9 ~ A Friendship So Kind

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   "We went to the library together, and then he brought coffee and pastries. And we talked for hours and hours. It was amazing," beamed Alice. Reyna, Julia, Jade and I listened intently as she told us of her recent date with the prince, all of us sitting and eating sandwiches at the dining table for lunch.

   It had been a week since our date, and my heart fluttered the tiniest bit whenever I thought of it, but I stamped it down, determined not to care about the first boy that gave me any attention in years.

   Loved ones were always lost, no matter who they were.

   My maids had been very pleased with how long I'd stayed out with Prince Leo, although they didn't pry, and I didn't share much with them, not wanting to get Leo in trouble for going into the forest. They'd taken my white dress (now covered in sap) without asking any questions, only smiling at each other mischievously.

   In the week that had passed, Leo had been on dates with about half of the girls, and competition was rising. One of the girls, Juniper, had found poison ivy leaves in her shoes, thankfully before she put them on. Another had discovered two of her dresses torn to shreds. I kept my guard up against most of the other girls.

   Just then, Leo stood up from the royal table, where he and his family sat. "Ladies!" he called. "I would like to have a word with some of you, so if I call your name, please follow me into a side room." He pulled out a list, cleared his throat, and began to read. "Elyssa Chinta, Fern Stratton, Poppy Johnson, Billie Ng, Tara Kramer, and Amelia Carter."

   The six selected girls -- my old companion Billie being one of them -- stood and followed the prince into the same side room he'd received us all in. I finished my sandwich and salad, wondering what he'd had to say to them.

   A few minutes later, Leo came back out into the main dining room, looking a bit frazzled. None of the girls returned with him. That's when I realized: they were gone.

   And now we were down to twenty-nine.

. . .

   A few hours later, I sat in the Women's Room, hiding behind a book and thinking. He'd been on dates with all of those girls, so at least he hadn't kicked them out without reason. I wondered what calm, level-headed Billie had done to displease him in such a small period of time.

  "Hey there." Piper McLean sat down next to me. She held out a newspaper, flipped to the second page. "Thought you might want to see this."

   Setting down my book, I took the paper. It was a poll. The Olympus Illéa Weekly took them often during Selections, to see who the favorite of the people was. I scanned the article.

   The Illéa Weekly congratulates the top ten candidates for princess! It's no surprise that Hazel Levesque, a lovely seventeen-year-old from Waverly, comes in as the top favorite of the people, winning them over with her kindness and grace! Others include:

2. Echo Drannen - this sweet, quiet girl has also won the attention of the people in her compassion to the masses at the sendoff.

3. Khione Benson - bold, brave, and beautiful, this meteorologist's daughter is stepping right up to claim the crown.

4. Piper McLean - this girl has lived at the palace for years and has shown a strong friendship with the prince. Is it growing into something more?

5. Calypso Nightlock - this intelligent, calm girl is inspiring hope among the proletariat for a merciful queen.

   I stared at the paper in disbelief. There were people rooting for me out there? Enough that I was fifth out of thirty-five! I blinked and skimmed the rest of the top ten picks. Reyna came in at seventh. Billie had been ninth. Surprisingly, Thalia held tenth place.

   I handed the poll back to Piper. "Thank you."

   Folding the newspaper, Piper looked around carefully. Then she leaned closer and whispered, "I know who you are, and I know you've recognized who I am, too."

   I sat up straighter, glancing around the room nervously. "What do you mean?"

   She snorted. "Don't play dumb. I've seen your picture, and I've heard quite a bit about you. And Calypso isn't exactly a common name. You're Atlas Nightshade's daughter, the one who helped him in espionage when you were young. A half-Titan."

   I gripped the arms of my chair tightly. "And who are you going to tell?"

   "I'm not going to tell anyone! Sheesh, what do you think of me? You were eleven! Surely you didn't know what you were doing?"

   In response, I stood and tugged her with me towards the door. "Let's find a better place to discuss this."

   We hurried down the hall, and she pulled me up the stairs to her room. I realized that she didn't have a room near the rest of us; she had her own room on the fourth floor, not the third. Entering her room, I saw three startled maids look up apprehensively.

   "Girls, we need some privacy," Piper commanded, and the maids quickly gathered up their cleaning things. "Thank you, Millie, Abrianna, Lenore. You're dismissed for now."

   Piper's room was painted in pale shades of red and pink, with white furniture. I saw a board full of pictures over the desk, and studied them closely. One, a very recent photo, was of her and two boys, one tall and blond, the other one Leo. Another picture showed five teens sitting in a circle and laughing -- some of whom I recognized. Especially one in particular.

   Piper sat on the bed, and I perched on the desk chair. "Tell me what happened to you and why you're here," she said earnestly.

   So, taking a chance, I told her the messy story of my life, omitting a few details. "And you're the daughter of Aphrodite McLean, right?"

   Piper nodded, running a hand over her bedspread. "So you did know. And where do your loyalties lie now?"

   I sighed. "I still don't like the Olympians, but...I've come to see that they're better than the Titans, for certain. So, Illéa, I guess. My mother was Illéan, so I'm half and half."

   Piper nodded. "My father, Tristan McLean, was a common Illéan, but he divorced from Aphrodite when I was only two. I lived with my father till two years ago, and then my mother decided she wanted me here. Their relationship was mostly a secret anyway, so at least it didn't turn into a big scandal. Not that it's uncommon for a royal to have a short-lived marriage." She shuddered.

   "So...what are you going to do about me?" I asked. Then another thought occurred to me. "Why are you even in the Selection?"

  Piper sighed deeply. "A stupid reason. My friend Clarisse dared me to sign up for fame. I never thought they'd actually pick me. Leo's like a brother to me. And...I have feelings for someone else." She furrowed her brow. "As for you, if you're telling the truth -- which I believe you are -- I won't do anything for now. But do you realize what would happen if you were Selected, and the people found out we had a traitor queen?"

   I swallowed. "He won't pick me."

   "He might." Piper watched me with concern. "I can tell he likes you from the way he looks at you."

   I flinched. "Do you think I should ask to go home?"

   Piper considered for a moment. "No, don't do that. You're safe here, and if Leo really does end up liking you best, I want him to have his love...but it would be nearly impossible for you to ever be queen, Calypso."

   I closed my eyes. "I know," I whispered.



Almost ten chapters of this book already! Thank you to anyone reading for this long, and the people who read and vote silently. I see you, and I appreciate you!

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