14 ~ A Task So Daunting

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    "Lady Nightlock, a letter for you." A maid held out a letter, sealed in blue wax. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I'd been on my way to the Women's Room to see if Piper or Reyna would like to talk.

   I took the fancy-looking letter curiously. "Thank you." Breaking the seal and unfolding the paper, I scanned it quickly. It said:


   My friends and I are hanging out on the fifth floor this afternoon -- if you'd like to join us, you're welcome to. Go with Piper when she leaves the Women's Room if you want to come. I'd be happy for you to meet everyone.

    Yours tru -- how many times do I have to say it?!


   I bit my lip. Certainly Percy would be there, and Annabeth too. Could I face them? Piper would help, surely, but still, it would be difficult. Then I thought of Leo and our date on Sunday, and I decided with a sudden resolve that I would go.

   Entering the Women's Room, I settled next to Piper and showed her my note. She grinned widely. "I knew it," she whispered. "I knew he liked you."

   "How do you know?" My voice was a bit too eager for my own liking, and for a split second I wondered if I could be falling for the prince of Illéa -- but I shook that idea off quickly.

   Piper's mischievous grin grew even wider. "He tells us all the time that he's going to take the standouts to meet his friends. He doesn't want a girl who doesn't like them."

   Even more pressure, I thought. And I had an obstacle with Percy and Annabeth. How could I do this when I already had a disadvantage?

   At about 2:00, Piper put away her magazine and motioned for me to come. I walked with her as we headed up stairs and past servants till we reached the fifth floor. I hadn't yet been on this floor, and I studied it carefully, trying to remember it. 

   Piper stopped and knocked on a brown door at the end of a hallway. It swung open to reveal a redhead girl with paint-spattered clothes, whom I remembered as one of Queen Esperanza's companions. "Piper!" she said enthusiastically, embracing the girl. Then she smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Rachel."

   Piper put an arm around me kindly. "This is Calypso. She's one of the Selected."

   "Nice to meet you!" Rachel held out her hand, and I shook it. "Come on in!"

   I stepped into a cozy room, with large windows at the end. The walls were green, and several colorful beanbag chairs and cushions were scattered around, as well as a couple couches. A table with snacks sat to the side, with a stack of board games next to it. I liked it instantly.

   I counted about a dozen teens in the room, and all of them obviously courtiers. I saw Percy across the room, and looked away quickly.

   Leo jumped up and jogged over. "Glad you could make it!" He hugged Piper tightly, and then he glanced at me inquisitively, like he was asking permission. I ducked my head, and he awkwardly hugged me too.

   Piper hooked my arm. "C'mon, I'll introduce you to people." She pulled me over to where four kids stood together, chatting and laughing. "This is Calypso, one of my good friends from the Selection," she informed them.

   A tall, broad guy with strikingly blue eyes and blond hair smiled at me. I could've sworn his eyes looked familiar, but I couldn't think of where I'd seen them before. "Hey, Calypso. I'm Jason. Nice to meet you."

   I studied him carefully. He had a face that looked stern and kind of stiff at first, but when he smiled, it just melted into a happy puppy-dog expression. "Nice to meet you," I echoed.

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