I'm not seeing. There should be a way to win them over!"

"I think that would take a miracle," I answered dully. "He wants me to be queen. I would have the second opinion on every major political issue for the next few decades. That's too much to swallow."

Piper hit one of my bedposts. "But you're completely innocent. It's not fair!"

"Since when has anything been fair?"

"I used to think things were." Hazel sank onto my bed. "But that was a long time ago."

Wordlessly I left them, closing the door quietly behind me. I hated that I had caused them this pain on my own behalf, and equally so that I was helpless in its wake.

The guards at Leo's office door didn't question me. They simply opened it and let me pass. He was slumped at his desk, a tablet in his hands, swiping through newsfeeds.

I sat on the floor next to him. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

Leo shut off the screen, rubbing his face. "You were right all along. They weren't ready. I was a fool."

"No," I protested. "You weren't; it was time. But they never would have been ready for me, no matter how long you waited."

"I can't accept that." He banged his fist on the desk. "I am their prince. They have known me since the day of my birth and they refuse to trust my judgement?"

"What if the situation were reversed?" I chewed my lip. "Would you be so accepting of someone with such a legacy under their name?"

"I'd like to think I wouldn't take it to the streets in a rage!"

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