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Olaf's POV

The plan is slowly coming together. Luca's little fuck up actually worked out for the better. At first I wanted Luca to marry her, that way we would have her on our side sooner. But she isn't stupid she would have figured us out. Plus Calla was too good to be married to him. I've seen her fight during the festival, she was smart, agile, feisty, she trusted her instincts and that made her a natural warrior. Not to mention training a wolf so well, it would die for her. The gods each put their own abilities into her and a woman like that should be by  my side when I rule all.

I never agreed with have clans too much power is passed around. One clan, one land, one ruler. Once all the clans untied we would be unstoppable with all of the talents, and conquer clans over seas eventually ruling the whole world. No one knew of Ragnar and it needed to stay like that. We weren't technically a clan because we had no land to claim, but that didn't matter. My warriors were already in position across the lands hiding in plain sight. When we attack no one will know what hit them.

I just had to figure out how to dispose of Ren. He was clearly found of her and if Luca is right she feels the same. Only a matter of time before they are together. But Ren is Marcuis next he can't do anything till his dead. Kill two birds with one stone. Have Marcuis killed and while everyone is distracted sneak off with Calla. That idea could work for now , but I still need a way to dispose of Ren to make Calla forget about him. I couldn't kill him myself its too risk. My power lies in the shadows and it needs to stay that way.

Calla's POV

I made it back to Norse around mid-morning. Hunt, Virva, Marcuis and Iris were all standing at the gate and welcomed me back. I can't lie it hurt not seeing Ren there with everyone else.  Maybe his still mad at me for leaving. Maybe he has found someone and couldn't be bothered.  Iris must have read my thoughts and as we walked into the village she whispered in my ear " He is hunting. He shall be back soon." I smile and nod as she walks off with Marcuis to attend to some matters.

Gosh it felt great to be home! I didn't realize how much I missed it till I saw Hunt and Virva kissing. I smile seeing my best friends happy. I hope me and Ren are that happy. Not wanting to interrupt their moment I sneak off back to my den and unpack my bag. Practicing ways to tell Ren I like him. Ren I like you! Be with me? No... that is too straight forward.  Maybe I should hand him a flower and do our own ritual night. No what if he doesn't catch on to it. Fuck!  Why is this so hard?!?  Sighing I'll just have to wing it. I mean the worst he can say is no and make our friendship awkward for sometime.

Ren's Pov

Hunting was supposed to help distract the fact Calla should be home today. But the fact I still didn't know how to approach her about my feelings shot my nerves. I couldn't focus on hunting at all and came back to the village empty handed. I walk over to Hunt as his helping his dad skin some dead animals. " Hey is she back yet?"  " Yeah she got in a hour ago.. She kind of looked upset. I think she was hurt you weren't there." I sigh " Shit! She probably thinks I am a dick. I got to go see her!" I quickly walk away headed towards Calla's den.

Upon getting to her I become a sweaty mess. My hands feel like fountains as sweat just pours from them. I promised myself if she came back I would tell her the truth. I can't go back on that. Taking a huge gulp I knock on her door. She opened it and I was just in awe. Her hair was in this long braid that went straight back, she had a plain top but no bra and her nipples were hard. The black pants she had on hugged her tightly.  Shit I am staring like a creep!  I hug her and pray she didn't notice me checking her out or  the sudden bulge I had in my pants.  I whisper in her ear still hugging her tightly " I missed you... can I come in and talk?" She nods and walks in expecting me to follow. Well here goes nothing...

Calla's POV

 Ren had followed me in as I couldn't look at him. He looked better than I remember, those curls of black hair, the ocean blue eyes, and those muscles. UGHHH! I am surprised I wasn't drooling over him. I thought I saw him checking me out, but he quickly hugged me before I could be for sure. That and when he hugged me I thought I felt his hard cock against my lower stomach, but I just assumed it was his pants being bunched up. I was just assuming all the normal stuff as I didn't want to get my hopes up just to be let down. Ren leans against the wall looking down as I sit on the bed. It stays silent for awhile.

Clearing my throat I speak " First things first. I am not mad at you anymore for hitting Luca. I should have told you I was leaving.... it was selfish of me." I look at him and his face falters. Oh no... Did I say something wrong?  Ren speaks " You weren't being selfish Calla. I was! I should have been happy for you and trusted Luca better. All though what happened between you two?"  I sigh and rub my hands together nervously as I was still wasn't really sure what happened either. " Well I am not really sure myself. I mean he trusted me , but didn't I guess. He was hiding something or maybe even someone for me. He chose to not tell me so I left." Ren nods not pushing the subject any further and it goes back to an awkward still silence.  Just say it! Say I like you! Stop being a little wuss and spit it out!  

My mind was attacking me while my body betrayed me. I tried to speak but every time I opened my mouth nothing came out. I looked down at my shoes as I tried to find the courage to speak. I can kill someone no hesitation, but can't admit my feelings for someone. Suddenly I hear Ren say " Fuck this!" I look up at Ren thinking he was leaving I am left breathless as he smashes his lips against mine. I freeze as he kisses me with passion, and a sense of urgency. It takes me a split second to start retuning the kiss with just as much  passion and urgency.

Ren pushed me down on the bed crawling in-between my legs his bulge pressing against my core. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist I pull him as close as he can get and keep kissing him. This felt amazing his lips on mine and our bodies pressed against one another. I felt like two puzzle pieces that fit, my stomach was filled with dancing butterflies. In this moment the world was still and the only thing that mattered was Ren and I.

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