Festival: Day 2 pt.1

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Ren's POV

The village was busy yesterday trying to get a head count of all the meats and crops we would need for today's fest. Accoriding to my father the butcher and cooks estimated we would at least need seventeen deer, four wild boars, and at least thirty pounds worth of crops. The crops were no problem we had a lot of land that was very fertile. Most of the crops should have been harvested yesterday, which I know most of the farm hands attend too. We manly grew corn, potatoes, carrots, and all different types of beans. The hard part would be catching the wild animals. The deer were in mating season so they were out and about. But we would have to chase most of them down. And wild boars are never easy to catch as they move so fast and tend to be by themselves. They were the hardest to track. But any great hunter enjoys the hunt. It was decided that we would take a smaller hunting group this year, due to the fact some morons last year got lost.

As always the hunting group included the clan leaders and their next successor , and their best hunter. Meeting at the main gate a group a group of ten us were there, but we should have eleven. Everyone except Refiner had their next and everyone had their best hunter... except for us! I couldn't help, but roll my eyes as I realize who we are missing. Calla must have left before all of us to either scout out the woods or she simply started without us. Everyone knew about Calla being our best hunter, I mean how often do you hear about a female warrior having a wolf as a pet. So father wasted no time and began leading the hunting partying. It was mid- morning and we need to be back by late afternoon. So we were short on time.  As we walked the hunting trail that leads to the meadow where most of the deer graze Refiner decide to speak up his voice a rough raspy one. " So when will the great Calla be joining us?" Everyone but Zena chuckled at the question. For everyone knew Calla never really played by the rules, but she so damn good  yet respectful that no one took offense to her in anyway.

My father responded as we spread out getting closer to the meadow we carefully walk not trying to make much sound. He lowly talks " Calla is a free spirit. She goes where the wind takes her. I am sure she is here and we don't even know it." I smile as my father was right Calla was nothing but a pure wild child, but it suits her. And her and Delax did make a good team I am sure they were near scooping out the prey. Zena surprisingly spoke " I think its disrespectful. She thinks she is better than us just because she has some witchy spell on a wolf." her tone full of hate. We near the meadow and crotch down staying low as we can see a herd of deer grazing. There were several strong bucks and a lot of does. If we moved fast and accurate we could get all seventeen deer we needed in one shot. I looked at Zena as she wasn't too far from me and I glare at her. I hate how she tried to turn the clans against Calla, and since Calla wasn't here I would defend her. I open my mouth to put her in her place but instead of my voice coming out the voice of heaven and pure honey is talking. " If I am a witch I'd be careful of what you say. Delax loves to eat a bitch!" I turn and Calla is now crouching beside me in some bushes. Everyone was finally here which means we could attack. It was an easy plan everyone had spread out and we had the deer enclosed. In one swift attack most of  us charged with swords or an axe drawn cutting down any deer we could. Others stayed back and shot the deer from a distance with bows and arrows. Even Delax participated and took down two deer trying to escape. Overall we killed about  half the herd getting about seven bucks and twelve does.

Some of the stronger warriors like me, Pal, and Refiner dragged three of the carcasses back to the village while everyone else had two. We were happy to get all the deer taken care of, but we still had to go back for the boars. I looked over my shoulder after dropping my meat off at the butcher to see Calla and a warrior I believe his name was Luca from the Redkin tribe talking to her. The seemed close as we walked back to the gate getting ready for second hunt as it was the afternoon. They were laughing and talking about something and Luca kept touching her whether it was to push her slightly or just accidently brush his hand with hers. I didn't like it at all. I didn't like Luca when it came to Calla, he was up to no good I am sure of it. No one should touch Calla!

Calla's POV

 Walking with Luca as  we walked the hunting trails looking for boar tracks was awkward at first. Usually I am partnered with Ren, but Luca had asked me first and we were having such a good conversation that a yes just fell out my mouth. Luca was a strong warrior he came for the Redkin tribe and he was very good looking. He had his dirt colored hair that grew so long it was pulled back into a bun. His side of his head were shaven. He was muscular and had very hard facial features and just dark brown eyes that almost looked black. Luca's voice was strange because his voice wasn't deep like most warriors, but it was just very hoarse. " Calla I have to ask what is between you and Ren? Are you guys to be wed?" Hearing his question the idea of me and Ren being together sent butterflies in my stomach, but I quickly dismissed them. I know I love Ren as a friend and what girl wouldn't wanna marry her best friend at some point if she could? I chuckled a little and continued looking at the ground looking for any disturbances from a boar " No and no. There is nothing going on between me and Ren besides a great friendship. We are childhood friends. Our fathers were best friends and we were born several days apart. Why do you ask?" I had found some broken branches and what looked like wild boar tracks. Delax had caught the scent and walked in front of both of us tracking the scent down.

Luca said nothing at first and I began to wonder if he had even heard me. Luca and I have never really talked before today. So I was curious as to  why he took the sudden interest in me. I was known for scaring boys off, or simply not giving them what they wanted. Sex. I weirdly had no interest in have sex with someone as I found that most boys weren't really my type. I liked a challenge and no one ever gave me that. Luca finally spoke and was rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke as he got nervous for some reason. " Well its just that no one has seen you so close with a man besides him. And your  reallly...b-beautiful and an amazing warrior. You could have any man worshipping you like a god. Even me...." Delax cam running back and licked my hand which meant he had found the boar and were close. I quickly pull out my bow and arrow and look at Luca who had his sword pulled out. " Delax is gonna scare and chase the boar our way so be ready."  Luca only gave me a nod in respond and I whistled lowly and Delax took off. A couple seconds past and we see bushes and shrubs moving fast towards our way and you see Delax chasing. I aim my arrow at the bush that should move next and fires. There is a loud shrieking sound from behind the bush coming from a boar. Luca walks over and quickly stabs the boar in the heart putting it out its misery. I pull my arrow out as Luca picks up the boar and we start walking back to the village in silence. 

The others meet us at the gate and we all have a boar. The Gods definitely blessed out hunt today. I look at Luca " Thank you for what you said about me being a beautiful and an amazing warrior. And who knows maybe I will take you up on that offer." smirking playful as I turn walking away. My hips swaying  as I walked to my den. I could feel Luca just watching me.  I'm not sure what it was about Luca, but he attracted me like fly to honey. Maybe ritual night will be fun after all. 

Luca's POV

  Damn! She has such a nice ass. I walk away towards the camp that was set up for us visiting clans. A huge smile plastered on my face, I hope she takes my offer. I walked past Ren who was staring daggers at me. I don't know what his problem is, but if I had to guess Zena probably pissed him off. God that girl is annoying.

Ren's POV

 Watching Luca walk away after he was clearly checking Calla's ass out. I was furious. He shouldn't be looking at her like that she was more than just ass. And why was he smiling so hard? What had happened while they were hunting?  Calla please don't fall for him..

Author's note: Hey Guys! Wrote this on break! So sorry for any errors. This chapter was too long to do in just one  part. So I split it into too. So next chapter is all about the feast! Please share any ideas and comments. Also please share my story with others!

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