6 ~ A Fear So Paralyzing

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It took an eternity for Lady Hebe to dismiss us. Once she finally did, I tucked my paper into a pocket and walked toward the door as all around the room girls burst into a flurry of conversation. As I followed the other girls, Julia shot me a darker look than was probably considered ladylike.

I ducked out of the room as quickly as possible, keeping my gaze away from the other girls. I knew perfectly well I hadn't done anything wrong, but this felt like more of a curse than a blessing. I was almost angry at the prince for sending us invitations so publicly -- didn't he have enough sense to see how weird that would be for everyone else?

Then again, he quite possibly had no idea how girls behaved. He'd probably been allowed near very few in his short life. That was the nature of the crown prince; traditionally, he was to reserve himself for the Selection. It was sacred.

It was also a load of crap.

In the hallway, I caught up with Hazel. "What do you think we did differently than the others to be singled out first?" I murmured.

Hazel gave a cute little shrug. "I have no idea. I'm afraid that this is just a joke," she said in her soft, old-fashioned accent. But I noticed a small, happy smile that kept returning to her lips.

"If it's a joke, then I am going to pitch one heck of a fit at the prince of Illéa. It better be real." A girl with dyed pink hair fell in step with us.

"That's for sure. I would be tempted to walk out on him myself," I agreed. "It would hardly be funny."

"I'm Lavinia Asimov," the girl introduced herself, holding out her hand. "And you are?"

"Hazel. Hazel Levesque." Hazel timidly shook Lavinia's hand.

"Great to meet you!" Lavinia turned to me. "And you're Calypso Nightlock?"

"Nightshade," I corrected without thinking. I remembered a split second late that my name had been altered and desperately prayed she hadn't noticed. "Nice...nice to meet you."

"Why do you think we in particular got picked to go on the first dates?" Lavinia pondered aloud.

"We were just wondering that," Hazel answered. "It seems odd, doesn't it? None of us are anything alike."

Glancing between all four of us, I saw that she was right. Lavinia's hair was as loud as her personality. Khione walked and talked like an ice queen, and her pale skin matched the effect. Everything about Hazel was warm and quiet and open, from her dark skin to her sweet smile. I wasn't quite sure where I fit among the lineup of girls, but it definitely wasn't close to any of them.

After being alone for so many years, the differences between us fascinated me. So much diversity, all resulting from unique backgrounds and upbringings. There was so much I could learn from these people, and I had no idea where to begin.

Lavinia dragged her toe along the carpet. "What do you think we'll be doing? Will it all be the same?"

"I don't know. Doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to do here that doesn't involve paperwork or whatever." I tucked my hands into my pockets, studying the artwork on the walls as we walked.

"A movie, maybe?" Lavinia suggested. "I haven't gotten to see one in forever. That would be cool. Except I wouldn't actually pay any attention to him."

Hazel's brow furrowed. "He's the prince of our country. How can you not pay attention to him?"

Lavinia shrugged. "I like movies. And hey, it's a night date, so maybe it'll actually work out for me! Who knows."

Hazel pulled out her slip of paper from a pocket and opened it. "I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow morning at 8:00."

"I'm meeting him in the evening at 6:00," Lavinia informed us.

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