17 ~ A Confession So Abrupt

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"Iapetus?" I stared up at my uncle in shock. "What in -- "

"Hush, child." Grasping my hand, he hurried through the crowd till we reached the corner of the huge room. Then he turned to me and leaned on close. "Listen. I know what my brethren are planning, and I'm on your side. I've been with them, trying to pick up important information. I'm the only one of them not convicted previously, thus the only one who can walk free, and that makes me a great asset to them."

"Where have you been? Why are you here now?" My head spun.

Iapetus winced. "I was not charged as guilty in the first war, but they took something instead of my freedom -- my memory. I only regained it all a few months ago. Please don't fight me, child. I came here to find you. I had to warn you not to trust them."

"Thanks. Never could have figured that out."

"Be serious, niece! I'm here to help you. You must not give in to them. I and my....allies are trying to find a safe place for you to go. When the time is right and we can get you out safely, you must beg the prince to eliminate you." Iapetus' eyes were deadly serious.

Eliminated. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, strangely. I'd hoped for a few more weeks with Leo, maybe just to get to know him as a better friend. "Are you sure I wouldn't be more helpful here, in a position of power?"

Iapetus stepped back. "Heavens, child, tell me you weren't foolish enough to fall in love with him!"

"No! Of course not. I just, it's, they wanted me to try to win the prince's heart and spy for them. I wondered if I could, you know, do that for you?"

Iapetus considered. "I don't know if--"

"Introducing the Royal Family, his Majesty King Hephaestus, her Majesty Queen Esperanza, and his Highness Prince Leo!" An announcer boomed.

I looked up at my uncle as the doors on the other side of the ballroom opened and the royal family entered. "I'll let you know," he whispered, and then he melted into the crowd, disappearing from view.

"No, wait, I -- " I was cut off by an old woman jostling me out of her way. Growling in frustration, I stood on my toes, trying to see that gray head again, but Iapetus had vanished. "Thanks a lot," I muttered.

I wove my way through the throngs as King Hephaestus began a speech praising his wife and her years on earth. Spotting Piper, I made my way to her side and curled my fingers through hers as we listened together. At last, King Hephaestus bellowed, "Now, let the dancing commence!"

Immediately the chords of the first dance, "Dragonfly Waltz", echoed through the hall, and guests began partnering. Someone touched my shoulder, and I turned to see a short Indonesian boy who I vaguely recalled dancing with at our lessons. He pointed at the couples gathering for the first dance of the night. I smiled politely and allowed myself to be led onto the dancing floor.

Unfortunately, this particular dance was slow and simple, leaving plenty of time to converse. "Uh, salamat sore. Nama saya Calypso, namamu siapa?"

"Nama saya Aman," the boy replied in a surprisingly deep voice. "And also, I speak English."

"Oh, good. I didn't take much time to learn Indonesian."

Aman laughed, spinning me in time to the song. "It is a fine language, but not one widely known."

"Truly. I've never met someone who spoke Indonesian in Illéa, actually, come to think of it." I ducked under his arm and came up facing him, pressing my hands flat against his. "Not that I've met many people at all."

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