Festival: Day 1

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Calla's POV

Day one of spring festival is always the craziest. The Northerns arrived first as they were just a about a weeks ride from us. They were strange in certain ways. They were so pale and most had green or gray eyes, and all had white hair.  Rumor was that they were the furthest clan to travel north and they had been there for so many generations that they started to turn into the icy nature they call home. But they were really welcoming. The next group to arrive was the Elmers. The Elmers came from the west and were known for there great blacksmiths work. There land was rich in the metals  so they always had the finest weapons. The last to come was the Redkins they came from the south.  They were very burial and made all their enemies tremble in fear. They were known for barbaric things such as tying a rope to each limb on a enemy and tying it to  end of the horses than scared the horses making them run off pulling each limb off.  They were the tribe to go to if you had a traitor or enemy who was not willing to talk. Than there was our clan we pretty much stayed to the west and had the best crops and wildlife, hence why we always hosted festivals we essentially had the best food.

Day one was busy with people running around trying to get enough food and drink premade for the fest tomorrow night. Everyone had there fair sure to do. I hadn't seen Ren but of course he was too busy of meeting the clans and speaking to leaders and such. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to speak to him much until the festival was over. Hunt was helping his father the butcher count how much food we would need to bring to feed everyone  at the feast and Viva was helping with getting some harvest crops ready to be eaten. Since it was festival season we had extra patrolling duty just incase of an attack while we celebrate. I was patrolling the south gate that was out towards the docks and out looked the sea. As I looked out the sea I couldn't help but think about Ren's eyes and how they perfectly matched. Those eyes that gave me goosebumps every time he looked at me. I- I need to stop! That is my best friend and just a friend his never shown interest before. I don't know why my brain wants to play tricks with my heart, but I have seen Ren's type and I am not it.

Ren's POV

 The clans had actually arrived a little earlier this year normally the last one doesn't arrive to almost nightfall. But than again it has been an extremely good winter for all. No wars, only about ten people from all the clans lost someone from illness or old age, more warriors have been  accepted. The Gods were looking down on us . I was busy with my father greeting the clan leaders and their next of kin. The Northen  clan leader was is Fru Hambrsgki and his son, Pal was the next leader. Personally I didn't really understand why we were allies with the Northen clan they don't offer anything, but I rather have one more ally than another enemy. The Redkin leader is  Refnier the red, next of kin is yet to be born. His wife was pregnant, but wouldn't be do till end of summer so no one knew for sure who was next in kin. And the last clan the Elmers leader is Ella Green, her next of kin wad her  daughter Zena. I liked all of the clans and their leaders, except for Zena.

Zena became a pain in my ass when she turned seventeen. She constantly through herself at me at the festival ritual and every year for the past two years I have rejected her. Last year though she decide to play dirty to try and get my attention. I was with Calla and  Hunt on ritual night sitting by the fire drunk as shit. We all were seeing two of everything. Hunt and Calla were pushing each other and Calla had stumbled and fallen right into my lap. We all were laughing, but strangely in a non -sexual way it felt good having her in my lap and my hands on her waist. Zena had been watching on the other side of the fire and had gotten jealous. So when Calla went to the side  of the barn Zena had pushed her in Calla's vomit! Calla wanted to fight and tear Zena to sheds, but she knew she couldn't because of Zena position. Calla had walked right past me pissed hitting my shoulder and saying " Control your bitch!" Calla and Zena never liked each other after that. Calla had every right to be upset it is Zena who needs to move on. It wasn't fair Calla couldn't fight her because since we are allies. We can not go after an alley's next clan leader.  After that night Calla stays the hell away from Zena, cause through is Calla would kill her weak ass in a blink of an eye. Speaking of Zena here comes over here as if she has been summoned and I let out a growl. " STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I growl in a deep menacing voice. I walk away not looking back at her as I try and go find my father. May the Gods help me get through this festival.

Author's note: Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the other two. This chapter is really long and I wanted it split into parts bases on the 4 day festival. Thank you again for taking the time to read my story!!

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