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Ren's POV

We have been out here for about five days now. Which means we were close to Olaf's camp. Each day we got closer the more terrible my nerves got. I didn't want to admit to myself the very real possibility that Calla was hurt or even dead. I have pictured her beaten, raped, tortured or dead.  Warriors and the clan leaders could sense my uneasiness and tried to help ease my mind. But honestly nothing was going to ease my mind until I see calla, her in my arms safe and sound, her honey like smell filling my nostrils, and the taste of her lips on mine. I missed her deeply and I promised that if she came back to me I would marry her. She was the love of my life and I can't have anyone else. We were setting up camp near a lake. I had volunteered for patrol, but Refiner would not let me. He said I looked like death and he probably was right. I had been patrolling almost every night since we left.

Putting my blanket down on the ground I lay down and look up at the stars. Everyone else was laying near fires and sleeping. But I couldn't sleep. My body felt tired but it would not allow me to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes all I saw was Calla's face.  Looking up at the stars speaking " Gods, please don't take this incredible woman out my life. I know I fucked up and it took me so long to find these feelings. But I love with her with all my body and all my soul. I would die for her. Just please let her come back to me." Tears formed in my eyes and as much as I didn't want to cry I could no longer hold it in. I silently sobbed. Thinking the Gods were punishing me for all my past actions. First they took my father and now it looked they were going to take Calla.

Suddenly on the west side of camp a commotion was heard. I sat up and listened and someone yelled " Enemy approaching!" I ripped my blanket off me and grabbed my sword that was laying next to me. Several warriors including myself ran over to the west side of camp. While other warriors went out to secure the other areas of camp incase this was an ambush. Upon reaching the west side we looked out into the dark woods. I couldn't see anyone coming but you could hear several branches braking. It didn't sound like an ambush as there was no marching noises with the sound of branches breaking. Hmmm. Something isn't right.  My gut was telling me to stand down, but there was no way I was going to stand down until I knew we weren't being attack.

The sounds got closer and everyone had there swords drawn ready to attack. Some archers had there arrows trained at the edge of the woods. Suddenly a brown-reddish wolf jumped out of some bushes facing us. Everyone was confused as the wolf came running towards us. It showed no signs of hostility, but it appeared to be very friendly. Suddenly the wolf jumped on me knocking me over and began licking my face.  Wait a .... Delax!!!  I pet behind his ears and I smile. " Easy boy.. Where is Calla? Where is she?!" Delax jumped off me and stared out into the woods barking. Once everyone realized that the wolf was Delax it meant Calla was close. Suddenly the sound of twigs snapping nearby turned everyone's head. And under the moonlight at the very edge you could see the wavy grey hair. Looking down slowly I was met with those stormy grey eyes. Calla. My Calla. I ran over to her as fast as I could and hugged her tightly. I picked her up as we hugged and her legs wrapped around my waist. I could tell she had been out here for awhile. She smelled, and had twig branches in her hair. 

She began to cry and whispered in my ear " I thought I would never see you again." I pet her head and slowly walked back to camp going back to my area near the lake. " Shhh... Your not getting ride of me that easily now.." She chuckled a little and as we got back to my area she kissed me passionately. I couldn't help but kiss her back just as hard. She was finally back in my arms and was safe, unharmed. That's all I wanted. " As much as I love you darling, you need a bath." We both chuckled through our tears. Putting her down she walked over to the lake. Undressing and diving into the lake to clean herself. Word past through the camp fast of Calla's return.  Refiner had ordered everyone even the clan leaders to let us have our moment and that this changes nothing on our attack. That tomorrow as we ride Calla can fill us in on key details.  Walking over to the lake and I quickly stripped. Joining Calla in the lake. She swam over to me and hugged me wrapping herself around my waist. I held her and kissed her neck. As much as I wanted to know what happened to her. All that mattered right now was that she was safe and I was dying to show her how much I loved her.

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