15 ~ A Dress So Pretty

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The next few days flew by in a blur. Reyna, Echo, Hazel, and I often met, and Khione joined us occasionally, albeit mostly to point out where we were wrong. I guess it was good that we had someone to keep us down to earth.

Wednesday turned into Thursday, and Thursday to Friday. The Women's Room was full of chatter and gossip, which I tried to stay out of. At the weekly Report, one person from each team was called to give a brief explanation of their job and how they were doing without giving too much away. Thankfully, I was not chosen. Reyna spoke for us instead.

On Saturday, I entered the Women's Room and walked right into a shouting match. Julia and Enna were yelling at each other fiercely.

"Woah, what's going on?" I hollered over them.

Echo sidled up next to me. "No one knows. They were talking, and then all of a sudden Enna leaped up and started shouting."

Enna lunged at Julia just as the door opened and Queen Esperanza entered, with Lady Hebe, Annabeth, and two guards at her side. "Ladies!" she exclaimed. "Silence. All of you, take a seat immediately."

I instantly plopped down on a small couch, Echo following my lead. Piper joined me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

The two offenders sullenly sat on the nearest seats, still glaring at each other. Queen Esperanza cleared her throat. "And what, pray tell, caused this spectacle?"

"She insulted my position. She said that anyone who worked in a factory was unrefined and coarse," Enna spat. If looks could kill, Julia would be six feet under.

Queen Esperanza turned her unnerving stare on Julia. "Is that true?"

Julia raised her chin. "You saw her swing at me!"

The queen of Illéa sighed. "Trust me, if there were cameras in here, you both would be gone in a matter of seconds. Since there are not, and it is not my job to send you home, you will both be restricted from participating at the costume ball next Friday. You will continue helping with your tasks, but you will not make an appearance. Also, if my son wishes to send you home, he most certainly has every right to do so."

Both girls immediately began protesting. The queen merely turned and swept out of the room. Annabeth gave me a sympathetic glance before following her, the guards trailing behind.

Enna growled at Julia and stormed out of the room. Julia huffed off to a corner to sulk in private.

Echo winced. "Neither of them will be happy for weeks. Oh joy."

"My thoughts exactly." Samantha Allen, a dark-haired girl with an affinity for blue clothing, settled onto the armrest of the couch. "Why do they have to be so petty?"

"Did you hear what happened between them?" I asked curiously.

Sam sighed. "Julia insulted her, alright, but if Enna had been smart, she'd have let it go. Julia got exactly the reaction she wanted, although I don't think she planned for herself to be evicted from the party." She rolled her eyes. "Speaking of the party, have either of you received your costume yet?"

Echo and I both shook our heads.

"Turns out they're doing costumes coordinated by group---our group has a flower theme, of all things. At least they made me a rose, so I can still be halfway respectable."

"You got lucky." Thalia flopped on the brown carpet, oblivious to the small tear that opened at the waist of her dark green dress as she did so. "They made me a freaking pansy. Who do they think I am?"

Sam laughed, and I snickered with her. Even Echo suppressed a giggle. "Don't mock my pain!" Thalia moaned dramatically.

"Suck it up, buttercup. It's just one night. You'll survive," Sam said dryly.

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