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Calla's POV

The attack happened so fast last night. It just seemed like one minute I was talking to Ren. He was worried that his father was hiding something and that we would talk after the meeting. The way Marcuis was acting he was definitely hiding something, but it was hard to tell what. After talking to Ren I went to look for Delax I hadn't seen him all day and that worried me. He was always by my side for the most of the day. Walking around the village I asked if anyone had seen him and I noticed several warriors acting weird. Like one was just twirling his sword around as if waiting for something. I quickly dismissed it as everyone noticed the changes going around and I simply assumed I wasn't the only one feeling this tension. Oh how wrong I was. Suddenly a war horn was blown and several of our own warrior's and some drifters started attacking. Before I even had a real chance to protect my fellow warriors I was grabbed from behind. Kicking and thrashing around I tried to get my assailant to drop me. As panicked as I was the arms holding me strangely felt familiar. Instead of being dropped I was hit hard in the back of the head with the hilt. Everything went dark.

Slowly stirring awake my body started to crack and pop in all different places. It was clear I had been out for a couple hours maybe even a day or two. Stretching  my limbs trying to start up blood flow in them I notice a cold shackle around my right ankle. Attached to the shackle was a chain. Jumping up I quickly notice I am not in mine nor Ren's den. The bed I slept on was not one I recognize and the fact I was shackled to the pin in the ground was a quick reminder of last nights events. I've been kidnapped. Who was dumb  enough to kidnap me? What stupid son of a bitch would plan a revolt and think they would get away with it. I need to get out of these shackles or find a weapon before my attacker returns. God knows how long I've been out. Looking around the room I realized how screwed I am. There was no weapons around or anything I could use as a weapon. I was just left in a room with a bed. Wait I can use the pin I am shackled to as a knife and the chain I can whip at someone. Running to the pin I struggle to pull it out the ground but eventually get it. Separating the chain from the pin I smile. I now had two weapons.

Suddenly the door opened and I turn around quickly hiding the pin behind my back tucking it slightly into my pants. The man in front of me was actually good looking much to my surprise. He was probably a little older than me, his head was shaved, he was very tall and muscular, but what stood out was his left eye was green while his right eye was a cloudy grey with a scar going through it. Clearly it had been a battle scar, so maybe if I am lucky he can't see out of that eye and I can attack.

" Before you get any ideas I can particle see out of this eye." Damn it! There goes that plan.  I stay silent as I didn't trust this man. His looks may have been good looking, but he gave off an aurora colder than death. He spoke again his voice being deep and rough no signs of caring and compassion at all. " Let me introduce myself I am Olaf Venier. Leader of what will be Ragnar. And may I just say the rumors of your beauty do not do you justice. You are not only beautiful, but a natural warrior. You impress me and that is something very hard to do."

Clearly this Olaf guy was crazy. I had never heard of a clan called Ragnar. And the fact he kept calling me beautiful had made my screen call. I spoke not wanting to seem weak and needing time to create a new plan. " Well those are just rumors. I will gladly show you how natural I am if you don't let me go!" Olaf chuckled and began shaking his head leaning against the door. " Oh Calla... I've been watching you for awhile now. I know how you think. Your very tactical. If I wanted to harm you I would have the three days you were asleep. I am sorry Luca hit you so hard. He has been punished for that."

 I've been out for three days?!?! WAIT! " What do you mean Luca?" Olaf said nothing and just stared at me. That's why those arms felt so familiar. I had been in those arms several times. I wanted to be upset, but I couldn't because frankly I never loved Luca. But the fact he betrayed me, and the clans was enough to fuel my anger. Speaking with venom in my voice," If you don't wish to harm me, why shackle me? Take my weapons? And I am assuming you took Delax as well huh?" Olaf nodded. " Yes we took Delax as well. You trained him well several of my men have missing fingers. As for the shackles and weapons it was necessary or else you would have slaughtered my men and I can't have that."

I couldn't help but smile at the idea of Delax biting several fingers off. But I still didn't trust this Olaf guy. There was more than what he was leading on, but for now I would have to take the bait until either I found a way out or was rescued. Olaf spoke again, " I truly mean you no harm. I can have someone bring Delax as well as food and water. All I ask in return is that you do not judge me. Or my people." Considering the offer I realize I don't have much of a choice. I had no idea where I was. If I ran they could easily catch me. I had to put some trust into this Olaf guy. So I simply nodded and he left. I sigh " How the hell do I get out of this?" Circling the bed I realized I don't know what happened back home.  Oh god... Please let Ren be okay!  Let everyone be okay. But I can not lose Ren I just got him. Ren  and the rest of the clan consumed my thoughts. I wanted everyone to be okay but only one person mattered more than them. Ren.

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