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Calla's POV

It's been a week since Ren left for the trade routes. He should be back any day now and I just can't wait. I am slowly starting to think that Iris might be right and that I might be pregnant. My cycle was still not here and I was still very sick when it came to food. I had finally decide to tell Vivian about it, so while we were out in the fields picking corn I just blurted it out. " I think I am with child!" Vivian dropped her basket of corn and started squealing and jumping up and down. " That is amazing!! I knew it wouldn't be much longer! I mean no offense, but you two fuck like rabbits. Now if only me and Hunt can have a child.. Wait, does Ren know?" She rambled out, to say the least she was very excited. I sigh and sit down in the dirt, " No he doesn't know. Iris just had just put the idea in my head.. and well things are pointing to pregnancy." She sits in the dirt with me and grabs my hand. " Obviously I am excited for you and I will always be here for you. But how are you feeling about this?"

I sighed I always wanted a family, but the idea of actually having one now was scaring me. " I am extremality happy that the Gods blessed me and Ren, but I am not sure I will be a good mother. I mean I didn't even have my own mother and father to raise me. My instincts are based on war not mother hood. What if when this child comes I fail at it. Not only would I be failing that child I would also be failing Ren." I looked down and Vivian squeezed my hand bringing me to raise my head up. She smiled at me. " You are going to be a great mother. You would lay down your life for this child and so will Ren. The Gods know you will be a good mother that is why they blessed you. Your instincts will develop over time. And you may not have had your birth parents, but you had Iris and Marcius. " Tears had began to form in my eyes at the speech coming out her mouth. But it was the mention of Marcius that made those tears fall. It was true I didn't have my birth parents, but I had the next best thing. And Marcius and Iris loved me as one of their own.

As I went to say thank you the horns at the gate began to go off. Ren was back! My face lit up and I got up running towards the gates. Vivian on my heels. When we got to the gates the warriors who went with Ren came in first. Vivian went full speed and tackled Hunt to the ground hugging him, peppering his face with kisses. I chuckled a little and stood their anxiously wanting to see Ren and tell him the news.  God where is he?  Ren suddenly walked through the gates and my face grew a smile. But the smile was slowly pulled off my face as I see Ren holding a chain. Following that chain at the very end of it was a chained and badly beaten Olaf.

Ren's POv

After meeting with all the clans to discuss better trade routes and how we were going to protect them from bandits. I was ready to go back to Calla. My stomach had been gnawing at me that something was wrong with her. I am sure my instincts were wrong because she was fine before I left and no messenger has been sent to me say otherwise. But my instincts were never wrong. We were due back at the camp any day now. So I would find out soon enough. I was hoping the other clans would have information on Olaf, but no one had anything. It was assumed he was hiding amongst those with no clan. So with the new trade route patrols we are hoping someone will spot him very soon. The sooner he is caught the sooner I can take my revenge.

Walking back to the village we come across and unusually large group of bandits. Thinking we were going to have to prepare for a fight they surprisingly let us through. That's what odd. Usually bandits are nothing but trouble. Continuing walking one of the bandits jumps into our formation right next to  me. His hood up so I couldn't see his face. He whispered in a deep voice " We have what you want." I chuckle and reply " What could a bandit have that I want?" Bandits were nothing but trouble and the only thing he probably had to offer was something he stole that either belonged to the clan or was supposed to get to the clan. " Well I believe you wanted a man named Olaf if my sources are true." I stop dead in my tracks, " You have Olaf?!" He nods and continues walking so I have to catch up a bit.  I knew better than to trust a bandit, but if what he says is true than it was a risk possible worth taking. " Name your price bandit!" He clears his throat and  speaks, " It is rather simple. We give you Olaf and come winter any supplies we need you give us." Hmmm. Olaf in hand, but gathering extra supplies for winter. That will be kind of tough, but it can be done.  After thinking for some time I nod. " You have a deal." He takes his hood off and whistles. Suddenly two very large men bring me a hooded figured. I stop the formation and pull off the hood of this figure and my eyes greet me with a blood covered Olaf.

Grinning wickedly as I see Olaf's face covered in cuts and bruises. His left eye swollen shut. His skin pale and his lips dried and chapped. " Chain now!" I command and someone brings me a chain. Taking the chain I grab his hands and tightly wrap the chain around his wrist. I make it so tight that even the slightest hand movement will cause the chains to rip open into his skin. I tug on the chain causing him to fall on his knees. " Oh when I am done with you, your gonna wish for death!" I look over at the guy who was clearly the leader of this bandit group. " When winter comes come to the Norse clan and ask for me. I will give you what you seek." The man nodded and pulled his hood up walking away and his bandits following. Me and the other man began walking again. Occasionally I yank on Olaf's chain just so I can hear him trip and drag his feet.

We finally got back to the village as we could see the gates. I let the warriors go in first. I didn't want to scare the villages by bringing in Olaf first. All the warriors walked in and Hunt was tackled by Vivian. I laughed softly as I felt the home sickness kick in.  I really miss Calla.  I walk into the gates and I am greeted by those big stormy grey eyes. I am met with a smile, but that smile fades quickly as her eyes follow to the monster on the chain. At first I couldn't tell what she was feeling, but suddenly I saw the rage on her face. Calla walked over quickly and I thought she was coming to give me a hug. Wrong! She walked up to Olaf and gave him a hard right hook knocking him down on the ground. He spit out blood and a tooth. I smiled a little to see him in pain because this was just the start. One of my advisors walks over and I give him the chain and telling him to tie him to a tree. 

I embrace Calla into a hug and hug her tightly. I bury my nose in her hair and take a deep sniff in. The smell of honeysuckles filling my nostrils." I missed you so much!" She chuckles and replies " We missed you too." I smile and keep hugging her.  Wait... Did she just say we? " I pull her away from me and look around to see who else she could be talking about. Delax wasn't around and neither was my mother so I am confused. " Umm Calla who is this we?"  Calla smiled up at me and blushed. I smile gently and rub her checks wondering what is going on in her pretty little head. " Well... ummm. It seems like I am with child."   I am with child . With child?  What does she mean w-" Your pregnant!!!" I shout picking her up and hugging her. I twirl her around as I scream over and over " Your pregnant!!!!" Everyone near us turns and looks at the commotion and starts cheering as the news of a future leader is on the way.  Calla squeals and begs for me to put her down.

I set her down and kiss her passionately. I finally pull away when both of us need air to breath. " I love you so much!" I say as I place my hands on her stomach rubbing it softly. She giggles a little and her face is a deep red. " I love you. And as much as I want to celebrate this. We need to deal with Olaf." She says jerking her head over to the tree he was now bound up at. I growl a little looking at him. " What exactly shall we do to him though? He is the reason so many of own died including my father!" Calla turns and looks at him placing her hands on her hips. " I say we and the rest of the clan deiced what happens to him.  After all we lost someone because of him."  I nod my head she had a valid point. I shout " Clan meeting in ten minutes in the hall! All are to attend!"                                                     

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