39 ~ A Peace So Perfect

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As we entered the dining hall, a cheer went up, and Leo's group of friends ran to meet us. Grover shook my hand, and Travis pounded Leo on the back, congratulating us both. In the back, King Hephaestus looked on with the trace of a smile.

"How does it feel to be a prince now?" Conner joked, elbowing Leo's ribs.

Leo exhaled happily. "Better than it ever did before."

Hazel linked arms with me, her dark curls brushing my shoulder. "I'm so happy for you both! When's the wedding?"

I cleared my throat. "The wedding has not been discussed."

Hazel laughed knowingly, poking my side. "Don't worry. It won't be too long."

"We've got an official coronation to plan first," Annabeth interjected. "The people need a display of Jason as a true leader before they see Leo really step down."

"Sure, oh Wise One." Percy rolled his eyes. "Let them be happy for a sec. We'll get to the politics soon."

"Do you want more riots?"

Leo groaned. "Leave off, Annabeth, let me enjoy a few minutes with my friends and my girl."

"Your girl? She's my girl too," Piper objected, snatching my other arm away from Leo.

I laughed and hugged her, sandwiched between the best friends I could ever ask for. "See, this is why I was born tall. It's so I can hold two people at once, one under each arm."

"Or so you could look Leo in the eye. If he were any shorter, you'd be able to see the top of his head," Frank added.

"Hey, Zhang, my man, not cool." Leo kicked his shin. Frank didn't react.

At the back of the group, Jason stood a bit awkwardly, twisting Leo's crown in his hands. Usually so strong and confident, he seemed overwhelmed. I caught his eye and smiled, and he gave me a small smile in return. Nudging Piper, I whispered, "Go talk to Jason."

She glanced over, surprised, and then slipped out of my hug to join him. I watched for a minute as they talked, and then turned back to the still-conversing group, satisfied.

Leo slipped his hand back into mine. "So. Here we are. No longer the future king and the traitor, but the king's son and the traitor's daughter. How's it working for you?"

"Like I said, I couldn't have dared dream of a better option. You really know how to court a girl," I replied wryly.

"That's good, cause I had no idea if it would work. And if it hadn't, I would be kinda screwed."

Percy grinned. "Dude, imagine if that had actually happened. If all this time Calypso just wanted the crown and rejected you the minute you saw her."

I bristled, crossing my arms. "Don't even go there. It's a good thing that didn't happen, hmm?"

"Very much so, yes," Leo said hastily. "Let's not talk about what-ifs. No use dwelling on it."

The group laughed as one, and Annabeth shook her head at her boyfriend. Jason and Piper joined us, hands linked, and Travis attempted to fill them in on the joke while Percy made offhand commentary. Leo watched them with contentment.

As they talked, I leaned against Leo's shoulder and whispered quietly, "Don't worry, Repair Boy. I was never here for the crown."

. . .

Shadows lined the sides of the prison corridor, and I pulled my cardigan more tightly around me as I walked. The guard at the end unlocked the door of my target cell for me, and I slipped inside, unsure of myself.

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