4 ~ A Boy So Fickle

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"Why do we have to go to all this trouble for one breakfast?" I mumbled to Madeleine. Tuesday morning had come, and I was already missing the freedom of eating in five minutes and then getting to the day's work. Prolonged meals were pointless.

Madeleine giggled as she brushed my hair. "Because you'll be meeting the prince, miss," she reminded me. Across the room, Kate whispered something to Leah, and they both laughed together.

I sighed and blew a strand of hair out of my face. I assumed the prince would recognize me as the girl who'd yelled at him yesterday and send me home immediately. Honestly, I found myself looking forward to that. Being here was giving me an incredible amount of anxiety. But at the same time, I was terrified they would send me back to Ogygia.

I allowed Kate to add accents of makeup to my face, and I let Leah pick out my dress, not really caring what clothing I wore, so long as it was relatively modest. Madeleine braided my hair into a low bun, and slipped a moonlace, my province flower, into it. Then Leah pulled out a dress and brought it over to me.

Today, my dress was a lovely shade of blue, with a long, flowy skirt, beaded flower designs along the bodice, and short sleeves. As I put it on, thoughts of the amount of money it must have taken to make flashed through my mind. I wondered how many meals I could buy if I sold it.

Kate gave me a small blue-stoned necklace and silver flats, and then it was time for me to go. I wished half-heartedly that my maids could accompany me, but of course that wouldn't seem proper to the royal family.

I opened the door to my room and exited just as the door directly across the hall from me opened, and a pale-skinned girl stepped out. She wore a long white dress with small silver jewels embroidered around the neckline, bodice, and hem. Her hair, black as a raven, fell to her waist and swayed as she walked, thick and wavy. I instantly felt a bit intimidated by her. She had an almost goddess-like air about her.

The girl glanced my way and lifted an eyebrow as I walked near her, then smiled without warmth. "So you're the girl from Allens," she acknowledged coldly.

I raised my eyebrows right back at her, disliking her automatic dismissal. "Yes, I am. Calypso Nightlock. Nice to hear you've heard of me," I said smoothly. "And you are?"

"Khione Benson." The girl pursed her lips but kept walking, her small black heels clicking on the floor tiles. I wondered briefly how she could keep that pace up in heels, and I suddenly felt a good deal of gratitude for my simpler shoes. After years of walking barefoot in sand, I was not too keen on tall footwear.

I reached the door of the dining room and hesitated, then held it open for Khione as my conscience reminded me of my manners. Khione swept through it without a backward glance, and I followed her into the dining room.

I took my place between Alice and Jade. Unsurprisingly, almost all of the girls had already arrived. The prince would be meeting is today -- who would dare be late to an event such as that?

As the last two girls entered, Lady Hebe strode into the room. "Ladies, attention, please!" she called. "In just a few minutes, the royal family will be here. You will each be called over to talk to the prince one by one, in order of your seating. Please be on your very best behavior!"

I fiddled with the edge of the tablecloth as excited whispers rose around the room. Alice leaned forward to converse quietly with Julia, and Jade smiled at me apprehensively. I couldn't bring myself to return it. I was growing more and more terrified that this would be my last day here.

I couldn't go back to Ogygia. Not after a breath of freedom, even such a brief one. I would drive myself insane.

Just then, larger cedarwood doors swung open at the hall, and King Hephaestus and Queen Esperanza glided inside. As one, all the Selected girls rose and curtsied. The king waved his hand and we sat again, waiting for Prince Leo. I took the time to study the king and queen.

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