Festival: Day 2 pt.2

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Marcuis 's POV

The big feast should be starting in the next hour or so. I should be getting ready, but I have a tough decision to make. The clan leaders decided to switch things up this year for the big warriors fight. Normally we just send one of our best warriors from each clan to fight. It was always a sight to see as every clan trained well. Over the last couple years the people have wanted to see more fights and with different people. So this year we decided that all next successors and a chosen partner would fight. Because Refiner has yet to produce a successor he will fight instead. Which won't be bad since his still somewhat young. I already had chosen Calla as always to represent our clan to fight. She was quick and picked up her opponents ticks rather fast. She was a strategized fighter. The men are always bigger and stronger than her and she loved that challenge. I was confident that she would do great. As for my son, Ren he would do great as well. He better since I am the one who taught him how to fight. Just no one has ever seen Ren and Calla fight seriously. Who would win? Iris, my loving wife has always seen Ren and Calla together. I could see it to as they would be a strong couple and produce great warriors. But seeing Luca with Calla it seemed Calla wasn't thinking about Ren. And was Ren even ready to settle down or did he prefer nights with random girls?

Calla's POV

The big feast was in the hall and you could hear all the laughter and music playing as everyone gathered around. There were many people who were outside eating, but mostly the warriors and the clan leaders ate in the hall. I walk in a couple minutes late and find my seat is still open next to Hunt and Ren. I make my way over and stop when I see Zena plop down in my seat giving me the evil eye and smirking. I clenched my fist and just stare at her. She knows that is my seat, but I can't say anything because were allies. But if we weren't ughhh.... I would ruin that thing she calls a face and Delax would rip off her tits that she always seems to be showing off. I look around trying to find a seat and I see an open one next to Luca. I smile at him and he smiles back. Seeing it as an invitation I walk over and sit down.

I grab my plate and puts some potatoes and beans on it and reach over to grab some boar meat. As I am grabbing the meat I notice Zena is talking to Ren, but Ren is just staring at me with a blank expression. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or if he was trying to tune out the siren sitting next to him. Probably tuning out the siren. Luca kept me company and ended up introducing me to his brother Nectar. He barely looked up from his food as he was stuffing his face. The feast went on as normal with eating, drinking, yelling, and laughter. Later on in the night as everyone was just about full and drinking there mead the clan leaders stood up. It was time to see who would be fighting in tomorrows tournament.

Marcuis's POV

Speaking loudly for all to here and in a tough tone demanding respect I state " As every year we will be having our warrior tournament. But this year will be something new. As per request with wanting to see more fights and new fighters ..... we will now have TWO fighters from each clan. I hear by announce the fighters Calla and Ren to represent the Norse clan!" Cheers and stomping from our clan warriors erupted throughout the hall. It was a great honor for any warrior.

Refiner's POV

I have no successor to take my place in the fight. But I would soon my incredible wife Mia was pregnant and due soon. Calla was a good fighter and she had beaten my warriors the past two years. My chosen warrior this year would be Luca. He has come a long way and had passed each rank quicker than anyone I know. He deserved this, but as for me I hoped that my body was able to still compete with these young spirits. " I Refiner of the Redkin clan will be fighting for our clan along side a fine warrior who has proven himself well, Luca!"

Ella's POV

I was the only female clan leader, but I earned it and was still very well respected. My daughter on the other hand was the complete opposite of me. " I will be having my very own daughter Zena and her cousin, Jace fighting for the Elmers."

Fru's POV

" I declare Pal and Welx the fighters of the Notherns clan! May the Gods bless these fine warriors."

Ren's POV

Me and calla? What is my father thinking. I could handle the other warriors and frankly I was more excited to see Zena get knocked on her ass. Especially Calla ,she wasn't gone show her any mercy. But me and calla knew all each other's moves we were sparing partners so we know each other thinks. Looking over at Calla, she was unbothered by the fact of being chosen. I guess to her she wasn't worded about fighting anyone here including me. But why did she have to sit next to Luca. I was trying all night not to stare at them, but it was either stare at them or listen to whatever Zena was complaining about. Fuck that! That is far worse than any punishment. Just Luca didn't sit right with me. He never showed interest in Calla and now the same year his in the warrior's fight he suddenly has feelings for a girl he hardly spoke to. Luca your up to something I know it. I swear if you hurt Calla I will make sure you will never produce an air to carry your name.

Calla's POV

Me and Ren this will be exciting. Me and Ren were always sparing partners, I always wanted to actually fight him but never had the time. Now I have the time and I wanna see what he can really do. Seeing someone in action is one thing, but fighting them is another beast. As for Zena, mmhhm I can't wait to squash her like the bug she is. This would be the only time to put her in her place without consequences. May the Gods bless her soul. I hadn't realized I was smiling until Luca whispered in my ear for only me to hear " I love when you smile." He chewed on my earlobe a little and I couldn't help but bite my lip and my cheeks turned a rose red. Damn what is this man doing to me. I simply look at him and than his lips, teasing back. " Nibbling my ear lobe won't stop the beating your getting tomorrow." He leans in and smiling mischievously.

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