13 ~ A Time So Enjoyable

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"There. You look lovely," Jade smiled.

I looked down at the red and white dress they'd selected for me. "It's beautiful." I forced a smile.

Madeleine guided me over to the vanity. I sat, and Leah began brushing my hair while Jade sorted through the drawers for makeup. Choosing a bottle, she unscrewed the top and pulled out a black brush. "Keep your eyes open," she instructed as she began applying mascara.

"Thank you for doing this," I said, my eyes watering with the need to close.

"Of course! We're friends, after all," she laughed, snatching up eyeliner. I shook my head, causing Leah to pause in her brushing.

"Please don't use any of that stuff. I'm just not in the mood for it today."

Jade pursed her lips, but let the eyeliner slide back into the drawer. "All right, then. Can I do your nails, at least?" She looked at me so imploringly that I easily agreed to let her paint them white.

It was nearly 2:50 when she was done -- time for me to leave. I rose and profusely thanked her and my maids. Reaching up to touch my hair, I found that Leah had braided the top and clipped it out of my face. I looked in the mirror, and did a spin, much to their delight.

"I'll walk with you to the Women's Room," Jade said, tidying the vanity.

"Good luck, miss," Kate beamed, bouncing on her toes.

"Thanks." I shut the door and hiked up my skirts a little, walking carefully. Jade watched me, amused.

"You're not used to this, are you? Of course you aren't. You're just like me. But you're catching on much more quickly," she giggled.

"I suppose. I can't imagine what kind of queen I'd make." I shrugged.

Jade's smile remained unwavering as we descended the stairs. "So you think you have a chance at being queen, then?"

I considered. There would be so much I could do if I were queen, but what of the responsibility and constant publicity? And after what Hyperion had insinuated...."No," I said, anger flaring up in me. "I won't be queen."

Jade frowned. "You'd be a good queen, I think."

I imagined being constantly pressured into helping the Titans. Being threatened, controlled, and abused by my own relatives. "Never."

We'd reached the Women's Room, and Jade reached over to give me a light hug. "Well, have fun, anyway!" Then she entered the Women's Room.

I leaned against the wall, the corridor quiet and empty. Pondering what Hyperion had told me, and how I could somehow reveal their plans. Then Leo sauntered around the corner.

"Hey there, Sunshine," he grinned. "Ready?"

"I do believe I told you to stop calling me Sunshine." I took the arm he offered me and walked with him down the hallway.

"And I believe that I said I would keep calling you Sunshine, and there's nothing you can do about it."

I rolled my eyes. Then he opened a door for me, and I forgot about the nickname.

The room was painted green, and a small, circular table sat in the center, filled with different finger foods. But the best part was the enormous window that took up an entire wall. It showed a lovely view of the gardens and, in the distance, a lake.

"Beautiful," I breathed, taking a seat in one of the chairs by the table.

"It is," Leo agreed. "I figured if we couldn't go outside, we could at least be as close as possible."

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