28 ~ A Scrutiny So Awkward

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Morning came too soon. Even though it had been late afternoon when I'd fallen asleep, I slept nearly straight through the night. I knew perfectly well that I shouldn't stall, that I should go straight to Leo and help him plan, but I couldn't stop myself from staying to talk with Madeleine for a little while.

It was from her I learned that Leo had narrowed the Elite to six two days after he'd returned: Thalia, Reyna, Khione, Echo, Hazel, and I. But he hadn't sent the others home. Instead, he'd begun bringing back all the eliminated Selected for both interrogation and their safety -- after Sam's betrayal, he was taking no chances.

I had several visitors, including Reyna, Hazel, and Thalia. All three gave me different accounts of what had happened during my absence, from public reactions to the revelation of my past. Hazel seemed on the verge of tears when I explained my imprisonment on Ogygia.

Reyna spoke of Leo's desperation to find me, both before and after his own capture. "When he returned, all banged up and bruised, he talked about nothing but freeing you. I think that was the point where us five knew we had no chance anymore," she told me with an easy smile. "We knew he was yours."

Excepting Khione, evidently. She never visited, and I didn't particularly mind.

Although it was late morning by the time Leo knocked on my door, I still wasn't prepared. I had to scramble to yank my hair back into a semi-presentable fashion.

Leo offered me his arm, leading me through the halls. "Don't worry. All you have to do is tell everyone what you told me. And Piper."

"And Thalia, and Hazel, and Reyna."

"See? You've already had plenty of practice."

I rolled my neck, wiggling a bit. "Telling teenage friends is not quite the same as telling the leaders of our country. All of who hate me, I'm sure."

"Hey, I'm one of the leaders of this country too." Leo nodded at the guard in front of the thick door, who stepped aside for us. "They won't hate you once you help them win this war."

I side-eyed him. "Right. Cause I know everything about this."

Leo gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry. They may seem intimidating, but I know secrets about all of them that would make you laugh your head off. Just think of them as all my weird aunts and uncles."

I smiled tightly. "You're not the national traitor."

"Nor are you. That's Gaea and your slew of uncles, I believe." Leo reached for the door handle.

The Council was seated around a large oak table, each with their own custom chairs. King Hephaestus sat at one end, and Lord Zeus took the other, Lady Hera on his right. Lord Ares glowered at me, while Lord Hermes smiled knowingly. Lady Athena was impassive, studying me carefully.

How many times had I seen these people on screens and never thought what it would be like to be under their scrutiny? It was not an experience I ever wanted to repeat.

"Join us, Leo, Calypso," King Hephaestus commanded, waving a hand at two empty chairs between Lord Ares and Lord Apollo. I did not particularly want to sit next to Apollo, but it was better than the intimidating Ares, and I snatched that seat before Leo could.

Lord Zeus cleared his throat, louder than was strictly necessary. "We are here due to recent developments threatening to rip apart our great country. Criminals, led by our own distant relatives Gaea and Hyperion, are plotting our downfall. Even some of our own have joined them, thinking they are the sure victors."

King Hephaestus nodded at Lord Hermes. "As Lady Calypso has not been made aware of these developments, would you care to enlighten her?"

"Certainly." Hermes stood, unfolding a sheet of paper. "As of our last check, these rebels were contained primarily in the south. By reports of our soldiers, the number of rebels present has decreased drastically over the past few days. They are slipping past our borders, and presumably banding to form an army."

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