29 ~ A Panic So Sudden

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Surprisingly, there was not an outburst of chaos. Instead, the Council members sprang up from their seats quickly and quietly, filing out a door on the other end of the room. King Hephaestus, Lord Zeus, and Lady Athena began conversing rapidly. The servant staggered back out, and I started to go after him.

Leo yanked me back. "What are you doing? You're coming with us."

"No, she's not." Lord Zeus leveled a harsh look at Leo. "Only members of the royal family and Council in the bunker."

"She's with me!"

"I will not have arguments!" Zeus roared.

Leo entwined his fingers with mine, turning away. "Fine. But I'm going with her."

King Hephaestus started to object. "Leo. Absolutely not. You can't -- "

Leo slammed the door shut behind us, and it seemed that yes, he very well could.

I glanced back at the door. "He's right, you know. You really should -- "

"Shut up, Calypso, I'm staying with you. I'm sick of dealing with their stupidity."

I didn't argue as he pulled me into a run, just focused on matching my strides to his, on not slowing him down. I could do that much for him at least.

At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I began to notice the utter lack of activity, only the occasional servant in flight, until there was no one at all in the normally-busy halls as we fled. I'd never seen the palace in this state of tranquility, and I couldn't help but think of the eye of the storm.

Then I heard it. The distant sound of gunshots being fired, and screams.

Leo clutched my hand. "Here." Slipping his finger down the crease of a wall, he flipped a tiny latch, sliding open a panel. As I ducked inside after him, I swore to myself that once this was over, I would never again set foot inside a passageway like this.

It opened into a tiny room, maybe four feet high, small enough that we had to crawl. Leo barred and latched the door behind us, slumping against the wall.

I couldn't bring myself to speak. Instead, I gazed around the little dimly-lit room. It was bare except for a chest in the corner and another door on the wall to my right. Checking the chest, I found a good supply of canned food, bottled water, a blanket, a couple flashlights, and three guns. It wasn't much, but it was enough that we could survive here for a few days if we needed.

Leo rubbed his face. "Cal."

"I know. I know. I was a fool. I was irresponsible and I completely understand if you don't ever want to speak to me again."

"Cal." Leo scooted closer. "I don't blame you. They were threatening your friends and you yourself. They were confusing you, screwing with you psychologically. You had no way to see what the outcome of your decision would be; you just wanted to be loyal to us. To me."

I rested my face in my hands. "How can you say that? I comforted you for a death I could have prevented."

"You have no way of knowing that," Leo said fiercely. "I would bet they were planning that raid anyways. Who knows who they actually intended to kill? It's not your fault. Don't ever say that it is."

I sucked in a breath, fighting tears for the millionth time in the past few days. "Okay. Okay. I won't."

"Good." Leo squeezed both my hands. "We're going to make it through this, Calypso. Our forces are some of the best in the world, and this is just a well-planned but small rebellion. They'll squash it."

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