10 ~ A Memory So Painful

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   "Girls!" Hebe clapped her hands. It was two nerve-wracking days after my conversation with Piper, and we had been called to the Women's Room for important news. "We have delayed putting you on The Report until now, for" -- she raised her eyes to the heavens momentarily -- "certain reasons, but tonight is Friday, and it will be your first night on live television!"

   Many of the girls cheered. Hebe smiled patronizingly and held up her hands. "Most of you will not be required to do any talking, but a few of you may be called, so be prepared, and look your best!"

   Hazel sat down beside me quietly as the hubbub rose. "Are you nervous?" she asked sweetly.

   I shrugged. "Not really."

   Hazel sighed. "You're lucky, then. I'm terrified. I don't like being in front of dozens, let alone millions of people."

   "At least we won't actually be able to see them," I consoled her.

   Lavinia and a girl I didn't yet know joined us. "You'll do wonderful, Hazel," Lavinia said kindly. "Didn't you see the poll? You're the favorite of the people right now. They'll love you!"

   Hazel smiled, her cheeks dimpling, and Lavinia slung an arm around the girl beside her. "By the way," she mentioned. "This is Echo Drannen."

   I smiled at her, remembering her name from the poll. She had pale skin, and long, curly brown hair. A small circlet of leaves and white flowers rested atop her curls. She gave a timid wave and looked down shyly.

   Just then, the door to the Women's Room opened, and group of unfamiliar girls entered. The first was Queen Esperanza, causing us to rise nervously and curtsy, though she didn't seem to notice.

   The rest of the girls took seats near the queen, laughing and chatting. One had bright red curly hair and pale green eyes, her casual blue dress spattered with green and yellow paint stains. Another had jeans and a t-shirt on -- remarkably casual for a palace resident -- and had stringy brown hair, yanked out of her face. The third girl had blonde curls cascading down her back and stormy gray eyes.

   Quickly rising to my feet, I hurried out of the room nervously, not thinking to make an excuse to the other girls. Dashing down the hallways, I turned a corner and nearly collided with a boy.

   "Whoa, what's the rush?" he laughed, steadying me. I took one look at his face and gasped. Then I took off running again, not stopping until I reached my room and slammed the door shut, breathing hard.

   Because I'd seen a face with black hair, a mischievous smile, and a straight nose. And unforgettable green eyes.

   The boy who'd broken my heart years ago. Percy Jackson.

. . .

   "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the lovely girls of the Selection!"

   I straightened in my chair in the third row as the cameras turned towards us. Staff and court members around the room applauded. Some of the girls beamed, some waved. I simply sat in my chair and forced a smile.

   Julius Beckham smiled welcomingly at us. "Have you ladies been enjoying your stay at the palace so far?"

   Around me, girls bobbed their heads and giggled. I did nothing, still feeling queasy from my unexpected encounter. Two rows ahead of me, I saw Piper turn and stare at me in a concerned manner.

   "So, Lady Hazel, is it? What are you enjoying most about your stay so far?" Julius encouraged.

   Hazel smiled shyly. "I think it's been really nice to get to know lots of other girls around my age, from different provinces and even different castes. I've made lots of new friends."

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