Festival: Day 3

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Calla's POV

The first match of the day was me verses Luca. It was a good match, but I had noticed that when he went to punch he always dropped his arm and his eye would squint. At first I thought it was just sweat in his eyes. Luca  moved fast for a big guy, so I was just dodging his punches and kicks letting him tire himself out. But after three or four punches I realized it wasn't sweat in his eyes. After dodging one of his round house kicks I had punched him across the jaw and kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall. I took this opportunity to quickly pin his arms down. That's all it took to win the fights. First person to pin their opponent. Because in a real fight if your pinned your dead. Luca did not seem hurt by his lost, but he smirked at me . We cleared the ring for the next match. Huh?  That's weird... oh well I need to watch the others and prepare for my next fight.

 Zena was my next fight after she beat Renfier. She wasn't a bad fighter I will admit that, but I was way better than her. And now was my chance to finally put her in her place once and for all. We both entered the ring me on one side and Zena on the other. She was just staring at me with this look of hatred. I didn't care how she looked at me. She hates me for an idea she created in her crazy head. I didn't want Ren, his my best friend I could never take that risk of losing him. But Zena was too dumb to see that and uses the fact she is a future clan leader to fuck with me. A bitch move. But her mother couldn't protect her here. Both of  us walk into the center of the ring and bow to show respect before getting in our fighting stances. We circled each other slowly. Everyone around the ring were cheering for their favorite. I was everyone favorite this round except if you were in the Elmer clan.

Zena and I circled each other like birds circle prey. " After I knock you on your ass. You will stay away from Ren! " Zena says before throwing a right hook. Dodging down I  jab her in the ribs. Getting up quickly I resume my fighting stance. Rolling my eyes at her while she recovers from my hit. " Look Zena I don't like Ren like that! But I will enjoy knocking you on your ass." That was the last thing I said to her as I start to throw a series of punches. She was blocking them pretty well but I had her off balance as she was trying to back away. I quickly sweep her leg and she falls. In a flash I grab her by the throat and slam her hard to the ground. Pinning her I whisper in her ear " Try me again, and I will make sure to kill you!" I get off her as everyone cheers. I simply walk off the ring and down to watch the rest of the fights. I had finally made it to the final fight, but I didn't know who I was fighting yet.

Ren's POV

Watching Calla take Zena down was hot I can't lie. Calla looked good when she was fighting. So focused and determined she didn't let anyone touch her. And I am sure she said something to Zena about me because Zena was pissed after the match. Going  in the ring I would be fighting Welx. He was an easy victory, he was hungover from last nights drinking at the feast. So my next fight was against Pal. He had beaten Jace pretty badly. Jace left the ring with a black eye, and three missing teeth. Which was a little much just to get a pin. I mean we all threw punches, but not hard enough to seriously hurt someone. Just enough to get them unbalanced or unfocused and go for the pin.

Pal wasted no time after the bow to start throwing punches and kicks for my head. His motive quiet clear, get my opponent so hurt that when I pin they have no strength to resist. It wasn't a bad plan, but it makes foot work sloppy. So as I blocked and dodged his attempts I take a risk and lunge at his legs. Moving quickly I grab his legs and using my legs I wrap them around his head and squeeze. Pinning him I had won. I felt proud as I had won my first two real fighting matches. But that proud feeling was replaced with anxiety as realization set in I would have to fight Calla in the final match.

Calla entered the ring and I could feel the sweat forming on my hands. No one was cheering. This was a match where no one was sure of the outcome and frankly I have never been this nervous. Calla and I bowed starting the fight, but of us hesitant  to make the first move. Circling each other I tried to form a plan her weak side was her right side, so maybe if I attack her right she will be too busy protecting it she will slip up. This better work... but what if I hurt her.  Hurting Calla would be the last thing I wanted to do we never experienced each other's full power hits. What if I hit her and she gets hurt? Calla must have sensed my worry and used that moment to attack. Before I could gather my thoughts together she swept my legs and climbed on top of me trying to pin me. I wasn't going down that easy and she should know that using my weight I rolled us over and slammed her on the ground. I heard a wince as I looked down at her trying to pin her.  Oh god! Did I hurt her is she okay? Damn it woman! Stop failing your arms so I can pin you! I never thought Calla would play dirty, but there were no rules and if she was in this situation in war she would do the same. But did she have to hit so hard. I groaned out as Calla hit me in my balls and I quickly moved my hands to them. Calla used this moment to punch me in the chest causing me to fall back and pin me. She won and I couldn't be mad at her she fought better than me. Maybe If I wasn't so worried on hurting her I could have won. Looking up at her stormy gray eyes I felt this extreme urge to kiss her and I began leaning up to do so.

Calla's POV

 Ren was looking me in the eyes as he was leaning up to do something. I am surprised he isn't mad at me for hitting him in his private or for him losing the tournament. Instead he was calm and collected. Which was weird because he wasn't calm during the fight, I could sense it.  Why is he leaning in so slow? Did I hurt him ?  Ren's lip parted and he suddenly stopped as if pondering something. Suddenly he hugged me and said " Good match! " I couldn't help feel like he meant to do something else, but he knew better than to kiss me. It would cause tension in our friendship, so maybe this feeling is just in my head. I hug him back as everyone cheered and seemed to enjoy the match. Marcuis walked over to both of us as we got up and grabbed my hand throwing it in the air. Marcuis was the father I never had so to hear the proudness in his voice brought me great joy. " And this year's winner is the mighty fearless CALLLLLLAAAAAA!!!!!" Everyone from our clan  was cheering the loudest, but the other clans respected me and my skills and clapped and cheered a little. Luca was looking at me with a look of admiration, but when I went to look at Ren his back was to me as he just walked away.  What is wrong with him?

Ren's POV

 I can't believe I was gonna kiss her ... 

Author's Note: Thank you so much guys for the comments, reads, and voting!! As of this morning the book is ranked #7!! And it is all because of you guys. Please keep doing that and I promise to keep writing.

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