24 ~ A Distance So Wide

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A few more days passed before the final blow fell.

The day after my birthday, Hyperion came with a technician of some kind and implanted a new chip in my arm. "It's the same as the one you had on Ogygia," he explained oh-so-kindly. "It is, however, a bit more effective. It will leave you in severe pain for several hours should you try to leave this room."

As he left, he added, "We've begun calling this place Little Ogygia. It's fitting."

I didn't disagree, but I hated him all the more.

I began singing to pass the time. I'd done it quite a bit on Ogygia, just to have music of some kind, and it came back to me quite naturally now. I wondered if I was being taped, but decided I didn't really care. If my voice annoyed some random Titan, all the better.

I heard a commotion outside the door in what I judged to be the middle of the afternoon. Then a movement in the cell next to my room caught my eye, and I almost shrieked as a familiar figure stumbled into it. Pressing my hands against the window, I stared through the glass as a guard chained the new prisoner in the corner, locking thick shackles onto his wrists and ankles.

He was dirty, scraped, bruised, dusty. He was perfect. And he was here for me.

Leo's eyes met mine, and I read my name on his lips. The guard exited the other cell, locking the door solidly behind him.

I had never wanted something so badly as I did now. I thought I'd known torture just by being here alone. This was worse. This was a million times worse, seeing him right there and being unable to talk to him, comfort him, touch him. Knowing I had brought this upon him. This was my fault.

Leo slumped against the wall, and I fought the desire to scream for him. Instead, I pried at the window frame, desperately searching for a way to him. I banged the side in frustration.

Leo shook his head, silently telling me to stop trying. Seeing his despair only fueled my fury. Running my fingers down the frame, something small and hard caught on my fingers. Squinting at it, I made out a tiny switch.

I didn't even think about what it might possibly do. I just flipped it.

The window slowly slid into the wall, and I almost tripped over myself climbing through it. I was about to fling myself at him when a thought stopped me.

I didn't know why Leo was here, but I could bet that my relatives would take him away (or worse, torture him) if they realized I cared so much about him.

Composing myself, I walked slowly to him, stopping a few feet away, pointedly glancing at the camera in the corner. "Hi."

He lifted his head and smiled weakly. "Long time no see."

I laughed, although I wanted to sob. "Shut up, you idiot."

He touched my skirt, laughing shakily too. "Is this some kind of illusion? I never thought I'd see you again."

"No, it's not, because you were fool enough to come after me and get yourself stuck here."

"But I found you," Leo whispered. "So it's all worth it."

I was too choked up to answer. Instead, I just sat down against the wall, keeping a proper distance between us, fighting my tears.

He coughed. "Calypso....I'm sorry I couldn't get you out."

"I never expected you to," I said fiercely. "They're powerful. It's enough that you tried."

"No, it's not." He leaned back against the floor. "Cal, I swear, I didn't know what I felt before you were gone. But now I couldn't be more sure."

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