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~ 8 months later~

Calla's POV

No one told me how much being with child sucked. My stomach was so big it looked like I was growing two pumpkins in it. My feet were so swollen I couldn't even walk so the village doctor put me on bed rest the past three months. So for the past three months all I have done is eat, sleep, and pee in that exact order. Ren has been busy working with the other clans and drifters. It was determined that drifters who did not participate in Olaf's coup and hadn't committed serious crimes against their clans were welcomed back. I guess Ren realized that had Olaf belonged to a clan then the coup would have never happened. And to prevent that from happening again drifters shouldn't exist. At least not for petty crimes.

He still comes home every night and even though I am asleep I can feel him rubbing my stomach and gently kissing it. He is going to be obsessed with this child. Not that I mind. I lucked out and found a good father to my children and I can't see anyone else raising them. Over the past couple days the baby has been very restless and has been kicking all day and night. Today they seem to be more painful. Which had me worried because he or she isn't due for a couple more weeks. Ren was going to be hunting today so he sent Vivian to keep me company. I felt bad with her watching me though. Her and Hunt still had no luck of being with child and I am sure watching me is just a painful reminder. 

" I know what your thinking. And no I am not upset about watching you. The Gods will bless me and Hunt when the time is right." Vivian smiles at me and I can't help but blush as she says that. She truly can read my mind. " Your right. I'm- Ahhh!" I jerk rubbing my stomach as I felt a very strong kick. Vivian stood up and came rushing over to the bedside. " Calla are you okay? Should I go get the doctor?! I am gonna go get the doctor!" I wanted to protest but another strong kick came and it hurt even worse and I yell out in pain. Vivian ran out the room to go get the doctor while I laid in the bed in pain. I rubbed my tummy " Hey little one. I don't know what your doing but it hurts. Really-" Suddenly I feel a very strong kick followed by a painfully sharp I screamed out. After screaming I realized my pants and the blanket I was laying on was soaking wet. Oh no! No, this can't be happening!"

Ren's POV

 I didn't want to leave Calla's side this morning. She hadn't slept well the past couple nights because of the baby. She looked so tired, but still so beautiful. I definitely can't wait to put another one inside her. But we were needed more meat so it was a all hands on deck situation. Even Delax went with me, which was strange. But with Calla being on bed rest he hasn't had anyone to take him hunting so this would be fun for him. Me and the hunting group we stalking a herd of deer that seemed to wonder close to the village. Delax was by my side stalked low to the ground ready to spring into action. His ears were flat and he was completely focused. Before I could signal the attack Delax's ears perked up and he whined. I froze and watched him not sure what he was hearing or sensing. For all I know he could be sensing danger near by.

He whined again and flickered his ears turning to the direction of the village. He looks at me and whines pawing at the Earth. " What is it boy? Huh?" I ask him and all I get in response is another whine. As if I excepted him to start talking. Suddenly a messenger on a horse comes the sound of the horse scares the deer off. " What the hell is wrong with you?! You just scared the food off!" I yell frustrated. The poor bastard looks scared as he jumps down from the horse. He gulps and speaks" Uhhh.. Its Calla.. your child is arriving...." My eyes widen, did he just say my child is arriving. " Shit!" I run over and jump on the horse taking off back towards the village Delax running beside me. I look back to see the messenger telling the hunting group what's going on and the start running back on the paths.

When I go to my den I could hear Calla screaming at the top of lungs. I think this scream was worse than her nightmare screams. I tried to go inside but some of the older village wives stopped me. One spoke " Child birth is scared and is between women and the Goddess of Birth. No men are to be inside." Frustrated I patiently wait pacing back and forth. Delax watched me and whined every time Calla screamed. I should be in there with her. Holding her hand and kissing her forehead giving her all the strength she needs to push our child into the world.

Its been quiet for several minutes and that scares me. Is calla okay? Is my child okay? Still pacing I hear the door open and Vivian steps out covered in blood, and after birth. I stare at her as she holds a neutral face not reveling anything. She moves out of the way and nods for me to go inside. I run inside and nearly knock the doctor over. I apologize to her and look around the room before my eyes set on calla. My eyes widen and my palms began to sweat at the sight in front of me. Calla was not holding a bundle of a joy... but TWO bundles of joy. Tears form in my eyes and for the first time in a long time I cry. I walk over to her and pick up what appears to be a sleeping baby boy. My sweet baby boy. Calla speaks softly careful not to wake either of the babies. " Marcuis, Rose this is your daddy. Daddy met Marcuis and Rose." I chuckle a little realizing how much me and Calla argued about gender and how we agreed either way the child would be named after one of our parents. Instead the Gods provided us one of each.

I kissed Calla's forehead and mumble against it, " You did a great job creating them, my love."  I am not sure how ready I am for the journey of raising twins. But I had a great father to follow by and my wife to help me. I never knew that falling for my best friend would provide me with the strength and love that I needed, but as well as the family I wanted. Our love is special. We are both strong warriors who fell for each other and created a love so strong nothing can destroy it. What we have can only be described as a Warrior's Love.

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