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Ren's POV

The voyage left early this morning as the winds were really strong, signs of a storm rolling in. Father had been acting quiet nervous and paranoid the whole time while preparing for the voyage. I just thought it was because its always scary to send voyagers out across the sea because there was a chance of them never returning. But lately his been receiving all types of letters and burning them before anyone can read them, he has  intensified training among the soldiers, and the newest thing is his had the weapons locked and guarded. He was scaring the village as theses were things we did before planning to go to war.  Who would we go to war with? All the clans are at peace. Has father gone mind?

 Father was out making sure the borders of our land were secure and wouldn't be back until nightfall. But has called in emergency meeting with me and the war advisors. It was asked to be kept discrete as he didn't wanna panic the village just yet. I had told Calla about it and she was just as confused as I was. She was in the woods more than anyway and never felt unsafe or noticed anything unusual. It was possible that maybe word was found the drifters were planning an attack, but all of the drifters we welcomed or have seen knew of such thing.

I think the fact we had no idea what we could face is what made this whole thing so scary. We didn't know what to expect and that maybe us vulnerable. Trying to figure out what was going on seemed to ravage my mind all day as I lost track of time. Realizing it was night time I made my way to the middle of the village and entered the hall where war plans were always discussed. Everyone is there. Father nodded and began to speak. " I call this meeting because we have received word from our allies that a new clan is emerging... A very hostile clan. No one knows where their land is nor who the leader is. I have taken precautions to make sure we are prepared, but I am also worried that their could be traitors among us. So keep this information to yourselves and be on the look out for anything suspicious. Dismissed." Everyone began to leave saying nothing. 

Walking over to father I put my hand on his shoulder " Our people are very loyal. I doubt any of them want to see this clan fall. As for the rumored clan if it is true we will deal with them." I say trying to bring my father some comfort it seemed to work and I was given a small smile. Before anything could be said the patrol horn was blown. Both me and father's face went pale. We were being attacked. Pulling out my sword and my father puling his we rushed out and were stunned. Several of warriors were being attacked by our own. I didn't have time to react as I was being attacked by two warriors.

Fighting off my attackers I was able to kill one stabbing him in the heart and wounding the other wanting to keep him alive to question him later. I turned looking around in all the chaos to find my father. I didn't have to look far as I found him laying on the ground a sword sticking out of his chest. I run over falling onto my knees by his side. " Father.. NO! Don't leave me!" I screamed the tears flowing down my checks as I look at my father. He wasn't moving or breathing and his eyes were wide open staring off into nothing. Crying I close his eyes and weep. I am not sure how long I weep, but it was long enough for the attack to end and for the whole village to surround me.

My mother came running over and sobbed next to me. She was in denial as she shook his body screaming and begging for him to wake up. At the point the whole village was crying as we lost our great leader.  I will have to take his place. Am I ready for that? Why did our warriors betray us? I am going to kill whoever is responsible for this! Wait. Where is Calla? I scan the crowd looking for Calla. She wasn't here. " Where is Calla?!" I yelled and no one spoke. No one has seen her.  Oh god.. What if she is dead too?  I get up and several people including Hunt and Virva began looking amongst the dead to find her. Other's checked her den and halls for her. One warrior spoke " She is gone. She isn't here...." 

Where the fuck is she than? I just spoke to her before the meeting. She couldn't have betrayed us and fled with the traitors. She loved this clan and Marcius was just as much her father as mine. She was missing. But why? Who would take her? Whoever it was, was a dead man walking. The rest of the night was spent gathering the bodies and in the morning we would have a mass funeral. After the funeral I would be having a meeting with all warriors and advisors to figure out how hell broke loose. And figure out where Calla was. Just I hope she was safe and unharmed.

~ next morning~

Mother had spent the majority of the night crying. I am not sure how she has the energy for the funeral right now. Gathering in an empty field we lit ten warriors bodies on fire on pyres. The last to go was my father. Walking over my mother placed the gold coins over his eyes and stepped away. " Follow your soldiers into the land of the gods. They wait for you. I will protect this village and keep it safe. Carrying on your name. Your name shall never be forgotten by this clan." Steeping away I throw the torch into the pyre and watch the flames grow eventually devouring my fathers body. A great man was nothing but a pile of ash now.

Returning from the funeral all the warriors and war advisors gathered. After going over everything the attack was definitely planned. But no one knew for how long, or any useful information really. And that frustrated the hell out of me because someone out there knew something. " I want a list of the traitors! BY NIGHTFALL!!! And a search team ready to find Calla in the morning!" If we wanted any chance of catching them we would need to track them down. And with it already almost being a day we were already behind. I am coming for whoever did this. I don't care who or why they did it. All I know is when I find them they will die a slow painful death. Revenge. 

Author's Note: Hey girls and guys! Just a quick reminder. Happy Thanksgiving! I will upload one more chapter before the holiday and one after the holiday as well. At this point chapters will be a mix of short and long so bare with me. We are climbing to the climax of the story at this point! I am thankful for the readers that I have and the votes as well. My book is doing better than what I was expecting. Was not expecting these decent ranks so it means a lot to me. Hopefully the hard work pays off and more people find this story.

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