19 ~ A Mourning So Sad

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I spent the next three days either in my room, the Women's Room, or with Leo. Security increased tenfold, and journalists were more speculative than ever. King Hephaestus declared the attack untraceable and that whoever was responsible for it would be imprisoned immediately.

I knew better. Every time I thought about the enemy having access to the inside of the palace, my skin crawled.

To pass the time, Hebe called more etiquette and history classes than ever. No more fights took place. Instead, the Selected stayed near each other and quietly fell into the routine of palace life. Piper and Hazel were my rocks.

About two weeks after the attack, the remaining twenty-four Selected were eating a dinner of soup after a day full of quizzes on past monarchs and presidents when Leo entered the room without fanfare. I nearly dropped my spoon upon seeing him. For the first time in weeks, he looked like a prince again.

But looking at him closely, I could see the rings around his eyes and the weary slump of his shoulders. Nevertheless, he drew himself up and and gave us a tired smile. "Ladies, you have all been extremely understanding and patient throughout this business. I thank you for that. But I have decided it is in my best interest to eliminate some of you today. This Selection has already gone on for more than two months, and it's time for me to start getting closer to making a decision."

Julia nearly choked on her water, and Reyna pursed her lips. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as Leo unfolded a sheet of paper and scanned it.

"Would Sarah Clerk, Ella Harpy, Julia Feingold, Enna Barnett, Nyssa Barrera, Skye Hawthorne, Samantha Allen, Alice Miyazawa, and Angelica Baker please follow me?" Leo folded the paper and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he waited for the news to sink in.

Alice put her head in her hands. Julia was frozen, staring at him in shock. All up and down the table, murmurs and cries began to mount. I released a breath in relief, knowing that I was still in the Selection. For how much longer, I didn't know.

One by one, the eliminated girls rose and trudged to the side room of the dining hall. Leo went in last, shutting the door with a foreboding click. The rest of us glanced at each other in apprehension.

I quickly counted. There were fifteen of us left.

It struck me that I had made it to the final fifteen of the Selection. How the heck had that happened? After all that had transpired along the way, I wasn't completely certain it was worth it.

Hebe took charge in the stunned silence. "Ladies, it is Friday, which means the Report is tonight. With the eliminations, it is much more likely that you will be called to speak, so be prepared. We want you all there at six o'clock sharp, so go get ready. You are dismissed."

I followed the other girls out the door and up the stairs to the floor of our rooms. Entering mine, I opened my wardrobe and began sorting through dresses until I found a long green gown I liked. Turning, I noticed Kate's face was solemn, and Madeleine wasn't cleaning with her usual vigor. Then a strange girl stepped out of the bathroom in a maid's uniform, holding a washrag.

"Who are you?" At my sharp words, the new maid flinched, her straight blonde hair half hiding her face.

"I'm Opal, miss. I'm to be one of your maids now."

I looked around. "Where's Leah?"

Kate looked down and bit her lip, and Opal backed away. I crossed the room and gripped Opal's shoulders. "Where's Leah?"

"I don't know, milady! I don't know! All I know is I was called to serve you this morning," the girl cried.

I let go of her and turned on Madeleine. "What's going on? What's happened to Leah?"

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