12 ~ A Family So Twisted

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That night, I didn't sleep well.

Understatement. I slept about four hours total. The same questions kept turning over and over in my mind. Who would kidnap two innocent girls, only to have them released an hour later? It must be a threat to the other Selected girls. But why?

And at the end of my ponderings, I always wondered if it had something to do with me. Was it a warning of some kind?

At breakfast, I noticed Thalia and Reyna sharing knowing looks across the dinner table. Obviously something was happening that I didn't know about. Perhaps something related to the letters Thalia had hidden away so quickly? But I was too tired to think much of it.

As I bit in to my breakfast sandwich, I nearly choked. In the center was a small slip of paper. I yanked it out and unfolded it. It read:

My most dearly beloved Sunshine,

Please do say you'll accept my proposal of marriage and become my princess.

Hahahaha, just kidding!

See you at 3:00 by the Women's Room for a date?

Yours tru -- we just went over this!


I snorted, although I couldn't keep the smile from my face. If only people knew what a piece of work our future ruler was.

"Something funny?" Across the table, Julia arched her brows.

"No," I said shortly, stuffing the paper into my pocket.

Jade leaned forward. "I heard that you're one of the prince's favorites. I certainly would believe it, even if it is only a rumor," she told me. "Has he...you know, said anything like that?"

Abruptly, Julia shoved back her chair and excuses herself, leaving a half-finished roll on her plate. I stared at the roll, wishing there was a way to avoid the ever-present tension.

Jade followed my gaze. "Don't worry about her. She's insecure and afraid."

"I know. It's just uncomfortable." I glanced around, making sure Reyna and Thalia were still engaged in conversation so  as not to offend anyone else. "I don't know about being a favorite, but he did ask me on another date this afternoon," I shared quietly.

"Oh, really? Could I come help you get ready?" Jade begged.

"I....suppose. It's at three o'clock, so could you be there at -- I don't know, one-thirty?"

"Of course!" she squealed. I had to smile at her enthusiasm. She reached across the table and squeezed my hand excitedly. "This is going to be so much fun!"

I smiled uncertainly and quickly excused myself, but as I neared the stairs, I turned the other way. I barely remembered this wing of the palace, but I wanted something to pass the time.

Walking down the halls, I explored the side corridors and bends, not really thinking, just needing to move. I paused before a portrait of a lovely woman with bright red hair and laughing blue eyes. The label on the frame read: Queen America Schreave.

I'd read a million history books about her, and I knew she'd been a forceful, spirited queen. I wondered how she'd felt about marrying King -- no, Prince Maxon Schreave. Had she been confused? Had she struggled with the idea of becoming queen?

Continuing on, I turned a corner and realized I knew exactly where I was. This place was crystal-clear in my memory. Looking to my left, I saw what I knew would be there: my father's old office.

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