16 ~ A Shock So Immense

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My maids scrambled to put together a new dress in less than two days. By Friday, I had a new, much simplified dress. It was still beautiful, but I wouldn't be outshining anyone tonight.

I didn't think about who had done it. If I did, it would drive me crazy with the wondering. Instead, I put it out of my mind and told myself it was merely a dress, that it never mattered in the long run.

On Thursday, I helped teach two short, simple classes on Illéan dances to some of the younger Indonesians and Spaniards who'd come a bit early. It gave us a wonderful opportunity to make friends and get to know them before the actual party. Hopefully, it would help make things more relaxed.

By Friday morning, almost all the girls were nervous wrecks. Hazel and Echo were beside themselves with worry that we might have been wrong in our choices, although Reyna seemed confident in what we'd done, and Khione didn't seem to care much one way or the other. I had so many things swimming around in my head that I just gave up worrying.

My maids insisted on taking the day to prep me and make needed adjustments to my dress, and I relinquished control to them. They washed my hair and rubbed on strange lotions and experimented with different makeup until I feared I'd be too tired to attend the event.

"The ball starts at 5:00, which means I have to be there early to finish checking preparations. You have to finish soon, Kate," I said wearily as she yanked up my hair yet again.

"This has to be perfect. Do you know how many photographers and important guests will be there?" Kate insisted.

"I think the idea of 'perfect' was ruined along with my dress."

That sobered her up. She quietly finished fish-tailing the top of my hair and curling the rest. Madeleine and Leah gathered up my dress and helped me step into it. I flinched a little as Madeleine buttoned it, tightening the bodice around me.

Leah was the only maid tall enough to place anything on my head, so it was she who fixed the circlet of opals carved into flowers on my hair. Madeleine fastened a simple topaz necklace around my neck. I slipped on a pair of white flats, and I was ready.

Madeleine frowned a little. "Are you sure you should be wearing those shoes, miss?"

"I may be able to wear a dress, but I can't wear heels to save my life. This is the best option." I adjusted the circlet on my head and brushed off my skirt. "Now, what's the best way to get to the ballroom discreetly?"

"Go down the servants' stairs and turn left twice. Then it's the second door on the right," Kate explained. Then she leaped forward and hugged me. "Good luck, my lady."

I hugged her back, cheered by her enthusiasm. Then I hugged both Madeleine and Leah, too. "Thank you all for your help. You've been amazing," I said softly.

"It is a pleasure to work for you, and I hope it's one we get to enjoy for a long, long time." Madeleine smiled. "Now, go! Wouldn't want to be late."

I hurried out and down the back stairs. I passed a startled servant as I descended, and quickly put a finger to my lips. He grinned and bobbed his head, saying nothing. I continued on my way and reached the right door without incident.

I slipped inside the ballroom, quietly closing the door behind me. Then I looked around, and sucked in a breath.

I had never seen a place more elegant. The walls were pale green with white and gold trim, and several silver chandeliers dangled from the ceiling. A long mahogany table ran along the length of one wall, and servants scurried back and forth with trays of food that they unloaded upon it. In the corner, several musicians were tuning their instruments on a raised platform where they would perform.

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